how do toms perception of reality change during the course of the story? how can you tell?

by Jackie Torp V 7 min read

What causes Tom's attitude to change?

What causes his attitude to change? His close encounter with death makes him realize what is important to him.

What changes if any will tom make in his life as a result of this experience?

What changes, if any, will Tom make in his life as a result of this experience? He'll probably spend more time with his wife, and less time working. What lesson can you learn from Tom's experiences? To be thankful for everything you have in life, and to not take anything for granted.

Why is Tom upset about the loss of the paper?

Why do you think Tom reacts as he does when he sees the yellow sheet of paper at the end of the story? Because he doesn't even care about the paper anymore. He just want's to be with his wife.

What movement from inside the apartment on his desk catches Tom's attention what does it cause him to realize?

After Tom makes it back to the window of his apartment, but not inside, it reads, "A movement from his desk caught his eye and he saw that it was a thin curl of blue smoke; his cigarette, the ash long, was still burning in the ashtray where he'd left it - this was past all belief - only a few minutes before."

How does Tom change as a result of his ordeal on the ledge?

How does Tom's life change as a result of his ordeal on the ledge? Tom changes the priorities in his life and focuses on his marriage before his career.

What event causes Tom to laugh at the end of the story?

He sees the irony of losing the paper for which he had almost died. After Tom makes it safely back into his apartment, the yellow paper flies out the broken window once again. Tom bursts into laughter.

How has Tom resolved his conflict?

The conflict is resolved by Tom punching the glass window with his fist and then he crawls back inside his apartment.

How does Tom finally convince himself to go after the yellow paper?

Tom "laughed at" his focus to justify his actions. He created "a mental picture of himself sliding along the ledge" in order to convince himself that he could go out onto the ledge and retrieve the paper.

What mental strategy does Tom use to get himself to move along the ledge?

Tom began to mentally convince himself that going out onto the ledge was a simple task. "Tom laughed at" the situation in order to justify that action in his mind. He "created a mental picture of himself sliding along the ledge" as he imagined the ease at which he would retrieve the paper and return to his desk.

How did Tom make sure that he finds his way back to Becky after exploring the narrow passage?

Suddenly, Tom hears something like a shout. He grabs Becky and leads her to the sound, finding his way in the dark by feeling the walls of the cave. They reach a large pit and cannot cross. The shouts seem to be getting further away, so they hopelessly return to the spring.

What does the scene in this New York apartment reveal about Tom about Myrtle?

What does the scene in the New York apartment reveal about Tom? About Myrtle? Tom is aggressive, abusive, and violent. Mrytle is clingy cheap, worse.

What is Tom's ambition in contents of a dead man's pocket?

Ambition. An important theme in “Contents of the Dead Man's Pocket” is ambition. Tom's ambition is what causes him to choose to stay home and work that evening rather than go out and enjoy a date night with his wife.

How to change your perceptions?

Here are some tips to help you start changing your perceptions. Decide to be in charge of your life. Set goals for yourself and make sure they’re attainable. Don’t set yourself up for failure. Change your inner voice from, “I can’t” to “I can”. Visualize where you want to be and write it out.

What is the law of attraction?

As simply put as possible The Law of Attraction is like attracts like. What you put out, you get back. So if you’re putting out positive energy, you’re getting that back. People use this rule to bring more pleasant things into their lives by focusing on that and letting go of the negative.

Is perception your reality?

Your perception is your reality; there is no question about that. Reality and thoughts change and flicker constantly. Everyone has bad days, but if you’re in a cycle of heavy burden, do everything that you can to lift that. Changing your thoughts and trying to go from negative to positive costs nothing.