how do you know when you need to make a course correction?

by Martina Ondricka Jr. 6 min read

What is a course correction? When a spacecraft gets off of its trajectory, or path through space, it must be put back on the right path. The location of the spacecraft is determined and its course vector (the speed and direction of its flight) is calculated.

Full Answer

What is a course correction?

When a spacecraft gets off of its trajectory, or path through space, it must be put back on the right path. The location of the spacecraft is determined and its course vector (the speed and direction of its flight) is calculated. This is compared with the path it should be on.

How do you correct a project course?

Course-Correcting Project Management TipsAdjust priorities for certain tasks as project dynamics change. ... Communicate with team members to keep them motivated and goal-oriented. ... Make sure leadership understands the implications of change requests. ... Break down large tasks into smaller ones.More items...•Oct 8, 2020

What is another word for course correction?

What is another word for mid-course correction?varianceadjustmentalterationmodificationrevisionshifttransformationamendmentreformationreworking205 more rows

What are the three components of a logical argument quizlet?

There are three components in logical argument: (1) reasons, (2) evidence, and (3) conclusions.

Is that correct synonym?

Correct Synonyms - WordHippo Thesaurus....What is another word for correct?rightaccurateprecisetrueexactveraciousfaultlessflawlessstrictcertain219 more rows

What is mid course?

Definition of midcourse : being or occurring in the middle part of a course (as of a spacecraft) a midcourse correction.

What are the four different learning preferences discussed in on course?

The four different learning preferences discussed in this chapter are THINKING, DOING, FEELING, and ENGAGING. Most college instructors place critical thinking high on the list of skills they want their students to master.

Which of the following is the most effective goal according to the Dapps rule?

Which of the following is most effective goal, according to the criteria of the DAPPS rule? Achieve a grade point average of 3.5 or better this semester.

How do a lot of students incorrectly prepare for thinking about college?

How do a lot of students incorrectly prepare for thinking about college? They focus on the experience of what college might present to them instead of looking at how might their college choice affects their future. How do student loans hold you back from investing in your future?

Who is Jill Suttie?

Jill Suttie, Psy.D., is Greater Good ’s former book review editor and now serves as a staff writer and contributing editor for the magazine. She received her doctorate of psychology from the University of San Francisco in 1998 and was a psychologist in private practice before coming to Greater Good.

Who is the author of Bowling Alone?

Her coauthor, the political scientist Robert Putnam, is best known as the author of the 2000 book Bowling Alone, which influentially argued that “social capital”—our network of connections in family and community—was declining in America.

What was the Progressive Era?

So, the Progressive Era was characterized by a moral awakening. It was a time when people were questioning social Darwinism, which was the reigning mindset of the Gilded Age—that the dog-eat-dog, “survival of the fittest” applied not just to the biological world, but to the social-political world.

What was the Gilded Age?

Robert Putnam: During the Gilded Age, which ran roughly speaking from 1880 to about 1900, there were very high levels of economic inequality, political polarization, social breakdowns (social isolation, social disconnection), and cultural self-centeredness—I would even say narcissism.


Where Are We Going?

Your course learning objectives (LOs) are the navigational beacons that guide the journey. Here’s an example below, from the University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee’s introductory anatomy & physiology course. These LOs for the muscular system have been adopted from Module G: The Muscular System by the Human Anatom…
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Making A Course Correction

  • The sooner we know that our students are “off course” the better: it is easier to make small adjustments than large ones, and to make them sooner than later. Using student response systems, such as Top Hat, can tell us immediately whether students are on course for the LOs in a particular lesson or unit. For example, to check student progress on the objective “Location & fu…
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Avoiding The Doldrums

  • The doldrumsare the part of the ocean near the equator where atmospheric and heat conditions mean there is no wind—causing ships that are sail-powered to slow down and stop. This relates to another constraint we face when teaching: we must reach our destination in a specified time, namely the end of the academic term. Students can be “on course”, but making insufficient prog…
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A Major Course Correction: “I Taught Them That, But They Didn’T Learn It!”

  • The only time you should need a major course correction is if this is how you feel. It means that your lessons, activities, assessments did not help your students “make good course.” It is not that students do not have a major responsibility in their success in the course, but the instructor is (often literally) the only adult in the room. In such cases, there are two aspects of instructional n…
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