how do you get to the oklahoma cross country course

by Justyn Kessler 5 min read

Turn right (north) onto Garfield and continue north until reaching the OSU Cross Country Course. From I-35 (OKC) Stillwater Exit 174 is State Highway 51 Stillwater is approximately 16 miles east on Highway 51. You will be making a left hand turn (north) onto Western Road. Once you have made that left hand turn, you will be on Western.

Full Answer

What division is Oklahoma State University cross country?

The Oklahoma State Cowboys' athletic heritage, a primary focus of the institution, includes 50 national championships, a total greater than all but three NCAA Division I schools in the United States, and first in the Big 12 Conference.

What are some famous cross country courses?

Here are some of the best cross country courses you can run in the United States. Depending on the type of course and type of runner, the viewpoints here can vary....Goodman Campus Cross Country CourseBelmont Plateau.Franklin Park, Boston.Wisconsin-Parkside.Lehigh Univ.

How wide must a cross country course be?

The width of a championship course shall not be less than 10 meters throughout. The width of a nonchampionship course, and of a championship course with fewer than 30 teams or 210 individuals competing, shall not be less than 5 meters.

What is the hardest cross country course?

The world's toughest cross-country courses2008 World Cross Country Championships — Edinburgh, Scotland. ... 2019 CCAA Cross Country Championships — Grand Prairie, Alta. ... 2019 Australian World XC Trials — Canberra, Australia. ... 2012 Gunner Shaw Memorial Cross-Country Race — Vancouver.More items...•

What is the hardest high school cross country course?

Toughest CoursesNM - Manzano HS.MI - Branstrom Park. MO - Sioux Passage.NV - ROP (right of passage)OR - Trask Mountain.NJ - Holmdel Park.PA - Susquenita HS.DE - Brandywine Creek.NC - Wolfpack Invitational.More items...

How many jumps are in a cross country course?

Every cross country course consists of r oughly 12 to 35 fixed and solid jumps. The jumps are made to look natural, being made out of logs, stone walls, tall grasses and water. Sometimes though, the jumps will be made to look unusual and scary to test the horse's bravery and courage.

How fast do cross country runners run?

Take a look at this chart below. These are the top-50 finishers in the 2016 Minnesota State Cross Country championship. The average finishing time was 16:40, but the average first mile was 5:05 or roughly 15:47 pace.

Is cross country hard?

What is overlooked, however, when it comes to cross country is it is one of the hardest sports from a training standpoint, where the actual meet is more of a reward than a challenge, and that it takes a certain breed of person to run the 3.1-mile course, especially when you have to run miles and miles to get ready for ...

When will OSU cross country be back?

The Jamboree is slated to return in 2020. Construction of the course began on June 12, 2018 and was completed in late July 2019.

What exit is Stillwater, Tulsa on?

From Cimarron Turnpike US-412 (Tulsa) Stillwater Exit is #27. Take this turnpike spur to Stillwater. Go through the toll plaza and continue on the turnpike, ignoring Exit 21A (Perkins Road). The turnpike will end and merge with Washington Street heading south.

Where is exit 174 on I35?

From I-35 (OKC) Stillwater Exit 174 is State Highway 51. Stillwater is approximately 16 miles east on Highway 51. You will be making a left hand turn (north) onto Western Road. The stop light is just past the Holiday Inn, Braum’s and a gas station. Once you have made that left hand turn, you will be on Western.

Is Oklahoma State Cross Country open?

The Oklahoma State Cross Country Course is only open to OSU Cross Country and Track & Field. Oklahoma State University is unveiling a new, state-of-the-art cross country course in 2019 that will serve as home to the OSU men’s and women’s cross country teams.

The course will be named the The Greiner Family OSU Cross Country Course

STILLWATER -- The home course of Oklahoma State's nationally prominent men's and women's cross-country programs has a new name: The Greiner Family OSU Cross Country Course.

Story Links

STILLWATER -- The home course of Oklahoma State's nationally prominent men's and women's cross-country programs has a new name: The Greiner Family OSU Cross Country Course.

XC Season Begins in Stillwater

NORMAN — The University of Oklahoma men's and women's cross country teams begin their 2021 season Wednesday in Stillwater, Okla., at the Cowboy Preview.


Men's 5K Race: 8 a.m. CT Women's 3K Race: 8:30 a.m.


From year to year, each set of officers may enact at their discretion, certain rules, decisions, schedules, plans, or procedures, as they deem fit to enact a quality race season.


OCCRA is a Club. We are dirt bike enthusiasts from the ages of 3 to 103. We ride all kinds of cycles, some with 2 wheels, some with 4 wheels, and some with training wheels. We have a place for every age level and skill level. Our Four-Wheeler division even includes a class for utility quads!


From year to year, each set of officers may enact at their discretion, certain rules, decisions, schedules, plans, or procedures, as they deem fit to enact a quality race season. Such discretionary policies and routines are necessary for the efficient functioning of the race event, and typically cannot be anticipated ahead of time.


1. Thou shalt bring an empty trash bag to the race, and carry it home full.
