how does physical attractiveness influence the course of relationships?

by Prof. Aurelie Dickens 7 min read

Physical attractiveness has long been an instigator of biased thinking, especially with regards to dating selection. For instance, due to the effects of physical attraction stereotypes adults who are more attractive tend to be treated more positively than their more unattractive counterparts (Rohner & Rasmussen, 2012, p. 239).

Physical attractiveness: Research shows that romantic attraction is primarily determined by physical attractiveness. In the early stages of dating, people are more attracted to partners whom they consider to be physically attractive. Men are more likely to value physical attractiveness than are women.

Full Answer

Why don’t we notice the importance of physical attractiveness in a relationship?

One reason we may not consciously realize the importance of physical attractiveness is that we don’t necessarily want partners who are extremely attractive—we just want partners who are attractive enough.

What is the relationship between physical appearance and attraction?

The research that has been conducted on the relationship between physical appearance and attraction so far tells us that physical appearance is probably the most important factor in how we select a date or potential partner. However, physical appearance is subjective, meaning that what one person considers physically attractive, another may not.

What factors affect attraction in relationships?

Good communication and shared interests probably help sustain attraction between couples as they age. Likewise, unhappiness often diminishes attraction. When relationships are new, emotional factors are less powerful influences on physical attraction, so it is especially important to pay attention to your appearance early on.

How does reciprocity affect physical attractiveness?

Likewise, reciprocity also influences physical attractiveness. We tend to be more attracted to someone if we believe they are attracted to us as well. It's easier to be around people who genuinely like us, than those who don't like us or are difficult to read.

How does physical attractiveness affect relationships?

Physical attraction is important because it leads to greater physical intimacy and connection, helping partners feel more bonded and attached to each other. However, relationships shouldn't be based on physical attraction alone.

Why is physical appearance important in a relationship?

Another way to look at looks is that physical attractiveness serves as a gateway to something more important. Physical attractiveness could serve as a gatekeeper that directs people towards partners who are healthy, age appropriate, and able to reproduce (Fugere, 2017).

How does physical attractiveness play a role in attraction?

Physical attractiveness may be so important to us because we associate other positive qualities with a pleasing appearance. For example, attractive individuals are expected to be happier and to have more rewarding life experiences than unattractive individuals (Dion et al., 1972; Griffin and Langlois, 2006).

Is physical attraction the most important in a relationship?

Research has shown that men tend to rate physical attractiveness as more critical in a potential mate than women do, on average. Some research has shown that women tend to say they value qualities like ambition, industriousness, friendliness, and kindness more than physical appearance.

How does physical attractiveness influence one's choice of friends and partners?

Physical attractiveness: Research shows that romantic attraction is primarily determined by physical attractiveness. In the early stages of dating, people are more attracted to partners whom they consider to be physically attractive. Men are more likely to value physical attractiveness than are women.

Is physical attraction more important than personality?

Physical attractiveness strongly influenced how women and their mothers saw the target men. The attractive and moderately attractive ones came up trumps. Men with the most desirable personality profiles were rated more favourably than their counterparts only when they were also at least moderately attractive.

What is physical attractiveness in psychology?

Physical attractiveness refers to the fact that human beings have preferences about the physical appearances of other people, particularly with reference to their facial features and body proportions.

Why looks dont matter in a relationship?

Even though looks may help with a first impression, the most essential thing in a relationship is how your partner supports you and brings you joy. Simply looking at physical attributes is a shallow mindset, and one should broaden their view on appearance by getting to know someone regardless of how they look.

What makes you physically attracted to someone?

Hormones and Neurotransmitters. Attraction is also partly determined by our sense of smell, and what is referred to as pheromones. Higher levels of oxytocin and dopamine may also increase the level of attraction. So, as you can see, there are many factors affecting whether we feel attracted to someone or not.

Can a relationship work without physical attraction?

“While physical attraction plays an important evolutionary role in reproduction, there's nothing to say that a lack of sexual attraction will negatively impact a relationship,” Backe explains.

Why is it important to be attractive?

It turns out, being conventionally beautiful has its benefits. According to science, people who are perceived as attractive are more likely to get hired for jobs and seem trustworthy. They are also thought to be healthier and lead a happier life.

Can you fall in love without physical attraction?

Can it exist without physical attraction? Yes, emotional and physical attraction can be completely separate, explains mental health counselor, Lily Ewing. “You might love someone for their humor or intelligence and just never get interested in them physically or sexually,” she says.

What is the foundation of a healthy relationship?

While the excitement of being with someone you fancy is amazing, deeper attraction and compatibility are the foundations of strong, healthy relationships.

What do you need to think about in a relationship?

You need to think about what you genuinely value, what you want from a partner, and how you want to feel in your relationship.

Why do we put blinkers on when we start dating?

So many of us are brainwashed into thinking we need to meet our ‘perfect type’ and basically put blinkers on when we start dating. We shut down anyone who doesn’t fit the mold we have created in our heads, and we don’t really give other forms of attraction a chance.

What do we think about when we think about the kind of partner we're going to end up with?

When we think about the kind of partner we’re going to end up with – or who we want to end up with – we probably think about their looks first.

Is long term attraction important?

Long-term attraction is more important. Some physical attraction is pretty short-term and can fizzle out, leaving you both feeling a bit confused about where the spark went. If the only thing you like about your partner is how they look, we’ve got a feeling your relationship might not last very long…. While it’s great to be really attracted ...

Is physical attraction good?

Truth is, if you want a healthy, long-term relationship, you need to consider how compatible you actually are with someone in all aspects. After all, physical attraction is great, but it can build over time – someone’s personality is less likely to change! So, the question is: how important is physical attraction in a relationship compared ...

Is physical attraction the only form of attraction?

1. Attraction takes many forms. Remember that physical attraction isn’t the only form of attraction! There are other ways to connect to your partner and be interested in them. Fancying the person you’re with is important, but you can still form a great relationship with someone and the physical aspect can build over time.

How does body shape relate to physical attraction?

Like universal beauty, how body shape relates to physical attraction is culturally subjective. In Western culture, the media equates physical attractiveness with tall and lean body structures. Overweight people are often portrayed as being generally unappealing.

Why are people more attracted to people?

For example, people who share religious beliefs, similar activity interests, and the same family values are more likely to be physically attracted to each other. Likewise, reciprocity also influences physical attractiveness. We tend to be more attracted to someone if we believe they are attracted to us as well. It's easier to be around people who genuinely like us, than those who don't like us or are difficult to read.

Why is being overweight considered a sign of wealth?

That is the case in Mauritania, where being overweight is considered to be a sign of wealth because there are often food shortages. In Tahiti, women who are overweight are praised for their stature, and ceremonies actually take place with the intention of stimulating weight gain.

What is the first thing that attracts you to someone else?

We may not want to admit it, but physical appearance , or the way someone looks outwardly, is often the first thing that attracts us to someone else. Like Jane, most of us would be happy to have our pick from hundreds of photos to decide which people we would like to get to know better. The research that has been conducted on the relationship between physical appearance and attraction so far tells us that physical appearance is probably the most important factor in how we select a date or potential partner.

Is universal beauty consistent across cultures?

The Western concept of universal beauty, however, is actually not consistent across cultures. In small Asian villages, for example, male femininity is preferred over masculinity. In Korea, women are sometimes so pre-occupied with pale skin that they will undergo skin-whitening procedures and wear extra clothing to shield their skin from the sun. In Saudi Arabia, female beauty is often associated with the eyes since this is the only facial feature visible under traditional dress.

Is physical appearance only one aspect of what attracts people to other people?

When asked, most people will tell you that physical appearance is only one aspect of what attracts them to other people. This lesson will examine the relationship between appearance and attraction and determine whether one does or does not exist.

Is physical appearance subjective?

However, physical appearance is subjective, meaning that what one person considers physically attractive, another may not. Physical attractiveness is also culturally determined, in that some cultures value certain appearances more than others. Let's take a look at the impact universal beauty, body shape, and similarity have on whom we find physically attractive.

Why is physical attractiveness important?

Physical attractiveness may be so important to us because we associate other positive qualities with a pleasing appearance. For example, attractive individuals are expected to be happier and to have more rewarding life experiences than unattractive individuals (Dion et al., 1972; Griffin and Langlois, 2006).

What is the difference between necessities and luxuries?

A luxury, in contrast, is not important when necessities are lacking, but becomes more desirable once basic needs have been met” (p. 292).

Is physical attractiveness a necessity?

The research reviewed above suggests that most of us, consciously or not, view a moderate level of physical attractiveness as a “necessity,” while a higher level of may be a “luxury.”. When we say that physical attractiveness is not important to us, we are likely referring to the luxury of exceptional attractiveness and not the necessity ...

What is physical attractiveness?

Physical attractiveness has long been an instigator of biased thinking, especially with regards to dating selection. For instance, due to the effects of physical attraction stereotypes adults who are more attractive tend to be treated more positively than their more unattractive counterparts (Rohner & Rasmussen, 2012, p. 239). The physical attraction stereotype describes that attractiveness of an individual can distort others perception of that individual’s character qualities (Schneider, Gruman, & Coutts, 2005, p. 357). Higher attractive individuals tend to be perceived as having more positive qualities, while less attractive people tend to be perceived as having more negative qualities, no matter what qualities are actually present (Rohner & Rasmussen, 2012, p. 239). Although physical attractiveness stereotype does have roots in fact, that more attractive people do in fact tend to have more positive qualities, it is important to realize that it is our memory that is distorting our perception of individuals given qualities, whether they have the perceived qualities or not (Rohner & Rasmussen, 2012, p. 240).

Why is attractiveness important in choosing a mate?

When we talk about choosing a mate or preference it is a challenge to separate inborn preferences from cultural norms and gender roles. While it is agreed on by researchers that all human being love, we all do not define love the same way because of the variation in cultural norms, Taylor (2012). The differences are not only in how define love, but also how we experience it. There also different interpretations of love, attractiveness and relationships. Take attractiveness for instance. The primacy effect is when people are impacted by the first information they see and make a judgment based on that information (Schneider et al., 2012). Thus, giving support to the traditional saying, “judging a book by its cover.” There is a reliance on physical attractiveness to make judgments. One of first features where people make judgment or interpretation of attractiveness is the face. When it comes to facial beauty and preference, both men and women prefer symmetrical faces. Symmetry is where the placement and size of the features on one side of the face match those on the other. People are more attracted to symmetrical faces than to asymmetrical (not identical on both sides) ones, Cunningham (1986). Furthermore, according to Cunningham (1986) facial features also predicted personality attributions, altruistic inclinations, and reproductive interest. To a certain extent we are judged by our looks (Schneider et al., 2012). An example of a couple who is regarded as highly attractive with symmetrical faces is the movie stars Angelina Joelie and Brad Pitt. The reason Angelina Joelie and Brad Pitt would receive high attractiveness ratings is that they each possess the preferred facial features. Brad and Angelina are similar in symmetrical features. Specifically, they both share features such as, large eyes, prominent cheekbones, narrow chins, and a big smiles. Where they differ is in Angelina’s baby face features such as a small nose and small chin. Brads chin is large and masculine. Baby face features are linked with childlike or baby qualities. Interestingly prominent cheekbones are only present in male and female adults. I also think that other features such as good hair, height, weight, and complexion play a role in how attractive a person’s attractiveness is rated. Another reason people more attracted to symmetrical faces than to asymmetrical ones is because they indicate good health and good genes. Today males are expected to be muscular (perhaps more now than in previous generations) and women are expected to be thin (abnormally thin) as the ideal body types. This is a world view, not just a Western view.

Do adults fall victim to attractiveness?

Adults are not the only ones that fall victim to the physical attractiveness stereotyp e. We also pass this type of bias to our children. If they mimic adult behavior, and we continue to be a society consisting of superficial biases, it would be unrealistic to expect those biases to be reduced. According to Langlois et al., 2000, children treat attractive children more positively than they treat unattractive children (as cited by Ramsey & Langlois, 2002). If adults cannot treat each other equally, how can we expect our children to?

Do attractive people get what they want?

It was interesting to see that just because someone is attractive doesn’t mean they will get what they want . This is contrary to the physical attractiveness stereotype that attractive people get what they want because it isn’t always the case. (Schneider, Gruman, & Coutts, p. 357)

Do adults believe in physical attractiveness?

As the post mentions, not only adults believe the physical attractiveness, but children as well. I have a six year old niece and she’s already developed this perception of what is beautiful and attractive. To add, she’s already become “concerned” about her appearance. I believe she’s developed this perception through observation. Physical attractiveness is not discussed around her nor is she overly exposed to the perceptions of beauty. But, it’s my duty as an adult and her family member for her to understand that there is not a specific “look” that constitutes beauty and attractiveness. Lastly, it is important to have these conversations at a young age because as we develop, it tends to become difficult to change our perception of issues that have been instilled in our minds.

Do people who are attractive get treated better?

That is a very interesting study that has been done to show that people who are attractive are treated better than those who aren’t. It is also intriguing to see that oftentimes people are drawn to others based solely on their looks.

Is the physical attractiveness stereotype real?

While working to further understand the physical attractiveness stereotype, Rohner and Rasmussen’s works determined that the physical attractiveness stereotype is not only quite genuine, but that it holds true through varying situations and individual differences as well (Rohner & Rasmussen, 2012, p. 239). In concordance with this, the recognition bias effect associated with the physical attractiveness stereotype has been shown to be extremely resistant to intervention. Recognition bias in fact rebuffed all attempts at intervention during Rohner and Rasmussen’s study, however more alternative tactics of diverting the harmful effects of the physical attraction stereotype (recognition bias by proxy) have been shown to be affective (2012, p. 240).

How to maintain attraction in a relationship?

As a result, from start of any relationship, it is important to practice healthy routines. Avoid cigarettes and excessive drinking and maintain good sleeping and eating habits. As a marriage progresses and people age together, other factors may increasingly influence the way partners appear to one another. Good communication and shared interests probably help sustain attraction between couples as they age. Likewise, unhappiness often diminishes attraction. When relationships are new, emotional factors are less powerful influences on physical attraction, so it is especially important to pay attention to your appearance early on.

Why is it important to pay attention to your appearance?

When relationships are new, emotional factors are less powerful influences on physical attraction, so it is especially important to pay attention to your appearance early on. Some relationships suffer when couples believe that looks shouldn't matter as they get older.

Why is it important to look good?

We have learned from the survey that how we look, as well as how we feel about how we look, is an important ingredient in the glue that keeps relationships satisfying. And unless we continue to nourish it, we risk diluting the strength of our bonds. Obviously, that doesn't mean we should focus only on our appearance and physical attraction; couples that do are at risk as well. But, instead of relying on good communication or interpersonal skills alone, we might attend to our own appearance and let our mates know the importance of doing the same.

How do men and women find a mate?

Most men and women pay careful attentionto their appearance when first seeking a mate. While women may take more time choosing new outfits, makeup and hairstyles, men say they spend their fair share on looking their best, too. Guys eye gals and vice versa, at bars, parties, work, even church and school functions, giving each other furtive glances to determine if there is chemistry. It's a mating ritual that has gone on for thousands of years and one that continues today. Just ask anyone using a dating website how important a person's photo is in initially selecting a mate. And this is true for both men and women. Looks are what initially draw people together.

Why do men and women look at faces?

And, although we may think that men ogle women's bodies, it turns out both men and women are more focused on faces. The survey tells us that it's eyes, skin and lips that are most often noticed and recalled by partners in relationships. While we may think that shapely, fit bodies are most important in attracting a mate, it turns out faces are and we might think more about taking care of them -- protecting our skin, moisturizing, adding gloss to our lips, keeping teeth clean and making regular dermatology and dental appointments. It makes sense to maintain the health and appeal of our most precious physical assets.

How do we become intoxicated by our mate?

We become intoxicated by our mate's scent, by the way they feel and the way they make us feel. Regardless of their "objective" physical appearance, they become beautiful to us. Our experience of our mate is most often based on a developing an interpersonal connection as well as an ongoing physical one.

Why are facial features important?

We also learned that facial features play a larger role in keeping mates attracted to one another than do their bodies. But according to the survey, overall physical attractiveness, which is not the same as physical perfection, matters to both men and women.