how does basic course on citi program looks like

by Colt Zboncak 8 min read

At the most basic level, CITI Program content is organized into modules, which can be thought of as the lessons that make up a course. Modules are composed of text and images, and may include supplemental materials such as case studies or videos. That content generally follows a standard format.

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What Citi courses are available?

Organizations From $675 per year/per site. view course view series. Coming Soon - Biotility: cGMP for Dietary Supplements. Featured New. Individuals $124.75 per person. Organizations From $675 per year/per site. view course view series. Best Practices for Global Research Partnerships: Benefits and Challenges.

How do I login to my Citi training?

This Refresher 2 course reviews key issues from the Human Subjects Research – Biomedical (Biomed) Basic course. It expands on topics covered in the ... Social-Behavioral-Educational (SBE) Refresher 1. This Refresher 1 course highlights important concepts from the Human Subjects Research – Social-Behavioral-Educational (SBE) basic course.

Is there a video version of the Citi program?

 · At the most basic level, CITI Program content is organized into modules, which can be thought of as the lessons that make up a course. Modules are composed of text and images, and may include supplemental materials such as case studies or videos. That content generally follows a standard format.

Can I access my courses using Citi Program credentials or SSO credentials?

 · CITI Program offers two different documents to reflect a course completion: Completion Reports are transcripts that include all quiz scores. Part 1 shows scores at the time you completed and passed the course. Part 2 reflects any subsequent quiz attempts. Completion Certificates are diplomas that do not include quiz scores.

How long are Citi basic training?

The time required to complete each of the basic modules varies between 10 to 30 minutes. The total time is estimated to be 2-3 hours. The course does not have to be completed in one sitting and you can enter the course at any time.

How do I pass CITI training?

Answer: You must receive a total average passing score of 80% on the quizzes after completing all the required modules. You can track your progress online by clicking “Grade Book.” If you do not obtain a total average passing score of 80%, then you can return to the individual modules and retake any of the quizzes.

What is in the Citi RCR basic course?

About this Course This course provides an in-depth review of the core RCR topics including authorship, collaborative research, conflicts of interest, human subjects, and research misconduct. Case studies and video examples are used to supplement key concepts.

What do you learn in CITI training?

Explore key ethical, export, security, intellectual property, and transparency requirements related to international engagement. This course provides an introduction to the False Claims Act ideally suited for faculty, researchers, and staff at research organizations.

How much is CITI training?

The cost to attend CITI Program – Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative ranges from $30 to $600 depending on the qualification, with a median cost of $100.

Who has to complete CITI training?

Who must complete the Human Research Protections training? Individuals required to complete UCI Human Research training in order to engage in human subjects research and be listed on a UCI protocol, must complete the online Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) program.

How long does Citi RCR training take?

between three and five hoursThe course typically takes between three and five hours to complete. Students should feel free to complete this training over a number of sessions. CITI will keep track of your progress, and you can sign in and out as often as needed.

How often is RCR training required?

once every four yearsFrequency and Timing: Existing policy and guidance call for RCR instruction to be undertaken at least once during each career stage, and at a frequency of no less than once every four years.

Why is RCR training important?

Responsible conduct of research (RCR) education is important because the careers of all researchers can be significantly affected by lack of attention to responsible research practices. Thus, it is equally important in industrial, governmental, and academic settings, as well as in both private and public institutions.

Does CITI Program track time?

All users of the CITI Program website and its content should understand that CITI Program keeps account activity logs, including computer IP addresses, time spent in each content area, number of quiz attempts and scores.

How do I put Citi training on my resume?

How to Put CITI Certification on a Resume. A CITI certification should be included in the certifications section on a resume. Include the date you became certified and do not include expired certifications. For those who specifically work in the research industry, this information may be placed in the summary section.

Is Citi training required?

Do I need to take CITI training? Investigators and study personnel doing research involving human subjects must take CITI training before receiving IRB approval, and become re-certified at minimum every three years.

How to log in to CITI?

If you have already created an account with a CITI Program username and password or if your organization utilizes a Single Sign On , Go to ​or click the Log In button from the homepage.

How to access CITI profile?

To access your profile information click on the drop down arrow next to your name at the top right of the page. Select Profiles . Member Profile includes the information on your CITI Program account. To access your Member Profile information click on the View or Edit link.

How to register a CitiProgram account?

To register a new account, visit our homepage,, then click on the Register button.

How to calculate quiz score?

Score - your current average score. Quiz Scores are calculated by dividing the number of correct answers by the number of the total answers, multiplied by 100.

What is instruction in college?

Instructions - the number of modules you must complete and the average passing score required to pass the course. These requirements are specific to this institutional course.

What is an update institution profile?

Update Institution Profile allows you to update your institution specific details, such as your institutional ID or employee number, email, department, role in research, etc.

What does "add a course" mean?

Add a Course takes you to the institution's course enrollment questions where your responses will place in a course.You will be presented with a series of questions or options to enable you to enroll in the courses appropriate to the curriculum selected by your institution.

How to transfer CITI credits to Iowa State University?

If you have already registered with CITI at another institution, you may transfer credit for your CITI Human Subjects Protection training records (even if it says they are expired) to Iowa State by completing the following steps:  Access your ITI account and click on the “Affiliate with another institution” link. hoose Iowa State University from the drop-down menu. When prompted, choose the human subjects research course completed at the other institution.  lick on “My Profiles” at the top of the page and select “hange my email address.” Enter your ISU email address where prompted for the primary email address.  Follow instructions to “Add a ourse” to add the appropriate Iowa State Human Subjects Protection asic Course (Biomedical or Social/Behavioral).  Once you have added the ISU course, the modules will autofill those common to the Iowa State University curriculum.

How to add Iowa State University to IRB?

Complete the required training within CITI and 2. Sign into IRBManager, ISU’s online protocol system. The remainder of this document explains how to fulfill step 1. To manage step 2, simply visit and sign in using credentials. This will allow IRBManager to import training records from CITI when the two systems sync each night. Training records for personnel who are not affiliated with Iowa State must be attached using the “Add New Non-ISU ontact” process described in the Key Personnel section of the IR application.

What email address do I need to register for 5ISU?

5ISU personnel must register in the CITI system using their email address, as this email serves as the link between the CITI and IRBManager user profiles.

Can I transfer my CITI training to Iowa State?

If you have already registered with CITI at another institution, you may transfer credit for your CITI Human Subjects Protection training records (even if it says they are expired) to Iowa State by completing the following steps:

Do I need to register for CITI?

If you are new to CITI you will need to REGISTER to create a new account using the following steps.  Note: If you have a CITI account from another institution or one used for other CITI trainings (e.g. RCR, IACUC, COI) please see Logging into your CITI account.


1CITI is not configured for Single Sign-On (SSO) with Iowa State.

Does CITI forward completion records?

CITI automatically forwards completion records for Iowa State personnel into IRBManager.5Manual forwarding of your completion report to the IRB is not necessary. However, investigators working on projects for which additional refresher courses are mandated should maintain documentation of training completion for study key personnel.

What is CITI in CUNY?

CUNY subscribes to the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative’s (CITI) research compliance courses to fulfill CUNY’s educational requirements. Please read the requirements section below to identify the training you are required to complete.

How long is a CITI RCR certificate valid?

RCR training certificate will be valid for four years.

Where to send conflict of interest certificate?

Submit a copy of your Conflict of Interest training certificate to the Conflict of Interest Officer of your College , and attach it to any PHS-funded grant proposal or contract that is submitted to your grants officer.
