how does the course in miracles address christ's suffering and crucifixion

by Dr. Jose Ullrich DDS 6 min read

The text in which those miracles appear shows that there were six miracles that took place between the sixth and the ninth hours (noon – 3:00 PM), the time of Jesus’ ultimate suffering for the punishment of sin, not his own—he never committed any sin—but for the sins of actual sinners, from a depraved and condemned human race.

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Is a course in Miracles a Christian book?

After Schucman’s death, the Foundation for A Course in Miracles was begun and is the organization that holds the copyright to A Course in Miracles. The teachings of the Course—a mixture of the mysticism, Gnosticism, and New Age psycho-babble—run counter to Christian beliefs.

What miracles did Jesus do before and after his crucifixion?

Many miracles were done by Jesus just before his crucifixion, during the crucifixion and in the days after until his resurrection and even after that. Some examples are Jesus healed the ear of Malchus cut off by Peter at the time of the arrest of Jesus.

What does a course in Miracles say about sin?

It denies that sin is an act against God. The principal purpose of A Course in Miracles is to “restore to one’s awareness the power of one’s mind to choose.” There is no doubt that whatever “voice” Schucman was hearing, it was not the voice of Jesus Christ.

Was Schucman’s “a course in Miracles”scribed?

It is claimed that A Course in Miracles was “scribed” by Schucman between 1965 and 1972 through a process of inner dictation. She experienced the process as one of a distinct and clear dictation from an inner voice, which earlier had identified itself to her as Jesus.

What is the purpose of A Course in Miracles?

A Course in Miracles (also referred to as ACIM or the Course) is a 1976 book by Helen Schucman. The underlying premise is that the greatest "miracle" is the act of simply gaining a full "awareness of love's presence" in a person's life.

What is meant by miracles in the course of miracles?

A Course in Miracles calls such change of belief and changes of perception- from false ones to a correct one - A Miracle. “Miracles rearrange perception, and place the levels of perception in true perspective. This heals at all levels, because sickness comes from confusing the levels”

What does the crucifixion of Jesus mean to Christians?

Most denominations of Christianity teach that Jesus' crucifixion happened just as described in the Bible. The crucifixion is important for Christians who believe that God sacrificed Jesus, his only son, to atone for the sins of humanity.

What is the first line in A Course in Miracles?

IntroductionEdit Only the time you take it is voluntary... you can elect what you want to take at a given time. The course does not aim at teaching the meaning of love, for that is beyond what can be taught.

Who wrote A Course in Miracles?

Helen Cohn SchucmanHelen SchucmanHelen Cohn SchucmanDiedFebruary 9, 1981 (aged 71) New York CityNationalityAmericanOccupationProfessor of medical psychology, Columbia UniversityKnown forA Course In Miracles (ACIM)3 more rows

What does ACIM stand for?

ACIM. Associate Member of the Chartered Institute of Marketing.

What does Jesus crucifixion teach us?

According to Hebrews 10:10-18, Jesus is the ultimate sacrifice for sin for all time. The cross teaches us that forgiveness takes sacrifice even on our part toward others. The cross teaches about success. Jesus' death might be considered a failure today.

What can we learn from the crucifixion?

Marty Ozinga1- Solitude. In the hours leading up to the crucifixion, Jesus spent time alone praying, reflecting on what was to come, and preparing His heart and mind. ... 2- Perseverance. Jesus knew what His mission on earth was. ... 3- Courage. ... 4- Humility. ... 5 – Self-control. ... 6- Forgiveness. ... 7- Love.

What was the point of Jesus crucifixion?

Banned as a punishment decades earlier by Constantine, the first Christian emperor, crucifixion had come to serve the Roman people as an emblem of triumph over sin and death. In Christ's agonies had been the index of his defeat of evil.

What does nothing real can be threatened mean?

Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists. Herein lies the peace of God.” What that means is this: Love is real. It's an eternal creation and nothing can destroy it.

What happened to the tombs of Jesus?

Apparently, what may have happened is that the tombs were broken open and when Jesus rose from the dead, the bodies of the saints rose from death. The difficulty here is that this narrative describes what took place during, not after the death of Jesus Christ. [4] It seems to me that Matthew put these two miracles in a “literary” sequence; as consequential miracles. That means, in the process of death, burial, and then resurrection of Jesus Christ. There is biblical evidence of this kind of rhetoric; for example, Peter’s quote of Joel 2 in his first sermon in the Pentecost (Acts 2:17-21; cf. Joel 2:28-32). There are several prophetic utterances there that will happen in the last days, but that have not happened yet. The same may be said about Jesus eschatological/ apocalyptic preaching in Matthew 24-25 and Mark 13. In this case, I side with Calvin in his interpretation.

What did the centurion say when Jesus was crucifixion?

“When the centurion and those with him who were guarding Jesus saw the earthquake and all that had happened, they were terrified, and exclaimed, ‘Surely he was the Son of God!’” This passage is most important for our understanding of the power of the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ. These miracles fulfilled God’s purpose in showing that the death of his Son was not an accident or a mistake, it was the most important tribunal and punishment in the Universe; it was the punishment for our sins, according to the Scriptures.

What happened after the veil was rent into two parts?

“And the earth shook, and the rocks were split.” These two miracles happened after the veil was rent into two parts. They can very well be considered one miracle in themselves. [2] However, they are also related to the second cry of the Messiah. In fact, the Centurion and those with him were terrified after they saw the earthquake; but Mark says that the Centurion pronounced his words about Jesus [3] after he heard the loud cry of the Messiah.

What did Jesus say at the ninth hour?

And about the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying, ‘Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?’ that is, ‘My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?’” The context of the miracle had tremendous implication for that moment as we can see in the physical description of the miracle.

How many miracles did Jesus perform?

The text in which those miracles appear shows that there were six miracles that took place between the sixth and the ninth hours (noon – 3:00 PM), the time of Jesus’ ultimate suffering for the punishment of sin, not his own—he never committed any sin—but for the sins of actual sinners, from a depraved and condemned human race. This are the miracles that took place during that historical and cosmological moment.

What does it mean when the curtain of the temple is torn in two?

It brings to us the assurance that through the death of Jesus all the barriers, all the walls have been torn down to make way to eternal life.

What are the earthquakes in the Bible?

Usually earthquakes in the Bible are accompanied by other phenomena such is volcanic eruptions, convulsions and receding of the sea, opening of the earth, overturning of mountains, and rending of rocks.

What is the message of the crucifixion?

Introduction The Message of the Crucifixion The Alternative to Projection The Relinquishment of Attack The Only Answer The Lessons of the Holy Spirit A. To Have, Give All to All B. To Have Peace, Teach Peace to Learn It C. Be Vigilant Only for God and His Kingdom

Is the crucifixion a form of punishment?

I did not dwell on it before because of the fearful connotations you may associate with it. The only emphasis laid upon it so far has been that it was not a form of punishment. Nothing, however, can be explained in negative terms only. There is a positive interpretation of the crucifixion that is wholly devoid of fear, and therefore wholly benign in what it teaches, if it is properly understood.

What are the miracles that happened at the Crucifixion?

Five miracles will be seen that happened at the crucifixion of Jesus until his resurrection. 1. The first miracle was the darkness on the whole earth. Matthew 27:45 Now from the sixth hour there was darkness over all the land unto the ninth hour. Mark 15:33 And when the sixth hour was come, there was darkness over the whole land until ...

Who recognized the miracle in how Jesus determined the time of his death, not them?

The Roman centurion recognized the miracle in how Jesus determined the time of his death, not them. Mark 15:39 ¶ And when the centurion, which stood over against him, saw that he so cried out, and gave up the ghost, he said, Truly this man was the Son of God.

Why did Jesus die at the ninth hour?

He died precisely at the ninth hour (3 pm) to obey the law, for this was the time of the sacrifice of the passover lambs. Jesus chose the time of his death. He cried out with a loud voice just before he died, something no ordinary person would have been able to due under his condition.

What was the miracle of the third day?

The ultimate miracle of course was the resurrection of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ on that third day, which allows us eternal life with Jesus for those who will repent and call upon his name. His resurrection was the defeat of Satan and shows he is God. Only God could raise himself from the dead.

What did God not look upon his Son Jesus?

For the final three hours, God the Father could not look upon his Son Jesus as Jesus bore the sins of the whole world for all who will ever live. Jesus was dying and he is the light of the world. All of creation mourned for his death, except man who prefers darkness. (John 3:19). Mankind got the darkness they wanted.

Why was the veil torn from top to bottom?

The veil was torn from top to bottom as it was done by God and showed access to him was now not just for the high priest once a year, but for all believers at any time day or night any day of the year through his Son Jesus. All true Christians are priests.

Why did the earthquake affect Jesus?

The earthquake was to show the power of God and how they had crucified God the Creator himself, but that he stills lives and is in power and control. When the earth shook, it opened up graves and rent rocks.

What are the teachings that I believe are authentic?

The teachings that I believe are authentic have a special quality. They turn your perception of reality upside-down and usher you into a new reality. In doing so, they depend on your own inner recognition of the truth in them. Those teachings that I don’t believe go back to him are much more flat and prosaic, and depend much more on Jesus’ assumed exalted authority.

What is the most certain thing we know about Jesus?

From leading scholar Marcus Borg: “Rather strikingly, the most certain thing we know about Jesus according to the current scholarly consensus is that he was a teller of stories and a speaker of great one-liners whose purpose was the transformation of perception. At the center of his message was an invitation to see differently.” This quote should cause any Course student’s jaw to drop.

What did Jesus teach his brothers?

He did come to earth to fulfill a purpose: “The lesson I was born to teach, and still would teach to all my brothers, is that sacrifice is nowhere and love is everywhere” (T-15.XI.7).

What does "calling down to earth" mean?

Calling down to earth—making accessible to us—the Holy Spirit, in a way He wasn’t before

What was the cause of the crucifixion?

The crucifixion—including its cause being that those in power were threatened by what he represented

What does the Christian tradition represent?

The Christian tradition represents him in the world. It is the carrier of his influence and authority.

Is there too much history in the Gospels?

The problem with this view is two-fold. First, based on the conclusions of historians, we can say that there is just too much actual history in the gospels for us to write them off completely as mere “collective projections.” Second, the Course itself affirms too much about the biblical Jesus. If we include the Course’s statements as well as things Helen Schucman wrote down from Jesus that are not in the Course itself, here is all that is affirmed by the Jesus of the Course:

2. Is the Course a product of human authors bound by culture?

The most natural assumption, of course, is yes —the Course must be a human product. It has been suggested that the Course is simply the result of Helen Schucman’s brilliance, infused by a childhood sense of the miraculous, and informed by contact with Catholicism, Christian Science, and Theosophy.

3. Is there a God Who can speak to us?

Spong’s final objection to the Bible being the Word of God is that God cannot speak. There is no God who has a will for human affairs, let alone who is able to express that will.


Bishop Spong’s criticisms of the Bible as the Word of God are well taken. Although I myself believe that parts of the Bible are Holy Spirit-inspired, I see the Bible for the most part as a very human product.

What does the Bible say about restoring to sinful unredeemed man?

Furthermore, the idea of restoring to sinful, unredeemed man the “power to choose” is against everything the Bible teaches. The only power in the life of a Christian is the power of the gospel of Jesus Christ, of which we are not ashamed ( Romans 1:16 ). The heart and mind of the unregenerate man has no power to choose anything but death.

What is the teaching of A Course in Miracles?

The fundamental teaching of A Course in Miracles is the “atonement principle,” which states that separation from God through sin did not happen . The course further teaches that sin is the absence of love and nothing more. It denies that sin is an act against God. The principal purpose of A Course in Miracles is to “restore to one’s awareness ...

What does the Bible say about alienation?

But the Bible reveals the truth on these issues: “Once you were alienated from God and were enemies in your minds because of your evil behavior. But now he has reconciled you by Christ’s physical body through death to present you holy in his sight, without blemish and free from accusation” ( Colossians 1:21–22 ).

What does the Bible say about sin?

The Bible tells us that sin did indeed occur and that it is the source of our separation from God. Sin is described in the Bible, not as the absence of love as the Course states, but as transgression of the law of God ( 1 John 3:4) and rebellion against God ( Deuteronomy 9:7; Joshua 1:18 ).

When was the course in Miracles scribed?

It is claimed that A Course in Miracles was “scribed” by Schucman between 1965 and 1972 through a process of inner dictation.

Was Schucman hearing the voice of Jesus?

There is no doubt that whatever “ voice” Schucman was hearing, it was not the voice of Jesus Christ. Too much of the Course contradicts what God has already revealed in Scripture, and we know that God does not contradict Himself. Jesus Christ is God incarnate, “the same yesterday, today and forever” ( Hebrews 13:8 ), ...