how does a cold sore run its course

by Florian Wunsch 10 min read

In the earliest stage of a cold sore outbreak, the virus begins to replicate. This causes an initial irritation, usually a tingling or itching sensation, at the spot where the sore will form. This spot is usually on or around your lips, but a cold sore outbreak can occur on many different areas of your body.

Full Answer

How to stop cold sore in the early stages?

Treatment options for cold sores in the early stages

  • Early stages: Remedies. Treating a cold sore as soon as it appears is recommended to minimize the outbreak. ...
  • Causes. The herpes simplex virus that causes cold sores may be spread through kissing or sharing drinks. ...
  • Preventing transmission. Cold sores spread easily from person to person. ...
  • Complications. ...
  • Outlook. ...

When does a cold sore stop being contagious?

While an infected individual would always be able to spread the virus, they are most contagious when they have an active cold sore. It is commonly seen that it stops being contagious after 2 weeks, but during the infective period, prevention of spread of infection is necessary.

Why do I keep getting cold sores?

What causes recurrent cold sores?

  • Risk factors. Anyone who has HSV-1 or HSV-2 is at risk of developing cold sores. ...
  • Treatments. A person can take over-the-counter pain medication to reduce any cold sore-related pain. ...
  • Prevention. Stress management may help reduce the frequency of cold sores. ...
  • Summary. Cold sores can be irritating and painful. ...

What are the symptoms of a cold sore?

Causes of cold sores

  1. Stress: Are you stressed emotionally or physically? Then you need to beware! ...
  2. Fatigue: Unable to do the daily chores with ease? Are you fatigued all the time? ...
  3. Chilly weather: Did you know that that cold weather can give you a tough time. ...
  4. Hormonal imbalance: You will be shocked to know that hormonal fluctuations during menstruation can lead to these. ...

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What are the stages of a cold sore?

5 Stages of a Cold Sore OutbreakCold Sore Stage 1: Initial Symptoms. ... Cold Sore Stage 2: Progression. ... Cold Sore Stage 3: Rupture. ... Cold Sore Stage 4: Scabbing. ... Cold Sore Stage 5: Resolution.

How do you know when a cold sore is healing?

As your scab starts to flake off, there may be some residual swelling in the area. The cold sore is completely healed when the scab and flakiness disappear, leaving healthy skin underneath. Cold sores typically don't leave scars.

Should you keep cold sores moist or dry?

Cold sores love warm, moist environments, and this is precisely the environment you present to a cold-sore when you slather it in cream for days on end. You're best to let it dry out to the point where it is no longer painful, and then begin applying cream or lip balm to minimize splitting.

Does popping a cold sore speed up the process?

The bottom line Popping a cold sore in hopes of getting it to heal faster can backfire, worsening your symptoms and increasing your risk of another infection or long-term scarring. You may be able to heal a cold sore faster with the help of an OTC cold sore cream and by keeping the area clean and moisturized.

How long does blister stage of cold sore last?

During the scabbing stage, your cold sore blister scabs over for two to three days. Typically, cold sore scabs look yellow and crusty. The first scab may break open, but it should re-heal into a smaller scab. Within a few days of a normal cold sore cycle, your cold sore scab should flake off naturally.

How long does it take for a cold sore to heal once it scabs?

It takes 1–2 weeks for cold sores to heal completely. However, according to Harvard Health Publishing, the virus that causes cold sores remains in the person's body throughout their life. HSV may lie dormant for years and cause no symptoms.

What dries out cold sores?

According to the American Academy of Dermatology, your doctor may prescribe one of two formats: A topical cream that you apply directly to sores, such as docosanol cream or acyclovir cream. An oral medication that you take by mouth, such as acyclovir, valacyclovir, or famciclovir.

Should you cover a cold sore or let it breathe?

While you are waiting for your cold sore to heal, you may be wondering whether it is important to let it breathe or whether it's OK to cover the cold sore with makeup. The answer is, if the sore is open, it's better to hold off on covering it with makeup and let it breathe to avoid further infection.

How I cured my cold sores?

Lifestyle and home remediesTry other cold sore remedies. Some over-the-counter preparations contain a drying agent, such as alcohol, that may speed healing.Use lip balms and cream. Protect your lips from the sun with a zinc oxide cream or lip balm with sunblock. ... Apply a compress. ... Rest and try pain relievers.

Can cold sore blisters go away without bursting?

Cold sores naturally burst and then scab over during the healing process, and they usually heal on their own. It is not necessary to pop them.

Can you spread a cold sore to another part of your lip?

Like genital herpes, oral herpes can be spread to other people or to other parts of your body even when sores are not present. Even though there is no cure, you can minimize discomfort and transmission.

When is a cold sore healed enough to kiss?

In general, it's best to wait for three to four days after the cold sore scab disappears before you kiss someone or engage in oral sex. This is because the herpes virus can continue shedding in the late stages of a cold sore healing, even if there's no viral fluid present.

How long does it take for a cold sore to spread?

When you go through this article of cold sore symptoms, you can easily make out the different stages of a cold sore infection that spreads 8-10 days period. This will help you to act quickly at the first stage to prevent the virus from proceeding further.

What is the cause of cold sores?

Fever blisters, or cold sores, are caused by a virus called Herpes Simplex Virus ( HSV-1 or HSV-2). Usually, this herpes virus (HSV-1) often causes sores in and around the mouth and lips, tongue, cheeks and nasal region, and even on the eye ( facial herpes ). There is a second type called HSV-2 that causes genital herpes.

What is the stage 2 cold sore?

Cold Sore Stage 2 – The Blister Stage (Days 2 – 4): After a day or two, the cold sore will have a visible sign of a blister. Usually, it appears like a pimple or red swollen bumps at the target area. These bumps often multiply and are quite painful to touch. This is when the blisters are filled with fluid.

Why do my lips get red and swollen?

This is when the blisters are filled with fluid. And the surrounded skin becomes red and swollen. The fluid-filled blister is the result of the herpes virus waking up. As the body begins to fight back, the fever blisters appear in and around the mouth and lips.

What are the first signs of herpes?

At this moment, you will sense the first few symptoms like unexplained tingling, burning, soreness, tautness, and itching in the area where the outbreak will ultimately appear.

How long does a cold sore last?

Gould & Ruthanna M Dyer (the authors of Pathophysiology for the Health Professions E-Book ), cold sore stages and symptoms last for a few days to 2 weeks and usually starts healing on its own within a few days.

What stage of cold sore is the tingle stage?

Cold Sore Stage 1 – The Tingle Stage (Days 1 – 2): The first attack of the virus may pass unnoticed or may cause illness resembling influenza and painful ulcers in the mouth and on the lips.

What causes a cold sore?

Individuals who contract HSV type 1 (HSV-1) or HSV type 2 (HSV-2) can suffer from cold sore outbreaks. While the virus usually remains dormant in the body, certain cold sore triggers can push the virus to replicate and cause an outbreak. Examples of triggers include: 1 Emotional Stress 2 Viral Infections and fever 3 Hormonal changes 4 Dental work or injuries to the skin 5 Exposure to the sun, wind, or cold

How long does it take for a cold sore to form?

Left untreated, the cold sore will form about 24 hours after you feel the first tingle. At the moment you feel the first tingle, we recommend that you begin treatment with the Luminance RED.

What is a fever blister?

If an outbreak makes it to the blistering stage, fluid-filled blisters will form on the affected area. This is why you often hear cold sores referred to as “fever blisters.” You will likely experience some level of discomfort during this phase. In more serious cases, those suffering from HSV endure significant pain during an outbreak.

What is the first stage of a cold sore outbreak?

Stage 1: Tingling/Itching. In the earliest stage of a cold sore outbreak, the virus begins to replicate. This causes an initial irritation, usually a tingling or itching sensation, at the spot where the sore will form. This spot is usually on or around your lips, but a cold sore outbreak can occur on many different areas of your body.

What is the 4th stage of cold sore healing?

Stage 4: Crusting/Scabbing. During the fourth stage, your cold sore enters the first phase of the healing process. The open sore will begin to crust over, and you will notice a brown and yellow scab form where the cold sore used to be. While it may be tempting to pick at or peel off the scab, avoid doing so.

How to avoid spreading cold sores?

Importantly, the virus becomes highly contagious at this stage. Avoid sharing cups and utensils, kissing and intimacy, and be sure to thoroughly wash your hands after touching a cold sore . Taking these preventative steps can help you avoid spreading it to others.

What is the FDA approved laser for cold sores?

The FDA registered device utilizes LED-Low Level Laser Therapy to provide your immune cells with a natural boost of energy. With this extra energy, known as adenosine triphosphate (ATP), your cells can more effectively combat the cold sore virus.

What is a cold sore called?

Cold sores, often called fever blisters, are clustered, small, fluid-filled blisters. You may feel a tingling on your lip before a small, hard, painful spot appears (top). In a day or two, blisters form, which later break and ooze (bottom). Healing usually occurs in two to three weeks without scarring.

How to avoid cold sores?

To help avoid spreading cold sores to other people or to other parts of your body, you might try some of the following precautions: Avoid kissing and skin contact with people while blisters are present. The virus spreads most easily when the blisters leak fluid. Avoid sharing items.

What does it feel like to have a cold sore on your lips?

A cold sore usually passes through several stages: Tingling and itching. Many people feel itching, burning or tingling around the lips for a day or so before a small, hard, painful spot appears and blisters erupt. Blisters. Small fluid-filled blisters typically erupt along the border of your lips.

What causes cold sores on the face?

Causes. Cold sores are caused by certain strains of the herpes simplex virus (HSV). HSV -1 usually causes cold sores. HSV -2 is usually responsible for genital herpes. But either type can spread to the face or genitals through close contact, such as kissing or oral sex.

How long does it take for a cold sore to heal?

Cold sores usually heal in two to three weeks without leaving a scar. Cold sores spread from person to person by close contact, such as kissing. They're usually caused by herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1), and less commonly herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2). Both of these viruses can affect your mouth or genitals and can be spread by oral sex.

Where do blisters appear?

Sometimes they appear around the nose or cheeks or inside the mouth. Oozing and crusting. The small blisters may merge and then burst, leaving shallow open sores that ooze and crust over. Signs and symptoms vary, depending on whether this is your first outbreak or a recurrence.

Can cold sores cause a cold sore?

In some people, the virus that causes cold sores can cause problems in other areas of the body, including: Fingertips. Both HSV -1 and HSV -2 can be spread to the fingers. This type of infection is often referred to as herpes whitlow.

What is the second phase of a cold sore?

Phase 2 (day 2-4) The blister phase. This is the phase where the cold sore blisters appear. The area turns red and painful. Clusters of small blisters are formed, which can grow into one large blister.

How many phases are there in a cold sore?

The 4 phases of a cold sore. There are 4 main phases to the life cycle of a cold sore. The herpes simplex virus is contagious during every one of these phases.

What is the most painful stage of a sore?

Phase 3 (day 4-5) The ulcer phase. Typically, the most painful, the ulcer stage happens when the blisters burst. This stage is when you develop an open sore and it is the most infectious phase.

Is cold sore contagious?

Usually, you can feel the skin tightening in the area where the cold sore is about to develop . As a reaction to the infection, the area becomes red and swollen. Even at this early stage, the infection is contagious.

What causes cold sores?

A virus causes cold sores. Most cold sores are caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV). More than half of Americans ages 14 to 49 carry this virus. Once you get the virus that causes cold sores, you have it for life. After the sores clear, the virus travels to your nerves, where it stays unless it reawakens.

What causes cold sores in one person?

Dental work. Cosmetic surgery or laser treatment. Strong sunlight. Certain foods. Hormonal changes, such as getting your period. What triggers cold sores in one person may not trigger them in another person. Image.

Why is it important to not kiss someone with a cold sore?

To prevent infecting others, it’s also important to stop sharing personal items like towels and razors until the cold sores form scabs.

How do kids get the virus?

A child can also get the virus by eating from the same fork or spoon as someone who has a cold sore or sharing a towel with a person who has a cold sore. Adults also catch the virus.

Can you get a cold sore after getting infected?

After the sores clear, the virus travels to your nerves, where it stays unless it reawakens. After getting infected, some people never get a cold sore. Others see some cold sores, but then develop antibodies to the virus and never get another cold sore. It’s also possible to get cold sores throughout your life.

What causes cold sores?

Recurrent cold sore outbreaks can be triggered by many different factors like stress, fatigue, hormonal changes (including menstruation), illness, dental work and even exposure to extreme weather.

How long does it take for a cold sore to heal?

After initial symptoms develop, it can take two to four weeks to heal completely. During that time, cold sores go through three distinct stages. The symptoms and stages of an outbreak can vary depending on whether or not this is your first case or a recurrence.

How many people have cold sores?

Researchers have found that more than half of Americans ages 14 to 49 carry the herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV)—the virus that causes cold sores to develop—and up to 90% of Americans will have at least one cold sore during their lifetime. 5 .

Why is herpes simplex so severe?

The initial infection of the herpes simplex virus is the most severe because the body has yet to build up its defenses to the virus. High and persistent fever, problems swallowing, trouble breathing, or red, irritated eyes, especially in children, should be brought to the attention of a doctor.

What are the symptoms of a fever?

Headache. Swollen lymph nodes 2 . Muscle aches or general body pain. Difficulty swallowing. Fatigue. If you’re experiencing your first outbreak, you may have fluid-filled blisters as well as flu-like symptoms, such as fe ver, sore throat, headache, swollen lymph nodes, and body aches.

What does it mean when you have a red blister on your nose?

Red, fluid-filled blisters around the lips and occasionally on the nose or cheeks. If you’re experiencing your first outbreak, you may have fluid-filled blisters as well as flu-like symptoms, such as fever, sore throat, headache, swollen lymph nodes, and body aches.

How long does it take for a blister to form on the face?

After a few days, small, hard, fluid-filled blisters begin to form on the lips, nose, cheeks, or other parts of the face. 2  If you develop a blister (or blisters) near the eyes, make an appointment with an eye doctor immediately. Watch out for eye symptoms, such as sensitivity to light, pain, or grittiness in the eyes.



Cold sores — also called fever blisters — are a common viral infection. They are tiny, fluid-filled blisters on and around your lips. These blisters are often grouped together in patches. After the blisters break, a scab forms that can last several days. Cold sores usually heal in two to three weeks without leaving a scar. Cold s…
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  • A cold sore usually passes through several stages: 1. Tingling and itching.Many people feel itching, burning or tingling around the lips for a day or so before a small, hard, painful spot appears and blisters erupt. 2. Blisters.Small fluid-filled blisters typically erupt along the border of your lips. Sometimes they appear around the nose or cheeks or inside the mouth. 3. Oozing and …
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  • Cold sores are caused by certain strains of the herpes simplex virus (HSV). HSV-1 usually causes cold sores. HSV-2 is usually responsible for genital herpes. But either type can spread to the face or genitals through close contact, such as kissing or oral sex. Shared eating utensils, razors and towels might also spread HSV-1. Cold sores are most co...
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Risk Factors

  • Almost everyone is at risk of cold sores. Most adults carry the virus that causes cold sores, even if they've never had symptoms. You're most at risk of complications from the virus if you have a weakened immune system from conditions and treatments such as: 1. HIV/AIDS 2. Atopic dermatitis (eczema) 3. Cancer chemotherapy 4. Anti-rejection drugs for organ transplants
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  • In some people, the virus that causes cold sores can cause problems in other areas of the body, including: 1. Fingertips. Both HSV-1 and HSV-2 can be spread to the fingers. This type of infection is often referred to as herpes whitlow. Children who suck their thumbs may transfer the infection from their mouths to their thumbs. 2. Eyes.The virus can sometimes cause eye infection. Repeat…
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  • Your doctor may prescribe an antiviral medication for you to take on a regular basis if you develop cold sores more than nine times a year or if you're at high risk of serious complications. If sunlight seems to trigger your recurrences, apply sunblock to the spot where the cold sore tends to erupt. Or talk with your doctor about using an oral antiviral drug as a preventive if you expect to be doin…
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