how do i pull up a course from two years ago on canvas

by Dr. Willy Kuphal III 7 min read

To access an old course: Log in to Canvas. Click the Courses tab on the garnet global navigation menu on the left of the screen. Click the All Courses link from the menu that appears.

To access a Canvas site for a past course, please log into Canvas, click on the Courses tab, and then click on the View All Courses link. On the next page under “Past Enrollments,” you will be able to view your past courses. You can enter a course by clicking on its link.Mar 20, 2015

Full Answer

What happened to past canvas courses?

Canvas Support has removed Canvas courses of past semesters from users' Courses menu and enabled date restrictions on past courses in Canvas to make them read-only. This prevents both students and instructors from making any additional changes to the site.

How do I find my old canvas courses?

How do I find my old Canvas courses? To access a Canvas course from a past semester: Click on the Courses tab from the Global Navigation menu. Then, click on the All Courses link. On the next page, scroll down to view Past Enrollments, where you will be able to view your past courses. Enter a course by clicking on its link.

How do I access an old course?

To access an old course: 1 Log in to Canvas. 2 Click the Courses tab on the garnet global navigation menu on the left of the screen. 3 Click the All Courses link from the menu that appears. 4 On the All Courses page, scroll down to Past Enrollments. From here, you can access a previous course by clicking on its hyper-linked course name.

What happens to my course after it has ended?

Please note that Instructors will continue to have full access to old courses for up to a year after the course ended, while students will have read-only access to the course after it has ended. This prevents both students and instructors from making any additional changes to the site.

How do I restore a previous version of Canvas course?

The following steps can be taken to restore content:Navigate to the home page of the Canvas course in question. ... Add /undelete to the link and press enter (Navigating to that link). ... You will see a list of Canvas content that can be restored. ... Click the restore button for the content you wish to restore.More items...•

Why are my past courses not showing up on canvas?

A course site isn't visible to students until the instructor manually publishes the Canvas site. If the semester/term has already started and you are definitely registered for the course, contact your instructor and ask them to publish the course. You may have previously set your Courses List to show other courses.

How long do canvas courses stay up?

How long do I have access to my course in Canvas? Instructor access to course materials does not expire. Access will change from Edit to Read-Only after 1 year plus 1 quarter. For example, a course that is held in Fall of 2020 will become read-only at the end of Fall 2021.

How do I reopen a closed canvas course?

To unlock a Canvas course after the term has ended: Navigate to the course you want to unlock, and from the course navigation menu, select Settings. After the page automatically refreshes, your course will be unlocked, and the course end date will be set to one month from the current date.

Why did one of my classes disappear on canvas?

In Canvas, your old course sites may disappear from your dashboard and your current courses list at the end of the semester. This happens only once a course is completed, and you can rest assured that your course has not been deleted from the system.

What happens when a Canvas course is archived?

What will happen to the course content, student submissions and grades when the course is archived? Archived course sites are not deleted or removed. Everything in the course site - all course content, quizzes, student submissions, grades, rubrics, assignment comments etc. - is preserved.

Can you still log into canvas after you graduate?

Typically students and alumni can still access a Canvas course after the end of the term.

Can students access canvas after course ends?

By default, yes. If you do nothing else in your course after the term end date, students retain view-only access to the course, and your course is moved to the Past Enrollments section of a student's course list.

How long do you have access to canvas after you graduate?

Graduate students officially on leave retain access. Email notification is sent to individual stating that computing services expire in 14 days, and access to Canvas expires in five years. No additional notification about Canvas access will be sent.

How do I view all courses in Canvas?

Here's how:Click on Courses in the left navigation. A list of your courses will appear in a drop-down menu.Select All Courses to show all your current, future, and past enrollments.Select the name of the course that you would like to enter.Or, you can customize your courses. that appear in the drop-down menu.

How do I access courses on Canvas?

How do I begin my course? To access your courses, on and after the course start date, log in to then use the dropdown menu that appears below your name to access the Dashboard or go directly to Canvas.

How do I add a teacher to my old Canvas course?

To add an another teacher to your course to share your content, follow the instructions below.Navigate to the People tab in your course.Click on the +People. ... Enter the appropriate email address. ... Select Teacher from the Role dropdown menu.If Canvas can validate the User ID, you will see a green check mark.More items...•

How to see past courses on canvas?

Log into Canvas. Click on the Courses tab from the Global Navigation menu. Then, click on the All Courses link. On the next page, scroll down to view Past Enrollments, where you will be able to view your past courses. Enter a course by clicking on its link.

What to do if you have an incomplete in a course?

If you need to have a student with an incomplete added to the course to complete coursework after the term end date, please submit a ticket with the student name, course id, and term. For more information about incompletes.

What does "read only" mean in Canvas?

As with content access, the read-only status prevents you from editing your old Canvas courses, including any attempts at enrolling new people. If you want someone to have access to your old Canvas course, please contact Canvas Support.

Can you copy a Canvas course?

Yes! Please note that the read-only status for past courses does not affect the ability for instructors to copy old course content into new Canvas courses. Copying content from an old course into a new course occurs during the course-site creation process.

Is Canvas read only?

Canvas Support has removed Canvas courses of past semesters from users' Courses menu and enabled date restrictions on past courses in Canvas to make them read-only. This prevents both students and instructors from making any additional changes to the site. This action was taken to resolve some issues where instructors were editing past sites (instead of current ones) and for basic housekeeping (since these courses get moved out of a user's current course list). This action also protects student data in the case of a grade challenge. The courses will be maintained for grade challenges for five years.

How long does it take for a course to re-lock?

Reminder : Newly added users must accept the course invitation before the course is re-locked. Your course will automatically re-lock ONE WEEK from the date that you unlock it. You can just leave the course alone and it will re-lock in one week. If all users have accepted the invitation to your past course, you can manually re-lock the course.

What happens if you re-lock a course?

If the course re-locks before the user accepts the invitation, they will not have access to your course because their enrollment is not complete. The user must accept the invitation before you re-lock.

Can you add a user to a course?

If you need to add a user to a past course, you can temporarily unlock your course so you can add them. When you manually add the user, they will receive an email invitation to your old course site.

When you restrict students from accessing courses before the start date, can you also restrict students from viewing future courses in the?

When you restrict students from accessing courses before the start date, you can also restrict students from viewing future courses in the Enrollments list.

What are the restrictions for student access?

These restrictions include student access to courses before or after the term or course participation dates. By default, course participation dates are limited to term dates.

How to manage student access?

To manage student access, you can set the default value but allow instructors and sub-account admins to edit access for the course and sub-account levels as necessary, or you can set and lock the student access setting for the entire institution. The checkbox settings at the account level are passed to the sub-account and course levels as default values.

Can you view a course before the start date?

However, when the student restriction for the course participation start date is enabled, students cannot view a link to the course until the start date, even if the course is published.

Can students view a link to a future course?

By default, student access checkboxes are not selected, meaning students can view a link to any enrolled future course (after they accept their course invitation) or a concluded course.

Can you view a course after the end date?

However, when the student restriction for the course end date is enabled, students can no longer view the course in the Courses list after the course has concluded.

Can student access restrictions be set at the section level?

Note: Although any changed section dates override course dates, student access restrictions cannot be set at the section level, and restriction options apply to all sections within the course.
