how do you create a cle course

by Shanie Bartell 10 min read

Providers seeking CLE approval for a course may submit: a completed provider application for CLE approval, a substantive outline with an agenda, a faculty description, and applicable application fees. The state must receive the application at least 30 days before the date on which the course is scheduled.

Creating a CLE? Better Read This First (Perspective)
  1. Pick Impactful CLE Topics & Speakers. ...
  2. Embrace Diversity in CLE Speakers. ...
  3. Make the CLE Super Interesting. ...
  4. Be Practical, Not Theoretical. ...
  5. CLE Attendees Must Be “All In” ...
  6. Leverage Technology. ...
  7. Use Social Media.
Jul 18, 2016

Full Answer

How do I get CLE approval for my course?

Feb 22, 2013 · This may take a few days and you may want to do this step first. Once you are registered, you have to register the course. Log in with your new credentials as they will be emailed to you and go through the registration process. The fee per course is $100 and they take credit cards online. Keep in mind that you are buying the right to offer this CLE course for 1yr …

How much does it cost to take CLE courses?

Sep 10, 2020 · Becoming an accredited continuing legal education (CLE) provider requires strict adherence to a state bar’s accreditation process. If you’re seeking to get your CLE course accredited, ensure that you follow the steps necessary in your specific jurisdiction. Each state’s bar association follows its own protocols for CLE accreditation.

How do I get PA Continuing Legal Education (CLE) accreditation?

CLE providers are required to pay $4 per hour per attendee for courses held in Georgia and for online/distance-learning courses. For seminars held outside of Georgia if the CLE provider elects not to pay the $4 per hour fee, then the attorney receiving …

How do I become a CLE or MCLE provider?

Q] How do we apply for Accredited Provider status? A] You should submit the CLE Board's Application for Accredited Provider Status.No other application form will be accepted. The application must include a list of all CLE courses or programs sponsored, organized and administered by your organization over the prior three years.

How much does it cost to CLE?

The fee for a CLE averages around $50 per hour. Multiply that rate by the average annual requirement of 12 CLE hours, and $600 is the grand total on top of the other mandated fees for the “privilege to practice law.”Jul 1, 2014

What is the purpose of a CLE?

A major goal of Professionalism CLE is to encourage introspection and dialogue about these issues. It is very difficult, if not impossible, to accomplish this in large, undifferentiated groups. The Commission encourages the designers of these events to provide for smaller, more intensive groups.

How do I become an accredited CLE provider in NY?

A] To be eligible for Accredited Provider status, an organization must be a "legal organization," and must have organized, sponsored and administered, during the preceding three years, at least eight separate and distinct CLE courses, in New York (or outside of New York but not accredited by a New York Approved ...

What is CLE presentation?

The post-bar admission education that attorneys must periodically present evidence of completing is formally referred to as Continuing Legal Education (CLE). By regularly presenting their CLE, attorneys show evidence that they're still on top of the information needed to make them credible legal counsel professionals.Jul 11, 2019

How important is the CLE class?

The act of continuing one's legal education also benefits the firm and allows them to contribute positively to the team they are a part of. The requirement of CLE demands lawyers to take a proactive role in their own careers which will provide the overall development of the profession in the county.Aug 22, 2019

What does CLE stand for in law?

Continuing legal educationContinuing legal education (CLE), also known as mandatory or minimum continuing legal education (MCLE) or, in some jurisdictions outside the United States, as continuing professional development, consists of professional education for attorneys that takes place after their initial admission to the bar.

What are the New York CLE requirements?

New York CLE Requirements At a GlanceTotal Credits: 24 credit hours every two years:CLE Deadline: 30 days after attorney's birthday. ... Carry Over Credit: Attorneys can carry over 6 credits into the next reporting period.Reporting: Attorneys in New York must certify their compliance on their attorney registration.

What is the CLE requirement in NY?

Q] As an experienced attorney, what is my CLE requirement?Experienced Attorney CLE RequirementHoursTotal Number of CLE credit hours24Minimum Number of Ethics and Professionalism CLE credit hours4Minimum Number of Diversity Inclusion and Elimination of Bias CLE credit hours1

How many pro bono hours does the New York bar have?

fifty hoursUnder the New York State Pro Bono requirement, persons applying for admission to the New York State Bar must file an affidavit showing that they have performed fifty hours of pro bono service.

What is participatory MCLE?

Type: Participatory. Live education includes panel discussions, question-and-answer sessions and in-house education where the teacher is physically in the room with the attendees. [ Rule 2.80] You can also report MCLE credit for speaking in approved education activities. [ Rule 2.81]

What are NY CLE requirements?

New York CLE Requirements At a GlanceTotal Credits: 24 credit hours every two years:CLE Deadline: 30 days after attorney's birthday. ... Carry Over Credit: Attorneys can carry over 6 credits into the next reporting period.Reporting: Attorneys in New York must certify their compliance on their attorney registration.

Is LexVid accredited in NY?

New York CLE Provider Status LexVid courses are accepted for CLE credit by the by the New York State Continuing Legal Education Board.

How many CLE credits do I need in New Mexico?

12.00 credit hoursNew Mexico attorneys are required to complete 12.00 credit hours every year. Members must fulfill at least 8.00 credit hours of their CLE requirement with activities approved for Live CLE credit.

How do I submit my CLE to NY?

You must file your attorney registration form and complete your CLE requirement within 30 days after your birthday on alternate years. If you were admitted before January 1, 1982 or in an even-numbered year (e.g., 1998), then you will register in even-numbered years.

Is New York a 50 minute CLE state?

New York CLE credit is based on a 50-minute hour and must be in . 5-hour increments. If the credit issued is based on a 60-minute hour, the attorney should multiply the number of credits issued by 60 and then refer to the credit calculation chart to determine the equivalent New York credit.

Do PA CLE credits count in NJ?

All attendees receive an official certificate of course accreditation from the Pennsylvania CLE Board. PA CLE credit is valid in New Jersey and New York on a 1:1 credit basis, as well as in any other state that accepts PA credits in reciprocity.

Does CT accept NY CLE credits?

Yes! Connecticut attorneys can receive credit for: Speaking or teaching an accredited CLE program. Attorneys may earn CLE credits for teaching a CLE program.

What is CLE form 2?

Providers seeking CLE accreditation must complete CLE Form 2 (Request for Approval of Continuing Legal Education Activity Form) for every course they would like to be considered for CLE approval. Additionally, applications must include:

What is CLE accreditation?

Introduction to CLE Accreditation. Becoming an accredited continuing legal education (CLE) provider requires strict adherence to a state bar’s accreditation process. If you’re seeking to get your CLE course accredited, ensure that you follow the steps necessary in your specific jurisdiction. Each state’s bar association follows its own protocols ...

How much does it cost to get CLE accreditation?

The application fee for CLE accreditation is $20 for programs shorter than two hours in length and $50 for programs longer than two hours. Providers are also required to submit an agenda of the program, biographies of the presenters, and a brief description of the material that attendees of the program will receive.

What is the Alaska Bar Rule 65?

According to Alaska Bar Rule 65, organizations must apply to the Alaska Bar Association’s Board of Governors for accreditation as a CLE provider. The application for accreditation can be found on the Alaska Bar Association’s website .

How much does it cost to get CLE in Maine?

Providers seeking CLE accreditation in Maine must submit the Uniform Application for Approval of Continuing Legal Education. Approved providers must submit a $35 application fee at time of application. Unapproved providers must submit a $45 application fee. For more information, visit the Board of Overseers of the Bar’s website.

What is Colorado CLE?

Colorado CLE is governed by Colorado Supreme Court Rule 250. Providers must abide by the Continuing Legal and Judicial Education Regulations. To apply for CLE accreditation, providers must submit a Request for Recognition of a Certified Provider, available on the Colorado Supreme Court’s website.

What is the Oregon State Bar MCLE?

The Oregon State Bar MCLE Department is responsible for accrediting MCLE programs in Oregon. Providers must submit a description of the presentation or a schedule, in addition to the appropriate form. Providers must create a sponsor account on the Oregon State Bar’s website, where they can find the application form. For more information, visit the Oregon State Bar’s website.

What is CLE regulation?

CLE Regulation operates under the Commission on Continuing Lawyer Competency and assists attorneys with keeping track of their CLE hours. It is designed to enhance its members' professional competence as lawyers. Active lawyers are required to keep current on the law by adhering to the following requirement.

When is the CLE deadline for 2020?

Your 2020 CLE requirement should be complete by Dec. 31, 2020. By Supreme Court Order the grace period to complete 2020 CLE requirement has been extended to May 31, 2021. A $100 late fee will be due if 2020 CLE requirement is not complete by May 31, 2021.

What is the purpose of the Professionalism CLE requirement?

The general goal of the Professionalism CLE requirement is to create a forum in which lawyers, judges and legal educators can explore the meaning and aspirations of professionalism in contemporary legal practice and reflect upon the fundamental premises of lawyer professionalism–compet ence, civility, integrity and commitment to the rule of law , to justice and to the public good. Read More

Where to contact CLE Board?

A] You may find answers in the Program Rules or in the CLE Board Regulations & Guidelines, or you may e-mail your questions or comments to [email protected]. You may also contact us at (212) 428-2105, or toll free from outside of New York City at 1 (877) NYS-4CLE (697-4253).

How long does it take to get a CLE board notification?

A] The CLE Board should be notified within 30 days of any changes in provider information, including a change of address and/or contact person. This notification may be in writing to the Board at 25 Beaver St., Room 888, New York, NY 10004, or by e-mail to [email protected], or by fax to 212-428-2974.

What is an accredited provider?

A] An Accredited Provider is a "legal organization" that, among other things, has demonstrated a history of at least three consecutive years of sponsoring, organizing and administering CLE courses that meet New York’s standards.

How long do you have to submit an application for a course?

You should complete the Application for Accreditation of an Individual Course Activity, and submit the application at least 60 days prior to the first occurrence of the program. Please indicate on the application or in your cover letter, the frequency with which you expect to repeat the course.

What is a credit in ethics?

A] Credit is awarded in "Ethics and Professionalism," "Skills," "Law Practice Management," "Diversity, Inclusion and Elimination of Bias," and/or "Areas of Professional Practice." These categories of credit are defined in section 1500.2 of the Program Rules.

How to calculate speaker credit?

A] To calculate speaker credit, first determine the length in CLE credit hours of the speaker's presentation, and then multiply by 3 to determine the credit due the speaker. For example, a 70-minute presentation is equivalent to 1.0 CLE credit hour, so the speaker is due 3.0 credit hours.

Do you have to submit an application for accreditation of an individual course activity?

A] You must submit an Application for Accreditation of an Individual Course Activity, along with a sample of the course in the nontraditional format and a description of your attendance verification procedures.
