how do power and authority change hands over the course of the play in a raisin in the sun

by Prof. Ellen Baumbach DVM 6 min read

In A Raisin in the Sun, how do power and authority change hands over the course of the play? At the beginning of A Raisin in the Sun, Lena holds the power and authority in her hands because she is in charge of the insurance money. When Lena decides to give Walter Jr. the majority of the money, he possesses the power and authority in the family.

How do power and authority change hands over the course of the play? Money equal power and authority. When money changing hands, the power would changing hands. Mama give money to Walton, get him to decide this family's situation.

Full Answer

How is power shown in A Raisin in the Sun?

The play, A Raisin in the Sun, shows that power needs to be managed properly as it as has the ability to create good and bad. The Younger's were not always brought good through power, but they did not allow it to affect them and they still stood proud.

How does Walter's character undergo changes over the course of the play?

In the end, Walter finds his self-respect and leads his family on to their new house. Although Walter makes the worst mistakes out of any other character in the play, he also undergoes the greatest transformation. His journey takes him from total jerk, obsessed with get-rich-quick schemes, to a man worthy of respect.

How do characters change in A Raisin in the Sun?

Throughout the play the three characters who undergo change the most are Walter, Beneatha, and Mama. First off, Walter Younger changes by becoming more of an honest man like how his father was. In the beginning, Walter was just an average family man who wanted to support his family by himself.

How do you think Walter has changed since the beginning of the play?

Walter changes by losing his selfish and arrogant attitude and finding pride in himself to refuse a bribe.

What caused Walter to change?

Walter changes by losing his selfish and arrogant attitude and finding pride in himself to refuse a bribe. He realizes living in the house his mother...

Who changed the most in raisin in the sun?

Walter Lee Younger, one of the main characters from A Raisin in the Sun is a desperate dreamer that strives to be able to take care of his family. Walter experiences the most change out of all the characters throughout the the play.

What do the characters in A Raisin in the Sun represent?

Many of the characters hold a strong symbolic meaning, and Walter Lee Younger is no exception. He is the symbol of hope and ambition, dreams and desires, passion and fury. When taken at face value, all of those characteristics are applied towards his own success and the well-being of the family.

How does Ruth change in A Raisin in the Sun?

In the end, Ruth finds hope in the family's decision to move into a bigger house in a better neighborhood. She decides to keep her baby. Even though she will still have to work hard to support her family, she feels hopeful that a fresh start will be good for everyone.

How does Beneatha change in A Raisin in the Sun?

How does Beneatha change in a raisin in the sun? By the end of the play, Beneatha is humbled. Asagai helps her to understand that her dream of being a doctor did not arise because she was due to inherit money; her dream to heal people began long ago, so it should not disappear because the money did.

What are three examples that show Walter has changed?

What are three examples that show Walter has changed in the past week? He isn't mad with Ruth; he dances with her; he seems a little more pleasant with Beneatha. Why does Mr. Lidner come to the Youngers' apartment?

How does Mama change from the beginning of the play?

How does Mama change? - Mama loses all hope and decides to give up her dream of living in the house after becoming furious with Walter for his mistake. Walter says that pride is "old time stuff".

Does Walter cheat on Ruth?

It is revealed that Walter has been cheating on Ruth. George refuses to take Beneatha out when she is wearing her unusual clothing.

Why is a Raisin in the Sun important?

Lorraine Hansberry’s A Raisin in the Sun can be deliberated as a milestone in American art because it speaks on so many concerns vital during the 1950s in the United States. The 1950s are commonly ridiculed as an era of complacency and conformity, embodied by the growth of money-making culture and suburbia.

What is a mother in a raisin in the sun?

Keeping the Family Together in A Raisin In The Sun What a loving mother! Lena Younger, or Mama, is nurturing and supportive when it comes to raising and maintaining a family. Personally speaking, being nurturing means to love, care for, and show concern over someone. Analyzing Mama’s relationships with family members can show us her view on parenting and ultimately show us her devotion to her family. In A Raisin in the Sun, by Lorraine Hansberry, Mama is a nurturing mother who cares for and

Thursday, March 27, 2008

1. How do power and authority change hands over the course of the play?

A raisin in The Sun 2

1. How do power and authority change hands over the course of the play?

What is Hansberry's view on society?

Hansberry’s views challenge the sexism present in society . The blacks and their dreams - they can’t be rich and successful. The difference in views due to difference in generation - challenges the traditional thinking through beneatha’s character. What does the new house signify to each of the Youngers.

What is the theme of the play in the poem "The Dreams of a Dream"?

How does the play illustrate the theme of the poem? The theme of dreams - is what the play is about. Foreboding that their dreams may not be fulfilled - also shows the difficulties in achieving one’s dreams.

What is the theme of poor living condition?

Their poor living condition - theme of racial discrimination. Role of money in fulfilling dreams. The whole family concerned about the use of that money, showing the importance it has in their lives. The ability to ruin - everyone is after money and are willing to do anything to get it.