how do you proposal to actively maintain this relationship over the course of the summer?

by Giles Fisher 10 min read

Why is summer break important?

How to make your girlfriend feel more memorable?

Can you have a romantic relationship in college?

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2. Keep communication in balance

Communication is important in any relationship, but becomes crucial when you take your relationship long-distance. The trick here is to be flexible with your schedule. It’s summer, after all, and your schedule may look very different from day to day – and so will you partner’s.

3. Be intentional

The luxury of summer is that you finally have time to do the things you want to do! So, why not take advantage of your extra time and use it to be intentional in your relationship? Maybe there are things you thought about doing for your significant other during the year that you just never had time to do – well, now’s your chance!

What do you think?

Do you have a long-distance relationship over the summer? Have you done it before? What are your tips to others? How do you plan on making your long-distance relationship successful? Let us know! Leave a comment!

Why is summer break important?

Summer break exists for a reason: it is a time for teachers and students alike to take a pause between work periods to delineate between semesters and allow for a mental reset. That being said, cultivating your college relationships is important throughout the summer, but, like school, can be naturally sparser.

How to make your girlfriend feel more memorable?

Put away your phone. Be ingenious and take interest in their thoughts and activities; even more, encourage them to achieve their goals. Bolster their confidence to go after the job they want or to engage in a desired activity. Talking less over text will have you more agog to hear about their summer experiences.

Can you have a romantic relationship in college?

Romantic relationships fostered in college can be difficult to manage over the summer, especially when you live far apart from each other and have spent a good majority of time together at school. This article highlights some tips for maintaining a healthy relationship with your boyfriend or girlfriend over the summer.

How to get out of a long distance relationship?

If stuff isn’t working out and long distance isn’t your thing, respect the relationship enough to get out. Talk to your partner and let them know how you’re feeling. Honesty is key. If you’re in college, you’ll most likely be doing semi-long distance 8 times (every summer and winter break), but this constant stop and start isn’t for everyone. Do what makes you happy. Relax, take a deep breath, and do what you gotta do.

What to do when your significant other is jealous?

If your significant other is doing things that make you jealous all the time, then you should probably reevaluate your relationship. However, if you just get jealous really easily over little things try to relax. Jealousy during long distance can easily turn annoying. Unless your partner has given you a reason not to trust them — trust them. Give them the benefit of the doubt.

How to keep your mind off your partner?

This is probably the most important of all. Get a job, run errands, do crafts, watch movies, do whatever you need to do to keep your mind off your partner. Even though you’ll think of them often, time will go by even faster if you have busy days.

Why is summer break important?

Summer break exists for a reason: it is a time for teachers and students alike to take a pause between work periods to delineate between semesters and allow for a mental reset. That being said, cultivating your college relationships is important throughout the summer, but, like school, can be naturally sparser.

How to make your girlfriend feel more memorable?

Put away your phone. Be ingenious and take interest in their thoughts and activities; even more, encourage them to achieve their goals. Bolster their confidence to go after the job they want or to engage in a desired activity. Talking less over text will have you more agog to hear about their summer experiences.

Can you have a romantic relationship in college?

Romantic relationships fostered in college can be difficult to manage over the summer, especially when you live far apart from each other and have spent a good majority of time together at school. This article highlights some tips for maintaining a healthy relationship with your boyfriend or girlfriend over the summer.
