how do interactions support achievement of course learning objectives

by Eddie Harvey 3 min read

What are the objectives and learning outcomes of a course?

Course Objectives & Learning Outcomes. Main Content. Learning outcomes describe the learning that will take place across the curriculum through concise statements, made in specific and measurable terms, of what students will know and/or be able to do as the result of having successfully completed a course.

How to present course objectives to engage learners?

So let us now explore some unique and interesting ways of presenting course objectives that can engage learners right at the onset: 1. Lie To The Learners. Lying in an ethical way boosts learner morale to achieve more. Lying to your learners about a point in your course right can sometimes even challenge them to prove you wrong.

What are the best ways to impart course objectives to students?

Short clips or videos are great when it comes to imparting course objectives. Read the objectives with short description loud and clear so the user is clear with them. You can record a short video of a Subject Matter Expert/employee or the CEO about the learning objectives in a learner friendly language and context.

How do instructors develop Course-Level Outcomes?

While designing a course, instructors are most likely to develop course-level outcomes, which is to say the level of analysis is the course as opposed to the program of study (at a higher level) or module/week (at a lower level) Formula for Writing Learning Outcomes

How does interaction help learning?

Social interaction plays an important role in learning. Interacting with other people has proven to be quite effective in assisting the learner to organize their thoughts, reflect on their understanding, and find gaps in their reasoning.

How does social interaction improve learning?

The findings reveal that students in all three courses perceived that social interaction improved their learning by enhancing their knowledge of literacy and teaching and their critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

How do you achieve course objectives?

5 Steps to Writing Clear and Measurable Learning ObjectivesIdentify the Level of Knowledge Necessary to Achieve Your Objective. ... Select an Action Verb. ... Create Your Very Own Objective. ... Check Your Objective. ... Repeat, Repeat, Repeat.

What is interaction in learning?

When students are observing, doing, communicating, and reflecting, they are actively working with concepts and people. We describe these activities as interactions. Interaction is at the center of the teaching and learning process.

Why is peer interaction important in learning?

Peer interaction serves as the foundation for many important aspects of emotional development such as the development of self-concept, self-esteem and identity. Children learn about themselves during interactions with each other and use this information to form a sense of their own selves – who they are.

What are the benefits of social interaction?

Benefits of Socialization: Better mental health – it can lighten your mood and make you feel happier. Lower your risk of dementia – social interaction is good for your brain health. Promotes a sense of safety, belonging and security. Allows you to confide in others and let them confide in you.

How can you best help students achieve the desired learning outcomes?

Good student development and learning outcomes should include student feedback. During the planning process and throughout the course, it is important to include the students in the learning process by asking what they expect to get out of the course and the best way to help them understand the material.

What is the purpose of introducing the learning objective to students?

Learning objectives should be used to guide students as they work through the course, and to assess their learning progress. Excellent learning objectives provide a guide for students when reviewing materials and preparing for assessments. Learning objectives are the most powerful if they are actionable and measurable.

What is the purpose of course objectives?

A course objective specifies a behavior, skill, or action that a student can demonstrate if they have achieved mastery of the objective. As such, objectives need to be written in such a way that they are measurable by some sort of assessment. Course objectives form the foundation of the class.

What approach uses interaction as the ultimate goal and a way of learning?

Communicative language teaching (CLT), or the communicative approach (CA) , is an approach to language teaching that emphasizes interaction as both the means and the ultimate goal of study.

How do teaching and learning interact to each other?

Teaching and learning are interconnected key players in achieving significant change regarding individuals' holistic improvement. Teaching is the process of imparting information. Learning is the process of receiving knowledge as evidenced by a positive or negative change which lasts for a fairly long time.

What is interaction in the classroom?

The term classroom interaction refers to the interaction between the teacher and learners, and amongst the learners, in the classroom. Earlier studies of second language (L2) classroom interaction focused on the language used by the teacher and learners, the interaction generated, and their effect on L2 learning.

What Are Positive Relationships?

Take a minute and think back to when you were school. Who was your favorite teacher? Now, think about your least favorite teacher. What made your favorite teacher good, and what made your least favorite teacher bad? Most likely, you had a personal connection with your favorite teacher and felt like they cared about you.


Positive relationships are one of the most important tools in your classroom. This is especially true for students that have a history of trauma. Students with trauma typically lack healthy, emotional relationships at home. They do not respond well to traditional discipline.


Positive relationships are essential to student learning outcomes. So, how do we cultivate these, especially with some of our most challenging students? Although students with challenging behavior can be the most frustrating, these are often the students that need the most positive interaction and support. Let's look at a few examples

What is short video?

Short clips or videos are great when it comes to imparting course objectives. Read the objectives with short description loud and clear so the user is clear with them. You can record a short video of a Subject Matter Expert/employee or the CEO about the learning objectives in a learner friendly language and context. Learners can quickly relate to these objectives which simplify their learning experience.

How many interactions does raptivity have?

If you know of, or have used other interesting ways to present course objectives, do share them with us. Raptivity offers a pool of 190+ highly customizable interactions, which can be implemented in the form of text, questions, fonts, images, audio, video, and much more.

Why is understanding objectives important?

Understanding the objectives also helps learners know what they would achieve from the course. These objectives are also used as a basis to decide what to include in the course, how to design learning activities and course evaluations.

What is the first thought that hits the shores of an instructional designer's mind?

The first thought that hits the shores of any Instructional Designer’s mind is defining the right course objectives. Since course objectives define the purpose of the course and help learners slide through it efficiently, it is important that they are presented well.

How to teach a lesson?

1. Lie To The Learners. Lying in an ethical way boosts learner morale to achieve more. Lying to your learners about a point in your course right can sometimes even challenge them to prove you wrong. You might set up realistic expectations and then gradually guide them through your lie.

Is a bulleted list effective?

However, in some scenarios, a bulleted list may not be effective in imparting knowledge. It may lack to bridge between two different sections or points that are covered in the course.

Can you add up a creative image?

You can even add up a creative image where the status or the achieved objective is highlighted in different colors. There are many tools in the market that provide game based interaction templates, Raptivity being a prominent tool for that purpose. You could pick out the ones that suit your purpose.

What happens to learning outcomes as the level of analysis becomes smaller?

As a general rule, as the level of analysis becomes smaller, from course to module to assignment, the learning outcomes tend to be more specific and easily quantifiable.

How to write learning outcomes?

Why Write Learning Outcomes? 1 describe to students what is expected of them 2 plan appropriate teaching strategies, materials and assessments 3 learn from and make changes to curriculum to improve student learning 4 assess how the outcomes of a single course align with larger outcomes for an entire program

How do learning outcomes help instructors?

describe to students what is expected of them. plan appropriate teaching strategies, materials and assessments. learn from and make changes to curriculum to improve student learning. assess how the outcomes of a single course align with larger outcomes for an entire program.

What is the meaning of outcome in learning?

Effective learning outcomes are student-centered, measurable, concise, meaningful, achievable and outcome-based (rather than task-based).

What is learning objective?

Learning Objectives. Learning objectives are statements of what you intend to teach or cover in a learning experience. They tend to be. More specific than learning goals. Not necessarily observable nor measurable. Instructor-centered rather than student-centered. Useful in helping you formulate more specific learning outcomes.

What is a learning goal?

Learning goals are broad statements written from an instructor's or institution's perspective that give the general content and direction of a learning experience. They generally describe what an instructor or program aims to do; i.e., “The curriculum will introduce students to the major research methods of the discipline.”

What is the meaning of "as a result of participating in an educational unit"?

As a result of participating in (educational unit), students will be able to (measurable verb) + (learning statement). If the educational unit is implied, based on the context in which the learning outcomes are shared, you might leave off the first portion of the learning outcome statement.

What is a well-crafted course?

Well-crafted courses have learning objectives that describe overall, high-level objectives for the course (the big ideas), as well as more detailed learning objectives for each unit or module of content.

What is learning objectives?

Learning Objectives & Alignment. Learning objectives describe what learners will be able to do upon completion of a course or instructional unit. Educators often refer to learning objectives as student learning outcomes, learning goals, performance outcomes, instructional objectives, behavioral objectives, or core competencies.

Why align major course components?

When aligned, the major course components work together to ensure that students achieve the desired learning objectives. In an online course especially, objectives help instructors guide their choices about the content that needs to be included—what is truly important versus what is just nice to have.

What is the purpose of a smaller number of well-written objectives?

Note: A smaller number of well‐written objectives communicate the purpose of a course better than a larger number. The number of objectives really depends on what students “need” to learn, either for that week, unit or module, or the entire course.

Why is it important to choose the appropriate level of learning?

It’s important to choose the appropriate level of learning because this directly influences the type of assessment that you choose to measure your students’ learning.

Course Goals Guidelines

Course goals should be broad statements of what you want your students to be able to do or care about by the end of the course.

Learning Outcomes Guidelines

Just like course goals, learning outcomes should be learning-centered, not teaching-centered: “students will be able to…” rather than “students will be exposed to…”.

Examples of Course Goals and Learning Outcomes

The examples below represent a variety of course disciplines and class contexts. Remember, while course goals can be more general, learning outcomes must be observable and measurable so it is possible to assess whether they have been met during the course.

Evaluating Goals and Outcomes

Writing course goals and learning outcomes can be a difficult process since it requires us to be very explicit with our expectations and plans for the course. Here are a few questions you may want to ask yourself (or a colleague) after you have drafted versions of your course goals and outcomes to ensure that they are clear and understandable.


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