how do i see course analytics in canvas

by Donnell Waters 9 min read

On the course home click on View Course Analytics to view the data. Analytics evaluate individual components of a course and evaluate student performance. Course Analytics takes a three pronged approach to creating substantive data for Canvas users. Justification focuses on system reports and how the system is being used.

On the course home click on View Course Analytics to view the data. Analytics evaluate individual components of a course and evaluate student performance. Course Analytics takes a three pronged approach to creating substantive data for Canvas users.

Full Answer

What are learning analytics in canvas?

The Analytics button only displays once students have been enrolled and students have started to participate in the course. Open Course In Global Navigation, click the Courses link [1], then click the name of the course [2].

How do I View student analytics in a course?

By default, analytics are shown in a graph format. These are four types of graphs: Activity by Date, Communication, Submissions, and Grades. View Activity by Date. The Activity by Date graph shows all your course activity. The x-axis represents the course dates, while the y-axis represents the number of page views.

What data does canvas track for students?

How do I view analytics for a student in a course? Open Course. In Global Navigation, click the Courses link [1], then click the name of the course [2]. Open Course Analytics. Open Student Analytics. View Student Information. View Analytics Graphs.

How do I view embedded media in canvas analytics?

Jul 31, 2020 · To view analytics for a specific user, click the name or profile picture of the user [4]. Notes: If students view Canvas Studio media in a mobile device web browser and not in the Canvas Student app, their view time is not always recorded.

Can students see course analytics in Canvas?

The analytics option allows students to see data related to their participation in courses that use Canvas. In the course navigation click New Analytics. ... View the tabbed menu below to learn more about what students can expect to see in new analytics.

How do I view course activity in Canvas?

How do I view course activity for an account?Open Account. In Global Navigation, click the Admin link [1], then click the name of the account [2].Open Admin Tools. In Account Navigation, click the Admin Tools link.Open Logging. ... Select Log Type. ... Search by Course Name or Course ID. ... Find Course Activity.

How do I view data on Canvas?

To view the statistics display the quiz page. On the right sidebar click Quiz Statistics. The Quiz Summary will display at the top of the page. Review the numbered items below.

What are course analytics in Canvas?

Canvas offers several built-in analytics and statistics tools that allow instructors to access data about their courses. The data to may inform their ongoing course design process. Instructors may also track student use of Canvas, and students can review their own online course activity using the new analytics tool.

Can I see my activity log on canvas?

Each Canvas course tracks the activities of its users, instructors and students alike. From the People section of a course, click on an individual's name, then click the Access Report button at right.

Can you view your own activity log on canvas?

Go to Settings in the course navigation menu. Click the Feature Options tab. Click the On button next to Quiz Log Auditing option.

How do I view user insights and analytics for media in Canvas studio?

To view analytics for a specific user, click the name or profile picture of the user. The horizontal bar shows the exact amount of time the user spent viewing the media. A break in the graph means the media was skipped. To switch back to analytics for all students, click the student's name or profile picture again.

How do I get image data from Canvas?

The getImageData() method returns an ImageData object that copies the pixel data for the specified rectangle on a canvas. Note: The ImageData object is not a picture, it specifies a part (rectangle) on the canvas, and holds information of every pixel inside that rectangle.

Can Canvas track your tabs Reddit?

Canvas cannot see or tell if one is accessing Reddit on a different tab alone. That encourages students to search for particular answers on Reddit during the quiz and of course cheat.Jan 10, 2022

How do I find out how much time I spent on Canvas?

Click on People in your course navigation menu. Last Activity shows the last time a student visited your Canvas site • Total Activity shows the total amount of time they have spent on the site.

What is a page view in Canvas?

Mobile page views are sent to Canvas from the mobile apps when a user leaves, or backgrounds, the app. Participated indicates whether the user participated in an activity that required action, such as submitting an assignment, replying to a discussion, or contributing to a page.

How to view analytics without hovering over graph?

To view analytics without hovering over graph columns, you can view all data in a table format. To switch to the table format, click the Analytics icon . The icon will switch from the left side to the right, indicating the current analytics view.

What does the y axis on the Activity by Date graph mean?

The Activity by Date graph shows all your course activity. The x-axis represents the course dates, while the y-axis represents the number of page views. Dark blue bars represent participation in the course. If a date only includes page views, the bar only displays as light blue.

How to view analytics table?

To view analytics without hovering over graph columns, you can view all data in a table format. To switch to the table format, click the Analytics icon. The icon will switch from the left side to the right, indicating the current analytics view.

How to generate analytics?

The following user actions will generate analytics course participation: 1 loads a collaboration to view/edit the document 2 joins a web conference 3 posts a new comment to a discussion or an announcement 4 submits a quiz 5 starts taking a quiz 6 submits an assignment 7 creates a wiki page

What does the y axis on the activity by date graph mean?

The Activity by Date graph shows all course activity for the student. The x-axis represents the course dates, while the y-axis represents the number of page views. Dark blue bars represent participation in the course. If a date only includes page views, the bar only displays as light blue.

What is message thread?

A message is an individual message passed from one user to the other; in message threads, each message is individually counted. In group conversations, interactions are counted as long as the student is one of the recipients.

Open Media

Open the Canvas feature area that displays the media you want to view.

View Insights

The Insights tab displays a graph and a list of users who have accessed studio within the course; one user viewing the media multiple times does not affect the graph.

View User Analytics

The horizontal bar shows the exact amount of time the user spent viewing the media [1]. A break in the graph means the media was skipped [2].

What are Analytics?

Analytics presents logged activity by users in various components of a Canvas course. Course Analytics takes a three-pronged approach to creating substantive data for Canvas users.

What kind of Analytics does Canvas track for students?

Canvas tracks page views, participation, assignments, and grades for students through the Analytics tool.

How should Analytics in Canvas be used?

Your students may wonder if or how Analytics will be used in your Canvas sites (e.g., for grading participation), so it is best to be as transparent as possible about analytics.

Is there other data that Canvas tracks?

Canvas includes timestamps for all submissions to Canvas tools like Discussions, Assignments, and Quizzes. Additionally tools like Quizzes include information like the Average Time the assessment took to complete and time to completion for each user.

Is there anything else to know about the Analytics that Canvas tracks?

Canvas Analytics tracks interactions from both web browsers and Canvas mobile apps.

Who can I contact for questions about Analytics?

The Penn Canvas Support team would be happy to answer any questions. You can reach us at:


On the course home click on View Course Analytics to view the data. Analytics evaluate individual components of a course and evaluate student performance. Course Analytics takes a three pronged approach to creating substantive data for Canvas users.

New Analytics

The video tutorial is slightly out of date. In the April 4, 2020 Canvas Deploy Notes, the New Analytics chart viewing options have been changed from drop-down menus to page tabs. This change provides easier navigation between analytics data and provides consistency between the Course and Student views.

What is learning analytics in Canvas?

Learning analytics (LA) in Canvas collect and analyze student usage patterns. These data can allow instructors to examine relationships between student engagement and learning outcomes. More specifically, analytics collect log-in information, rates of participation in specific activities, amount of time spent interacting with online resources or with other students, and sometimes student grades. The software can then compare student’s activity with that of other students in the class, with students who previously took the class, and/or against rubrics to create a model for student performance.

What is LA used for?

The most common uses of LA are to identify students who are not succeeding academically and to inform targeted interventions. LA can also be used to identify assignments that cause students difficulty. Instructors can use these data to adapt and modify curriculum or assignments.

Why is LA important?

LA is significant because it can track more data than an instructor can on their own, especially in large courses. With analytics tools, students and instructors can better understand the learning process and take action to improve learning outcomes.

What is analytics in Canvas?

What are Analytics? Analytics evaluate individual components of a course and evaluate student performance. Analytics takes a three-pronged approach to creating substantive data for Canvas users. Justification focuses on system reports and how the system is being used.

What is an activity in a course?

Activity allows the instructor to see when students view a page or participate in the course. Submissions allows the instructor to view if students submit the assignment on-time, late, or not at all. Grades use a box and whisker plot to show the distribution of grades in the course.

What can account admins see?

Account admins can see the analytics for the entire account to track and analyze what students, teachers, observers, and/or designers are doing within the account. Analytics work in conjunction with account Statistics.

Can admins view analytics?

Admins in sub-accounts [2] can view the analytics for their own sub-account and any additional sub-accounts below them. Admins can also view course analytics within an account or sub-account. Instructors can view course analytics if they are also given the analytics permission at the course level.

What is New Analytics?

Available for all grade-based Canvas activities such as Assignments, Quizzes, and Discussions.

How should I use New Analytics?

Like all Learning Analytics tools, New Analytics can give instructors insight into their course and allow them to ask and answer certain questions.

Where can I get more information about New Analytics?

To get more information, please refer to Canvas Community: New Analytics.

Where can I get more information about Learning Analytics?

Check out DoIT Academic Technology's guide, What are the pedagogical uses of learning analytics?

How do I add New Analytics to the navigation bar in my course?

To add New Analytics, go to your course and click on Settings in the navigation bar.

Does Canvas offer other analytics tools?

In addition to the more robust New Analytics tool, Canvas offers built-in course analytics, visible from your course page.
