how do you send course from strava to edge 800

by Kacie Conroy DVM 6 min read

Part of a video titled How to upload a Strava route to your Garmin | Cycling Weekly
Open up the Garmin folder scroll to new files. And drag and drop the file into there. Number fourMoreOpen up the Garmin folder scroll to new files. And drag and drop the file into there. Number four eject the computer and you're good to go riding.

How do I add a course to my Strava account?

Scroll down to the Strava section and enable the Courses toggle. If you have not connected Strava to your Garmin Connect account, choose your option below to complete the process. Open the app menu.

How do I follow a pro's route on Strava?

(Error Code: 100013) First you need to create a course on Strava, for the route you want to follow. You may want to do this by mapping the route out yourself on the Strava desktop app, or you may decide to choose from one which you've already ridden or that someone else has recommended. You may even decide to follow a pro's route.

How do I integrate Strava with my Garmin device?

Any Garmin device that supports Courses can support Strava Routes. From the Garmin Connect website: Enable Courses permission in your Account Information page in order to take advantage of the integration. From the Garmin Connect mobile app: Navigate to Settings > Partner Apps > Strava > Enable Courses permission.

Can I use Strava live segments on my Garmin Edge 1030?

Garmin and Strava have partnered to bring Strava segments to your Garmin device. Live Segments are only available for riding and running activities. Edge Explore devices are not Strava Live Segments compatible. Looking for Live Segments on your Garmin Edge 1030? Please see this article

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How do I send a route from Strava to my Garmin?

Garmin offers the ability to sync routes from Strava to your Garmin device through Garmin Connect....Garmin Connect App InstructionsOpen the Garmin Connect app.Open the app menu. ... Select Settings.Select Connected Apps.Select Strava.Select Agree.Select Authorize.

How do I upload a route to my Garmin Edge 800?

Here's a quick step by step:Plug in your Garmin.On the website, navigate to your route or ride.Click the Export tab then click on your desired filetype, either TCX Course, GPX Track or FIT Course.If your computer prompts you to save the file to a specific location, place it somewhere memorable like the desktop.More items...

How do I transfer courses to Garmin Edge?

Steps to Send a Course to a Device Using the Garmin Connect AppOpen the Settings Menu. Android: Select (upper left) iOS: Select More (lower right)Select Training.Select Courses.Choose the course that you want to send.Select the 3 dots in the top right.Select Send to Device.Select the device you want to send to.

How do I upload a route to my Garmin Edge 830?

Following a Course From Garmin ConnectSelect an option: Open the Garmin Connect app. ... Create a new course, or select an existing course.Select an option: On the Garmin Connect app, select. ... Follow the on-screen instructions.On the Edge® device, select Navigation > Courses > Saved Courses.Select the course.Select Ride.

How do I download a GPX file to my Garmin Edge 820?

Mac — Transfer using a USB connectionFirst get the Garmin device connected.Then download the route's GPX track file to the computer.Next, store the GPX track file in the Garmin/New Files folder, eject and disconnect the device.Finally, locate and use route on the Garmin device.

How do I open a GPX file on my Garmin?

Importing GPX Files in the Garmin Explore AppTap .Select Import GPX File.Select a file source.Select the GPX file.Select Done.

How do I upload courses to my Garmin?

Importing CoursesLog in to Garmin Connect web from a web browser.Select Training. ... Select Courses.Select Import (located in the bottom right of the course list).Drag and drop the course file into the box or select Browse to search.Select Get Started.Select a course type, then select Continue.Select.More items...

How do I share a route on my Garmin?

Open from a web browser.Select Training.Select Courses.Select the course you want to share.If the course shows "Private", select Make Public.Select Share.

How do you send an activity to Garmin Connect?

Manually Upload Activities to Garmin ConnectConnect your device to a computer using your charging/data cable.From a web browser go to and sign into your account.Select in the top right corner of the page.Select Import Data.Select Browse.Locate and select an activity file. ... Select Import Data.

How do I download a GPX file to my Garmin 830?

Transferring Files to Your DeviceConnect the device to your computer. ... On your computer, open the file browser.Select a file.Select Edit > Copy.Open the portable device, drive, or volume for the device.Browse to a folder.Select Edit > Paste.

How do I download files to my Garmin Edge?

To import a file(s) to an Edge device:Plug the device into computer using the USB data/power cable.Navigate to the Edge drive on the PC.Select the Garmin folder.Select the NewFiles folder.Place file(s) to be imported in the NewFiles folder.Disconnect the device safely from computer.

How do I download maps to my Garmin Edge 830?

Let's dive right in!1) Download the map section of interest per the 'Part 1: Downloading the Maps' section.2) Plug-in your Garmin Edge to your computer.3) Within the Garmin folder on the Edge, you'll find a bunch of .IMG (image) files. These are the pre-loaded map and elevation files.

Where is my account on Strava?

Hover over your name in the upper right-hand corner of the Strava page. Choose "Settings," then find the "My Account" tab from the menu listed on the Left.

How long does it take to download Strava data?

You will receive an email with a link to download your data (this may take a few hours.) For this reason, it’s important that you have access to the email account attached to your Strava profile.

What is a Strava folder?

A folder with all the photos you’ve uploaded to Strava.

Can you export a GPX file from Strava?

If you would like to back up your data or share a file, Strava provides the option to "Export as GPX" from any of your Activity pages. GPX files exported from Strava will contain power data recorded with a power meter but not estimated power.

Can you export a Strava activity file?

Strava provides the option to export the original version of the activity file from any of your Activity pages.

How to enable courses on Garmin?

From the Garmin Connect website: Enable Courses permission in your Account Information page in order to take advantage of the integration. From the Garmin Connect mobile app: Navigate to the More tab, then tap on Settings > Connected Apps > Strava > Enable Courses permission.

Where are synced routes on Garmin?

Synced routes will appear in your Courses folder on your Garmin. If you've starred any segments along the route you created, those segments will also sync to your Garmin device as long as the segment appears on the corresponding route page on the Strava website.

Can you sync Strava routes with Garmin Connect?

The next time you sync your device with the Garmin Connect mobile app or Garmin Express software, any new starred Strava routes will be synced to your Garmin device.

Does Garmin support Strava?

Any Garmin device that supports Courses can support Strava Routes.

Can you delete routes on Strava?

You must delete the route from your Garmin device in order to remove it. Unstarring the route on Strava will not remove it.

Can you follow a segment on Strava?

If you've starred any segments along the route you created, those segments will also sync to your Garmin device as long as the segment appears on the corresponding route page on the Strava website. Once the segments have synced, you can follow them as Live Segments even while following a route.

When will you be alerted on a live segment?

You will be alerted when approaching the start of a segment that’s on your device, and when the segment starts. Please be aware that Live Segments are only available for riding and running activities.

Can you cancel a segment in Live?

Segment notifications appear automatically, but you can cancel out of the Live Segment experience as it is happening

Can you use Strava segments on Garmin?

Your Garmin may still be set to use Garmin segments, instead of Strava segments. To check this, open Garmin Connect and add segments to your dashboard. From here you can change the settings to use Strava segments. After the change is made, sync your device with Garmin Express and your segment settings will be updated.

Does Garmin use Strava?

Garmin devices use a different algorithm for determining when a user starts and finishes a segment than Strava uses, which can affect the elapsed time reported for the segment. To ensure consistency between users, the times shown on the Garmin during an activity are preliminary, and the times shown on Strava after uploading are final.

Can Strava determine if a ride is a segment?

After the activity is uploaded, Strava can examine the entire activity and more accurately determine which segments were ridden - including the ones that didn’t show up in real time.

How to connect Garmin to Strava?

From your smartphone open the Strava app. Select Profile from the bottom menu. Select from the upper right corner of the app. Select Link Other Services (Android) or Applications, Services, and Devices (iOS) Select Connect a device to Strava. Select GARMIN. Select Connect Garmin.

Does Strava sync with old routes?

NOTE: Enabling this feature will only prompt new favorite routes to be synced. If you have old routes in your favorites, you will need to remove and re-add the stars for the routes you wish to sync (see Strava Support - Managing your Routes ).

What is the Edge 800?

Providing navigation and performance monitoring, Edge 800 is ideal for touring, commuting, competitive cycling and mountain biking. It has a built-in basemap and tracks your distance, speed, location and ascent/descent.

What happens when you load a TCX course?

If you load a TCX Course or a TCX History of an uploaded ride on the site (a ride that you or someone else recorded and uploaded to our site) you will get virtual partner speeds identical to the speeds actually ridden along the ride. This is helpful when riding against your previous time, or someone else’s previous time.

How to find my route on my Garmin?

Open the Garmin folder located inside the Garmin drive. Click/drag the exported file from your desktop to the NewFiles folder. Safely remove the Garmin (Eject on an Apple machine) and unplug it from the computer. After powering it on click the Courses icon and locate your route.

Top Replies

If you able to post the course file you are having trouble with I would be interested in taking a look at it.

All Replies

Do you have any of these courses you could post here? Does it seem to happen equally regardless of the file type (ie GPX, TCX, or FIT)?


Enabling Strava Routes on Garmin Devices

  1. From the Garmin Connect website: Enable Courses permission in yourAccount Information pagein order to take advantage of the integration.
  2. From the Garmin Connect mobile app: Navigate to the More tab, then tap on Settings > Connected Apps > Strava > Enable Courses permission.
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Syncing Strava Routes to Garmin Devices

  • In order for a route to sync to your Garmin device, the route will have to be starred and public. Private routes cannot be synced to third-party devices. 1. From the Strava website, open the Dashboarddrop-down menu and select My Routes. 2. From the mobile app, navigate to your saved routes from either the Maps tab or your profile page. 2.1. From the Maps tab, select Saved > Sav…
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How Do I Remove A route?

  • You must delete the route from your Garmin device in order to remove it. Unstarring the route on Strava will not remove it.
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What If My Route Did Not Sync?

  • First, check if the route was synced to Garmin Connect by looking for it in your Courses folder on the mobile app or website. 1. If you see the route, sync your device to Garmin Connect via Bluetooth or Wifi. 2. If you don’t, unstar and restart the route on Strava then sync your device to Garmin Connect.
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  1. Strava subscription
  2. Garmin Connect account
  3. Compatible Garmin device
  4. Live Segments are only available for riding and running activities
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Linking Your Accounts

  1. From the Strava website, hover over the plus sign icon at the top-right of the screen and select Upload Activity to open the device upload page.
  2. From the mobile app, open your settings from the gear icon in the upper right-hand corner of the Home, Groups, or You tab.
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Selecting Segments

  1. Your starred segmentswill show up automatically. If you star another one, it will load on your device the next time you sync. You can star segments almost anywhere you can view them - from an activ...
  2. If you set a goal on a segment, it will load onto your device as well, along with an effort representing your goal time.
  1. Your starred segmentswill show up automatically. If you star another one, it will load on your device the next time you sync. You can star segments almost anywhere you can view them - from an activ...
  2. If you set a goal on a segment, it will load onto your device as well, along with an effort representing your goal time.
  3. A selection of 20-30 popular segments from your area can be loaded on your device as well. Popular segments can be enabled on the Starred Segments page.
  4. At this time we only sync 100 segments (this includes the 20-30 popular segments if you have them enabled).

on Your Garmin Device

  1. You will be alerted when approaching the start of a segment that’s on your device, and when the segment starts. Please be aware that Live Segments are only available for riding and running activities.
  2. During the segment, you can choose which effort to be compared against. You will always be able to select the KOM/QOM, and you could also have your PR, your goal, or the time from an…
  1. You will be alerted when approaching the start of a segment that’s on your device, and when the segment starts. Please be aware that Live Segments are only available for riding and running activities.
  2. During the segment, you can choose which effort to be compared against. You will always be able to select the KOM/QOM, and you could also have your PR, your goal, or the time from another athlete....


  • Why is my segment time different after I upload than it was on my Garmin?
    Garmin devices use a different algorithm for determining when a user starts and finishes a segment than Strava uses, which can affect the elapsed time reported for the segment. To ensure consistency between users, the times shown on the Garmin during an activity are preliminary, an…
  • Why didn’t one of my starred segments show up while I was riding it?
    During a ride, if the GPS signal is poor, it can be hard to determine whether a user is on a particular segment or not. After the activity is uploaded, Strava can examine the entire activity and more accurately determine which segments were ridden - including the ones that didn’t show up in rea…
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