how does the ap course audit work

by Prof. Vesta Gibson 10 min read

The AP Administrator then completes the following steps for the AP audit:

  • Set up on online AP course audit account
  • Course materials including syllabus and examinations are submitted into the AP course audit account
  • Within 60 days of submission, schools will receive notification of one of two things: the course is approved or it needs revisions

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Full Answer

How do administrators get access to AP Course Audit?

  • Pre-AP for All: Pre-AP frameworks and assessments serve as the foundation for all sections of the course at the school. ...
  • Course Frameworks: Teachers align classroom instruction to the course frameworks.
  • Assessments: Teachers administer at least 1 learning checkpoint per unit, and 4 performance tasks.

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What is AP audit?

Why Should I Conduct an AP Recovery Audit?

  • Recent organizational and/or staff changes
  • Multiple suppliers and disbursement locations
  • Implementing new technology or system upgrades
  • Recent mergers, acquisitions, and expansions.

Should you take an AP course?

5 Benefits of Taking AP Classes in High School

  1. Prep for college. AP classes can be as challenging as introductory college courses. ...
  2. Rise to the top of the pile. Advanced Placement classes show admissions officers that you're ready for college-level work. ...
  3. Strengthen your transcript. ...
  4. Study what you love. ...

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Should you audit courses?

Most colleges do not allow students to audit courses that they will later be required to take for credit. However, you can audit introductory or survey courses in different academic subjects if you know you will need extra preparation for later, in-depth courses that you know you will need to pass in order to receive your degree.

What is an AP course audit?

The AP Course Audit process means that admissions officers and college faculty can be assured of the rigor of the courses that carry the AP label on student transcripts.

How do you approve an AP course audit?

Teachers fill out the online AP Course Audit form and submit it. The school AP Course Audit administrator—the principal or a principal's designee—signs in to AP Course Audit and approves the form.

How do you audit a course?

Auditing a class entails enrolling in a college course for no grade and no credit. Many students choose to audit courses to avoid negatively impacting their GPAs. To audit a class, you must usually get permission from the instructor.

How do I submit a course audit AP?

If you are teaching an AP course for the first time:Fill out and submit the subject-specific AP Course Audit form online. A school administrator must approve and finalize this form before we start reviewing your course.Submit documentation showing your understanding of course scope.

What is a course audit?

Auditing a course means that you receive no academic credit for it, and you are not responsible for tests or homework. In place of the grade, transcripts will show as "AU."

Is Pre-AP the same as honors?

Pre-AP is not an honors program—it's grade-level instruction that meets students where they are.

Can you fail an audit class?

In many schools, auditing a class will result in a grade that can either be pass or fail, useful when you feel unsure of taking an especially difficult course. Unfortunately, the pass/fail system can be a missed opportunity if your grade in the course is high or a red flag if too many courses are taken pass/fail.

Does auditing a class affect your GPA?

Potential Pitfalls in Auditing Classes These participation records won't affect your grade point average, but it's possible that admissions personnel at other schools may question your transcripts and academic commitment if you have audited more than a few courses.

Do audited classes show up on your transcript?

Yes, but audits do show up on transcripts many places.

What can teachers see on AP classroom?

Teachers can view student progress and responses in the progress and results tabs within the Question Bank, and optionally provide students with scores and feedback.

How do you get AP Capstone?

The AP Capstone Diploma is granted to students who earn scores of 3 or higher in AP Seminar and AP Research and on 4 additional AP Exams of their choosing. The AP Seminar and Research Certificate is granted to students who earn scores of 3 or higher in both AP Seminar and AP Research.

How do I add a teacher to an AP audit?

Find AP Course Audit and click Get Access. Choose your Job Function (Teacher, or School or District Administrator/Online Provider) and enter your school's name in the Professional Organization field. Click Add.

About AP Course Audit

Get an overview of the AP Course Audit and learn how to get a course authorized.

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What is AP course audit?

The AP Course Audit process means that admissions officers and college faculty can be assured of the rigor of the courses that carry the AP label on student transcripts.

What is the AP program?

Maintaining quality and excellence has been the cornerstone of the AP Program since its inception and remains paramount to its continued success. The initiative, participation, and guidance of colleges and universities ensure that the program continues to raise the bar for educational excellence.

How many AP courses are there in the world?

Gives colleges and universities free access to a searchable database of more than 150,000 authorized AP courses in approximately 15,000 secondary schools worldwide.

Where to find AP course requirements?

To see specific curricular and resource requirements for each AP course, go to AP Course Audit on AP Central.

Who reviews the syllabus?

Syllabi are reviewed by college faculty for adherence to the development committee’s standards.

What is AP teacher process?

The process is designed to confirm teacher awareness of course scope and occasional exam changes, and to ensure that practice exams and other resources are only accessible to teachers verified by a school administrator. Once your course is authorized, you will have access to practice exams and other resources (e.g., formative assessments and the AP Question Bank) that are reserved for AP teacher usage.

What happens if you distribute the AP exam?

Any additional distribution of the AP Practice Exam violates the College Board’s copyright policies and may result in the termination of exam access for your school as well as access to other online services, such as AP Classroom and online score reports.

Do you have to post AP practice exams?

AP Practice Exams are for in-classroom use only. To ensure their integrity, please keep them in a secure location, do not assign them as take-home assignments, collect them back from your students after administering them in class, and do not post them on school or other websites.

Can you incorporate AP practice questions into a test?

You may incorporate questions from the AP Practice Exam into shorter assessments you create, as long as your assessments are paper-based, administered in your classroom, and you collect the test questions from the students as soon as the test is over.

How to audit AP courses?

For your first audit, you'll create an online account with the College Board and submit the AP Course Audit form and a copy of your syllabus ( more on that process below). Once your form is approved by a Course Audit administrator, your syllabus will be forwarded to an external college faculty reviewer who will approve it. You’ll learn if your course was approved by the College Board within 60 days of submitting your forms. For a course to be authorized, the syllabus has to clearly show that each of the AP course's curricular requirements is included in your class.

Why is AP course auditing important?

Having classes with the official AP label is important for your students' transcripts, especially if they are applying to prestigious schools and scholarships.

What Happens During My First Audit?

For your first audit, you'll create an online account with the College Board and submit the AP Course Audit form and a copy of your syllabus (more on that process below). Once your form is approved by a Course Audit administrator, your syllabus will be forwarded to an external college faculty reviewer who will approve it. You’ll learn if your course was approved by the College Board within 60 days of submitting your forms. For a course to be authorized, the syllabus has to clearly show that each of the AP course's curricular requirements is included in your class.

What happens if you submit a revised syllabus?

If, after submitting a revised syllabus, the reviewers still don't think your syllabus meets the requirements, the College Board will provide a curriculum adviser to provide additional suggestions for how your syllabus should be revised. You will then have a third and final chance to revise and submit the syllabus.

What is the syllabus of AP?

The syllabus is where you describe your course in detail and explain how it meets AP guidelines. Writing an appropriate syllabus is the most important and time-consuming piece of the auditing process.

What does a reviewer find about a syllabus?

1. Good news: Your reviewer finds that your syllabus meets all requirements, and your class is approved. You'll be notified via email, and then you'll be all done with the auditing process!

How long does it take for an AP course to be approved?

You’ll learn if your course was approved by the College Board within 60 days of submitting your forms. For a course to be authorized, the syllabus has to clearly show that each of the AP course's curricular requirements is included in your class. There are two possible outcomes of the first review: 1.

What is an AP audit?

AP Course Audit is what allows a school to get the AP label. When your school has an AP label attached to it, it shows that your school is of a high standard.

How does Auditing take place?

AP auditing takes place once a year. When you are being audited for the first time, this is what you do:

What is the key document for AP courses?

The key document for each AP course is the course and exam description. Start by reviewing it to understand the objectives and expectations of the course and exam.

Why is the AP syllabus reviewed?

The syllabus is reviewed by college faculty to ensure that the course fulfills the AP Program’s course-specific curricular and resource requirements.

How to label AP courses?

All schools that want to label a course “AP” must get authorization by going through the AP Course Audit. This means submitting two things for review: 1 A subject-specific AP Course Audit form 2 A course syllabus, created by the course teacher

Can AP research be taught?

AP Research can only be taught as part of the larger AP Capstone™ program. This course may only be offered to students at schools where teachers have completed the required professional development. Visit the AP Capstone website to learn more about how to participate in this program.

Policies and Procedures

Can schools order and administer AP Exams without completing the AP Course Audit?

Meeting Course Requirements

We combine AP U.S. History and AP English Literature and Composition into a course called American Studies. How do we complete the AP Course Audit?

Alternate Providers

Our school offers an online AP course through a distance learning provider. How can we list it?
