how does marjane change over the course of the novel due to the oppressive country

by Gay Haag 7 min read

Throughout the novel Marjane must reconcile her own beliefs and understanding of the world with the strict cultural rules of the Islamic regime. As Marjane begins to confront the political and social realities of her world, the reader sees her slowly detaching from her faith.

Full Answer

What happens to Marjane in the novel?

During the novel Marjane tells us the story of what it was like to grow up during the Islamic Revolution, the changes that came when the Shah's regime was overthrown and her country went to war with Iraq.

How does Marjane's journey begin in Persepolis?

Marjane begins Persepolis as a child and by the end of the novel declares her independence from her mother and father through the ritual of smoking a cigarette. Marjane's parents force her to leave her war torn home for her safety and this begins her journey.

Why does Marjane feel like an outsider in Tehran?

Marjane is proud of her Iranian identity, but she’s also very liberal and independent, which sometimes makes her feel like an outsider in Tehran. This is why she attends high school in Vienna; her parents feared for her safety in Iran. In Vienna, though, Marjane is shocked to find out that her new friends are all sexually active and do drugs.

Why do Marjane's parents force her to leave her home?

Marjane's parents force her to leave her war torn home for her safety and this begins her journey. Throughout the novel Marjane must reconcile her own beliefs and understanding of the world with the strict cultural rules of the Islamic regime.

How did Marjane change in Persepolis?

Believing she was saved by an act of God, Marjane tries living her own life once again. She becomes more outspoken, she gets married, and then—when it feels right—she gets divorced. However, she does find her identity... and her identity is not compatible with living under the oppressive Iranian regime.

How is oppression shown in Persepolis?

The religious oppression started with veils for the women and the separation of boys and girls, and continued with asking the young, poor boys of Iran to sacrifice themselves on the battlefield.

How does Marjane change in Persepolis 2?

Under her friend's influence, Marji increasingly adopts the ways of Western youth and culture and worries that she's losing her Iranian identity. At the same time, Marji undergoes significant physical changes in a growth spurt. She changes her hair, make-up, and clothes style as well.

How did the Iranian revolution affect Marji?

During the Iranian Revolution of 1979, Marji and her family are frightened by the angry protests as they fear for their safety. Before the Shah was overthrown, Marji's parents are detained for hours by the soldiers, and her father has his film taken from his camera.

What does Marjane struggle with?

In Vienna, Marji struggles in different ways to assert an Iranian identity that is both proud and independent. Much of Persepolis details Marji growing and facing the frustration that undoubtedly accompanies dating.

What was Marji's symbolic act of rebellion describe her interesting response?

Marji's symbolic act of rebellion was her smoking a stolen cigarette; her response was she thought it was awful but she still continued.

What is the purpose of Persepolis 2?

Persepolis 2 by Marjane Satrapi is a graphic memoir detailing her high school years away from Iran and her eventual return to the country of her birth.

Why was Marjane depressed?

Throughout the book, Marjane experiences bouts of depression, especially after breaking up with her boyfriend and shortly following her return to Iran. One symptom we see repeated is self-destructive behavior. Marjane's relationship with illicit drugs is spurred by her desire to tune out the pain she's experiencing.

What does Marji learn about heroism in Persepolis?

Marji realizes that “Niloufar was a real martyr” and hero, but unlike she was taught to think, her death did not help society (61). This is the point where Marji realizes that heroes suffer a lot, and sometimes it is for nothing.

How did the war affect Marjane in Persepolis?

Marjane's experience of the war is quite innocent since she saw it from the eyes of a well protected child. She grew up with need to help and make things better for everyone without really understanding what it takes to make the world a better place.

How did the war affect Marji in Persepolis?

Results of the War Immediately, the country was affected by the war. People had to leave their homes and move to other cities to avoid bombings. Marji explained other issues that she and her mother experienced. ''Yes it was war alright.

What revolutionary Iranian event influenced Marji the most?

The war with Iraq had originally inspired Marji to vocal patriotism in protection her country against another invasion, but Marji begins to realize there are greater forces behind the war. She sees how the Islamic regime needs the war to continue survive and keep power.

Gender Roles In Marjane Satrapi's Persepolis

Stand in the corner!” (pg 44) This shows corruption of religious figure in Iran during the time period which is why this book relates to the image we chose. In addition, at the beginning of the book, Marjane believed she was the last prophet; however, as more of her family and friends start to move away or die, she turns away from her religion.

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What is the lesson of Persepolis?

Lesson Summary. Persepolis is a graphic novel that manages to tell a relatable story of war and revolution in Iran. These essay questions can provide good basis for cause and effect, compare and contrast, and analysia essays. To unlock this lesson you must be a Member.

Who wrote Persepolis?

Persepolis. Persepolis, written by Marjane Satrapi, is a graphic novel that tells the story of Marjane when she was a young girl living in Tehran, Iran.