how does scout change during the course of the novel

by Gabrielle Rippin 5 min read

During the course of the book Scout develops from an innocent child to humane compassionate person. Several events occur during the book which tests her moral foundation. In fact those event makes her into a more compassionate and humane human being.

Scout changed a lot over the course of this story. She was exposed to many events that led to her gradually changing her way of life. She doesn't change as much as Jem does or as fast as him, but she still changes. She learns to mature, understand things better, and treat people with respect.

Full Answer

How has Scout changed by the end of the novel?

Apr 23, 2012 · Scout's changes lie largely in her ability to now empathize with the world around her, a consequence of growing up but also a consequence of being exposed to such injustices (such as Tom Robinson's...

How does Jem influence Scout throughout the novel?

Jan 15, 2020 · Scout also changes quite a lot throughout the novel. As a growing young girl, Scout was learning and experiencing things just like any other child would through growing up. She got older and was able to understand things a lot better as well as being able to apply lessons she had learned in her everyday life.

How does Jem change physically throughout the book?

Feb 25, 2020 · Scout also changes quite a lot throughout the novel. As a growing young girl, Scout was learning and experiencing things just like any other child would through growing up. She got older and was able to understand things a lot better as well as being able to apply lessons she had learned in her everyday life.

What has Scout learned in the end of the book?

May 22, 2015 · The Change of Jem and Scout During the Coarse of the Novel In the novel To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee we can see Scout and Jem mature and grow. They learned many things, but also lost many things. They learned not to be prejudice like everyone else was in town.

How does Scout change throughout the novel essay?

Scout changed throughout the story because she started swearing/knowing bad words, not being afraid of Boo Radley anymore, and learning not to trust rumors.

What does Scout learn over the course of the novel?

At the end of the novel, Scout has a different perspective on life. She learns not to judge people by appearances and to value each person as an equal. The first lesson that Scout learns is that of empathy or "considering things from his point of view".

How does Scout develop as a character?

She is unusually intelligent (she learns to read before beginning school), unusually confident (she fights boys without fear), unusually thoughtful (she worries about the essential goodness and evil of mankind), and unusually good (she always acts with the best intentions).

How does Scout change and stay the same during the novel?

1 Answers. Scout and Jem change immensely over the course of the novel. The one thing that stays the same, however, is the love, respect, and loyalty of their family as a whole.Apr 12, 2020

How has Scout changed since the beginning of the novel?

She got older and was able to understand things a lot better as well as being able to apply lessons she had learned in her everyday life. She began to act slightly more grown up in situations such as Aunt Alexandria's dinner party.

How has Scout matured by the end of the novel?

Scout ages from 6 to 9 over the time of the novel and shows much change. Over the years, she is exposed adult issues,and eventually shows an understanding of respect and bravery. During the book, Scout learns a lesson of respect and bravery . One lesson Scout learns is respect.

How does Scout change throughout the story what General realizations or understandings about the world and the nature of human beings does she discover?

How does Scout change throughout the story? What general realizations or understandings about the world and the nature of human beings does she discover? She realized that the world isn't all fun and rainbows. (grows up, matures).

How was Scout influenced by society?

How did society influence characters in To Kill A Mockingbird? Society shaped and influenced Scout in To Kill A Mockingbird by taking her innocence away. In the beginning of the novel Scout was happy and adventurous with her brother in their neighborhood.

What role does Scout play in the development of the plot?

As Scout and Jem confront the issues of difference and belonging embedded in their community, Harper Lee's choice to tell the story through the eyes of Scout becomes more crucial to the story. Scout's wide-eyed naiveté heightens the impact of both the social expectations she resists and the injustices she sees unfold.

How does Jem change over the course of the novel?

Jem matures as the novel progresses Jem begins to grow away from Scout and prefers to spend time on his own. He becomes moody and feels Scout should also start to mature and behave less like a tomboy and more like a young lady.

How does Scout relate to Atticus?

In conclusion, To Kill a Mockingbird is a love story about the relationship between Atticus and Scout. Atticus demonstrates his love for Scout by educating her and giving her a decent amount of freedom. Scout reciprocates his love by respecting and obeying Atticus and his advice and opinions.

What are Scout's strengths?

Despite Scout is only six, she is attentive and curious like… a scout, let's say. She is also very intelligent for her age, making logical conclusions and connecting the events in her mind in a proper way. Curiosity, intelligence and the innate feeling of right and wrong are clearly inherited from her father, Mr.

Why is Scout still a child in To Kill a Mockingbird?

One quickly realizes when reading To Kill a Mockingbird that Scout is who she is because of the way Atticus has raised her. Though she is still a child at the end of the book, Scout's perspective on life develops from that of an innocent child into that of a near grown-up.

How old is Scout in To Kill a Mockingbird?

In the novel, To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, Scout changes throughout the story. As a six year old innocent child, Scout is a tom-boy who tries to keep up with her 10 year old brother, Jem . She is willing to fight to keep her place in the games they play, and is willing to fight for what she thinks is right.

How did Jem and Scout change?

Jem and Scout change by maturing into morally upright, tolerant adolescents who sympathize with others and recognize the importance of their father's sacrifice. Both siblings also gain significant insight into their prejudiced community and understand the importance of protecting innocent beings.

How do Scout and Jem mature?

Both Jem and Scout mature by recognizing the importance of their father's courageous decision to defend Tom Robinson and become aware of Maycomb's prejudice. The children view Arthur "Boo" Radley differently and realize that he is just a shy, generous neighbor.

What does Jem do as a child?

As a child, Jem would often exclude Scout from activities and not consider Boo Radley 's feelings as he spread rumors and trespassed onto his property. By the end of the story, Jem develops into a compassionate, gentle adolescent who sympathizes with Scout and Boo Radley.

What happens during the course of Scout's book?

During the course of the book Scout develops from an innocent child to humane compassionate person. Several events occur during the book which tests her moral foundation. In fact those event makes her into a more compassionate and humane human being.

Who brought Scout up?

Scout is being brought up by her father Atticus and their housemaid Calpurnia during the mid-1920. The mid 1920’s was a time of civil racial prejudice and closed segregated views especially against Afro-Americans. Her father has brought her up protecting her from hate and racism.

How did Calpurnia react to the events in the book?

Additionally in the book there are events which unfolds and dramatically impact her development as a person.

What is the relationship between Boo and the Mysterious Neighbor?

One of the things that eventually trigger her development as an individual is her relationship with Boo, The Mysterious neighbor. Other neighbors have judged him and believe that he is a bad person. Ultimately he is the one who saves her and her brother.

What is the second event that shaped Atticus' development?

The second event which shaped her development is the event which occurred after the “school show” when they were assaulted by Bob Ewell, as a retribution for being humiliated by their father during the trial. The only way Bob can inflict pain to Atticus is by hurting his children.

When was To Kill a Mockingbird written?

How Scout Develop as a Person. To Kill a Mockingbird was written by Harper Lee in 1960 . When the novel was published it received a lot of critical attention as well as critical acclaim. The story centers around the main character Scout.

Who is the person that society has turned its back on?

Her foundation is once again challenged by an immoral person. Boo Radley the person that society has turned its back on is the one who ultimately saves Scout and her brother. She learns that someone who may appear as a bad person may actually be a good person.

Why does Scout turn away from Cecil Jacobs taunts?

She turns away from Cecil Jacobs' taunts because "if I fought Cecil, I would let Atticus down".

How old is Scout in To Kill a Mockingbird?

This might be because she is only six years old or it may be because she is a born lady.

What does Jem think of Boo Radley?

He invents games and amuses himself with the Boo Radley's mystery. He believes that Boo is "chained to his bed" and his description of Boo is that of a child’s.

Why does Jem trample Mrs Dubose's flowers?

He also shows this when he tramples on Mrs Dubose's flowers because she has called Atticus awful names like "nigger-lover". However as the story progresses Jem gradually outgrows his childishness and this is shown by various events in the novel. Being four years older than…show more content….

What are the three characters in To Kill a Mockingbird?

the outside world and mature via gaining new experiences that grant them wisdom and knowledge. Three characters, Jem, Scout, and Dill in the novel, To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee living during the Depression-era in Maycomb County, deal with the harsh reality of Maycomb’s racism and prejudice while maturing through gaining knowledge, experience, and courage. The kids grow up learning many lessons from Atticus or from their own experiences. In her depiction of Jem, Scout, and Dill, Lee reveals

What does Jem tell Atticus about Dill?

He tells Atticus when Dill is found under Scout's bed, as he understands that its important that an adult knows Dill is there. He also insists on going to the jail when he senses that his father may be in danger.

What is the book "To Kill a Mockingbird" about?

In the novel To Kill A Mockingbird, Harper Lee tells the story of the lives of two children, Jem and Scout, and their family during the depression. Lee gives many insights to a family during the Great Depression. Lee addresses real problems that happened in the 1930’s. The narrator, Scout, tells the story of how her brother broke her arm and the events that led up to it;

Why does Scout beat up Walter?

Another is when Scout "beats up" Walter because he gets her in trouble so her motivation is based on consequences and she doesn't have a real sense of others feelings but Jem starts his growth already as he invites Walter to eat with them.

What is the essay about Jem and Scout?

An essay on the development of Jem and Scout through the novel "To Kill A Mockingbird", and their influences. ...To Kill A Mockingbird In To Kill a Mockingbird, a tremendous amount of developement occurs as both Jem and Scout mature from a somewhat childish innocence into respected members of the community.

Why does Jem defend the teacher?

This is the start of Scouts growth because Kohlberg believes that events shape the morality level and it is natural to ascend these levels as you grow.

What are the moral levels in To Kill a Mockingbird?

Lawrence Kohlberg developed six culturally universal levels of moral development that can be applied to To Kill a Mockingbird. This book tells a story of the children growing up and their lives changing so we can observe the ascension of them through morality levels and the events that cause or show this. The main characters of this book were Jem and Scout who we first meet with morality levels 0 to 1. It is their experiences which cause them to ultimately arrive at a high level of morality and exhibiting characteristics of level 6.

What level of morality do Jem and Scout have?

The main characters of this book were Jem and Scout who we first meet with morality levels 0 to 1. It is their experiences which cause them to ultimately arrive at a high level of morality and exhibiting characteristics of level 6.

How old is Scout in Maycomb?

Scout, a 6-year-old tom boy, Jem, Scout's older brother, and Dill a friend, ignore the prejudice issues currently happening in Maycomb until Scout ‘s father, Atticus, is assigned to defend Tom Robinson, a black man accused of raping a white woman.

How old is Scout in To Kill a Mockingbird?

English Period 3 To Kill A Mockingbird - Socialization of Scout Jean Louise “ Scout ” Finch, the narrator of To Kill A Mockingbird, is a very different six-year-old girl, in both her personality traits and in her social position.
