how does an online course at latech work

by Domenica Brown 4 min read

Why choose Louisiana Tech online?

AdASU – Ranked #1 in Innovation for Seven Consecutive Years. Learn More. Over 90% of ASU Students are Employed or Receive Job Offers Within 6 Months of Graduation.

Why choose tech online?

World Class Faculty · Grow Professionally · #1 in Innovation

What is workday at Louisiana Tech University?

Ad100% Online Bachelor's Degree in Data Analytics. Get Info & Apply Online Today. One of the Lowest Online Tuition Rates in the Nation. Start Your Journey at SNHU®

Is Louisiana Tech ready for summer school?

AdChoose your own path with one of our innovative degree programs. Discover more now at EU. Students come first at Everglades University. Take action for a better future now!

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Online fee waivers ($25/credit hour) Available Financial Aid; Continued progress. Recover credits from dropped or failed classes. Catch up or get a jump start on prerequisites and enroll in hard …

Is Louisiana Tech Online?

Louisiana Tech's online programs deliver academic excellence – anywhere, anytime. We offer highly interactive courses and programs using content and media that most effectively promote learning and teaching.

How does LA TECH quarter system work?

Semester Hour/Quarter Calendar. Louisiana Tech University operates on a quarter calendar, but the unit of academic credit awarded is the semester hour. This is accomplished by increasing the amount of contact time per class meeting.

Does Grambling State University offer online degrees?

GRAMBLING, LA – November 13, 2020 – Grambling State University announced today the launch of Grambling Global Academy, a major new initiative to help adults finish their bachelor's degree through access to low-cost, online courses no matter where they reside.Nov 13, 2020

How do I confirm classes at La Tech?

Go to; click on “Student BOSS Login”; enter Student ID (CWID) and BOSS PIN number: Select menu option “Account Summary” and then select the term (quarter). Review your Account Summary Information. If you are eligible to confirm registration, a “CONFIRM REGISTRATION” BUTTON WILL APPEAR ON THE SCREEN.

Is La Tech a party school?

Louisiana Tech University #13 Top Party Schools in Louisiana.

How many hours is full time at Louisiana Tech?

8 semesterA student must be enrolled in at least 8 semester credit hours at Louisiana Tech University to be considered as full-time. They must also earn 24 hours of credit each academic year or the number of hours needed to complete their undergraduate degree. Failure to do so will result in cancellation of their TOPS award.

What is Grambling State University known for?

Tiger Marching BandIn addition to being one of the country's top producers of African American graduates and the top producer of Computer Information Science grads in Louisiana, Grambling is the home of the internationally-renowned Tiger Marching Band and the legendary college football coach Eddie Robinson, Sr., whose tenure is ...

How do I drop a class at La Tech?

Pick up a Drop/Add form at the Registrar's Office (Keeny Hall 207), complete the required information on the form, have your Academic Advisor sign it, and then process it (Keeny Hall 207) before the last day to drop w/ “W” grades ends.

How do I register for classes at La Tech?

Go to Student BOSS Login.Enter Student ID (CWID) and BOSS Pin number.Click Login.Go to Registration tab.Select Drop and Add Classes.Under“Add Class”, type the 5-digit Course Call Number for each course you would like to add.Click the Submit button.More items...•Nov 7, 2020

How do I register for summer classes at La Tech?

Registration OPEN NOW for the 2021 Summer Scholars Program! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our Summer Programs Office by email at [email protected]. College. It'll be here before you know it, and Louisiana Tech wants to help you get an early start.

How long is online teaching bootcamp?

The Online Teaching Bootcamp is a program spanning seven weeks designed to help faculty strengthen their online course content (assignments/assessments/and resources). Faculty will be given information about pedagogical strategies and then given the opportunity to engineer previously developed or newly developed assignments/assessments/ and resources using the pedagogy introduced through the course. Faculty will be paired with a group of peers and a facilitator to work through the seven-week boot camp covering 4 modules. Subject Matter Experts will be hired for modules 2-4 and will offer their own perspective on the pedagogical strategies by adding curated resources and leading two opportunities for guided discussion during their module. The Boot Camp Track Lead will lead organizational efforts, curate content and assignment designs, and participate in the selection of the Content Experts and Facilitators.

What is digital literacy?

Digital Literacy is defined as the ability to navigate technology (hardware/software) and determine the appropriateness, reliability, and usefulness of information found through internet resources. This track will focus on three specific areas: Tools and resources to help students successfully navigate the Learning Management System; Tools and resources to help students in their academic research pursuits (assignments; essays; website-based projects; thesis; dissertation); Strategies and assignments that improve student level of mastery with internet etiquette, computer mediated communication, and information efficacy.

Flexible schedules

Schedule courses around time with family and friends or work schedules, all while earning credits toward your degree.

Transferable courses

Not a Tech student? No problem! We offer courses that will transfer and earn credit toward a degree at your home institution.

Personal improvement

Improve your academic, soft, and technical skills for academic and career advancement.

Sharpened focus

Worried about Summer brain drain? Summer courses will keep your mind active during the summer break.

Financial Aid

If you have already been awarded with financial aid for the year, you can complete a Request for Summer Aid Form. You’ll receive an email notice with the aid you are offered when your request has been processed.


Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems integrate all of an organization’s departments, divisions, lines of business, and geographical locations into a unified enterprise-wide information system.

Why make a change?

Empowering Louisiana Tech staff with new tools will help the University continue to grow and innovate in a sustainable environment, directing more resources to our core mission.
