how does plato (via socrates) argue for mind/body dualism course hero

by Rosamond Hartmann DDS 7 min read

What did Socrates Plato and Aristotle believe about the human body?

Jun 18, 2017 · Dualism – Plato was a dualist, meaning he believed in two separate entities when it came to body & soul; Plato suggested that the soul is immortal while the body is mortal, at the end of life the soul is set free from the body; The soul’s destination is the World of the Forms, which for Plato is only accessible indirectly in this world for those capable of higher thinking …

What is the dualist view of Plato?

Basically dualism which is introduced by Plato is a theory that there are two kinds of substance; physical and mental substance. Physical substance means something that is material which is known as our body while mental substance, in human being, …

What did Plato say about the relationship between the mind and body?

Explain the Platonic dualism between soulmind and body How does Plato defend the from PL PL-100-HP at Saint Peter's University

What does Plato say about the soul?

What definition of Justice does Plato argue for via the character Socrates who from PHIL 001 at DeAnza College

What did Socrates and Plato believe about the mind and body?

26.2 Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle In the 5th century BCE, Socrates and Plato believed that the mind and body are made of different substances. Plato argued that the mind and body are fundamentally different because the mind is rational, which means that examining the mind can lead to truth.

What does Plato mean by dualism?

dualism, Cartesian interactionist - The view that: (1) the mental and the material comprise two different classes of substance and; (2) both can have causal effects on the other. Plato. Plato thought that the soul could and would exist apart from the body and would exist after the death of the body.

What did Socrates say about the mind?

Quote by Socrates: “The mind is everything; what you think you become”

What is the philosophy of Plato and Socrates?

In metaphysics Plato envisioned a systematic, rational treatment of the forms and their interrelations, starting with the most fundamental among them (the Good, or the One); in ethics and moral psychology he developed the view that the good life requires not just a certain kind of knowledge (as Socrates had suggested) ...

What are the Plato's Four Arguments for dualism?

Plato saw the mind being identical with the soul but he argued that the soul goes through a continuous process of reincarnation. There are four main types of dualism: substance dualism, property dualism, predicate dualism, and epistemological dualism. Substance dualism argues that the mind is an independent substance.

Who created mind body dualism?

Rene DescartesMind and body dualism represents the metaphysical stance that mind and body are two distinct substances, each with a different essential nature. Originated in the ancient period, a well-known version of dualism is credited to Rene Descartes of the 17th century.

How are the soul and the mind related According to Plato?

For Plato, the soul moves things by means of its thoughts, as one scholar puts it, and accordingly, the soul is both a mover (i.e., the principle of life, where life is conceived of as self-motion) and a thinker.

What did Plato learn from Socrates?

Who Was Plato? Ancient Greek philosopher Plato was a student of Socrates and a teacher of Aristotle. His writings explored justice, beauty and equality, and also contained discussions in aesthetics, political philosophy, theology, cosmology, epistemology and the philosophy of language.Mar 3, 2015

What did Socrates study?

He studied music, gymnastics, and grammar in his youth (the common subjects of study for a young Greek) and followed his father's profession as a sculptor. Tradition holds that he was an exceptional artist and his statue of the Graces, on the road to the Acropolis, is said to have been admired into the 2nd century CE.

How are Socrates and Plato different?

One of the primary differences between Plato and Socrates is that Plato gave a lot of importance to the soul of the human being than the body. On the other hand, Socrates did not speak much about the soul. Socrates always preached to be just than unjust.Sep 18, 2011

What is Plato's idea of form?

A form is an eternal and perfect concept, something that is strived for but never actualised on Earth.

What is the mind body dualism?

26.1 Mind-body dualism and materialism. The mind is still one of the biggest mysteries in science. It appears to be so different from other physical substances that throughout most of history, people believed that it isn’t a physical substance at all. Many early philosophers believed in mind-body dualism. This means they thought that the mind is ...

How does the mind differ from the body?

In Meditations on First Philosophy, first published in 1641, Descartes suggested that the mind differs from physical substances in three ways: 1 The mind experiences sensations that cannot be explained mechanically. 2 The mind does not exist in physical space like the brain does. 3 The mind is a necessary whole, it cannot be divided or replicated in the same way that a physical object can.

Why are the mind and body different?

Plato argued that the mind and body are fundamentally different because the mind is rational, which means that examining the mind can lead to truth. In contrast to this, we cannot believe anything we experience via the senses, which are part of the body, because they can be tricked.

What is the only form of true knowledge?

To find true knowledge, we need to examine our own minds in what's known as 'rational introspection'. Plato praised mathematics as one of the only forms of true knowledge.

Who said we can only form ideas of physical things?

In the 17th century, Thomas Hobbes argued that we can only form ideas of physical things. This means that if we do have a soul, we cannot become aware of its presence. Hobbes claimed that,

Why did Descartes believe that colours and sounds must be made of a different substance to physical matter?

Descartes believed that phenomenal qualities, like colours and sounds, must be made of a different substance to physical matter because they do not exist within our scientific description of the world. We perceive different wavelengths of light as different colours, for example, but there’s nothing within physics that explains why interactions with light should result in the experience of a colour, or why we associate any particular colour with any particular wavelength.

1 Mind-Body Dualism and Materialism

2 Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle

  • In the 5th century BCE, Socrates and Plato believed that the mind and body are made of different substances. Plato argued that the mind and body are fundamentally different because the mind is rational, which means that examining the mind can lead to truth. In contrast to this, we cannot believe anything we experience via the senses, which are part of the body, because they can be t…
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3 Hobbes’ Theory of The Mind

  • In the 17th century, Thomas Hobbes argued that we can only form ideas of physical things. This means that if we do have a soul, we cannot become aware of its presence. Hobbes claimed that, the soul is something of which we have no idea at all. We rationally infer that there is something within the human body which gives it the animal motion by means of which it has sensations an…
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4 Descartes’ Theory of The Mind

  • Hobbes’ contemporary, Rene Descartes, took a different view. He suggested that the soul may be the onlything we can be aware of. Descartes was a rationalist like Plato. He argued that true knowledge is only gained through rational introspection and that the senses cannot be trusted. Descartes was also a mind-body dualist; because he could conceive of his mind existing withou…
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5 Problems with Descartes’ Theory

  • Descartes showed that any physical theory of the mind will have to explain why we experience thoughts of any kind, including qualia and rational introspection. It will also have to explain why qualia cannot be communicated with others, where qualia reside within the brain, and why we cannot divide these thoughts into parts. Descartes solved these problems with dualism, the ide…
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