Go to Administration > Site administration > Courses > Upload courses. Either drag and drop the CSV file or click the 'Choose a file' button and select the file in the file picker. Select appropriate import options carefully, then click the preview button. Upload courses admin screen. Courses successfully uploaded.
Apr 24, 2017 · This video shows you how to import a course from another Moodle course.Lance Eaton@leatonhttp://www.byanyothernerd.com/http://www.lanceeaton.com___I wish I h...
From the dropdown "With selected users", choose "download" and choose the type of file you wish to download from text, ODS or Excel. Another way is is to export a list from the gradebook in a course. The fields you seem to get are: First name, Surname, ID number, Institution, Department, Email address, Course total.
Jul 08, 2020 · Ways to Restore or Import Content into a Moodle Course: Moodle allows those in an instructor role to restore Moodle courses with other course backups or to import content from one course to another. Below is a list of different options which allow you to restore or import course materials into a course. Moodle: How to Import All Materials into a Course: This feature …
By default, the Import function copies everything in a Moodle course with a few exceptions (see below). When you import into your new course, most content, activities, and settings will be imported with the same layout and organization as the previous Moodle course.
To copy content from another instructor’s course in the legacy version of Moodle: The instructor of the course in the legacy Moodle will need to Backup a Moodle Course by creating and downloading a Moodle Backup file (.mbz) and send the created backup file to the course copier. Then the copier can Restore Moodle (.mbz) Backup Files into their new course on Moodle in the Cloud.
On the Import Settings page, check the types of content to include (activities and resources, blocks, filters, calendar events, and/or question bank, groups and groupings, custom fields, and/or content bank content); all the options except for groups and groupings will be selected by default.
Reusing a Moodle course is a process instructors perform from within their new course. This page provides instructions and a few important reminders.
This means that any assignment submissions, forum posts, database and glossary contributions, and wiki content will not be included in the import.
You can use the Import tool to copy a course that is already on Moodle in the Cloud. You cannot perform Import from the legacy version of Moodle (moodle.umass.edu) to a current Moodle course in the Cloud (umass.moonami.com). See below for details.
Import an Entire Course. Because the import process is "additive," it is best to import into a new, empty course if you are importing an entire course. To duplicate the organization and most of the settings of Resources and Activities into the new course, follow the steps below:
Backup for import - allows a user to backup a course ready for importing into another course
Importing a quiz from course A to course B, will also add the questions to the question bank so you can use them in new quizzes.
Import course data is similar to a backup and restore process and does not include any user data.
Course activities and resources may be imported from any other course that the teacher has editing permissions in. This will allow teachers to re-use instead of re-creating one or more activities or resources .
The text file to upload courses must be a CSV file. It accepts the following columns which are divided in two categories, the course information, and the course actions.
When importing the content of a backup file, or another course, you are advised to enable the setting keeptempdirectoriesonbackup. This will considerably speed up the process of the upload if you are importing multiple times from the same source.
In addition to creating new courses, the upload courses functionality may also be used to update or delete courses, or import content from another course. For information on using this functionality to create course templates, see Adding a new course .
If you are creating courses without a shortname, you can use this field to automatically generate a shortname. This field accepts two placeholders: %i for the ID number, %f for the summary.
Note: It is also possible to use the command-line tool admin/tool/uploadcourse/cli/uploadcourse.php .
Note: Upload courses is not yet compatible with all enrolment methods ( MDL-43127 ).
The recommended standard encoding for all Moodle files is UTF-8 .
TestGen can export question using the "Blackboard 6.x-9.x" format and these zip files can be imported in Moodle using the "Blackboard" import format.
Moodle: Selective Import Content from Other Moodle Courses: Allows instructors to pick and choose which items to import into a course. This will not erase or overwrite any existing course material.
Instructors can use a Master Course to create and store content for a course to be taught in a future semester. Students do not get enrolled in Master Courses. For instructions on how to request a Master Course, please see Moodle: How to Request a Master Course.
Moodle: Access Old Courses through the Moodle 2 Grade Server : All Moodle users with instructor level permissions (including TAs) can use the grade server to restore their old courses.
In the menu bar at the top of your course page, select the Course Management button (gear icon ), the Course Management panel will open.
Once the copied items are visible you can drag them into the section where they will be used in the new course.
If the course you are copying from is in use, to avoid confusion for your students , you should hide the section you created for the duplicate items. (See Control Access to Resources and Activities in Moodle .)
Items can only be copied between courses on the same Moodle site. To copy content from Legacy Moodle (moodle.umass.edu) to Moodle in the Cloud (umass.moonami.com), see Restore a Course in Moodle.
Hello, I am working toward putting Moodle to use in our schools system. One of my colleagues recently purchased some training material for MS Office 2003. This material included a ZIP archive that can be imported into Blackboard. I would like to import this into Moodle but don't know exactly how to do that and I can't seem to find any instructions.
4) I have created a folder structure in "site files" that holds BB archives for each instructor. Create a structure that makes sense for your situation. Click the " upload a file" button and browse to your .zip file. Select that file and click "upload this file" to upload your zip file to the open folder.
Major retraction!! In case anyone else reads this post, I have determined that it is QUITE a bad idea to try to restore the BB archives from site files.
Hello, I only have one problem. My blackboard course is 4.2mb and the max size is 2mb. I get a page cannot be displayed once I try to upload the file and I am assuming its because of that restriction. Is there anyway to remove the restrictions?
I have the access to server at the datacenter. I will try to dump the course in moodledata folder right away.
To the best of my knowledge nothing in the BB created zip file was unpacked. Any ideas?
Joe, How did the import of the materials go? I am curious. The science dept at the school where I teach is looking to purhcase some Blackboard material from a textbook publisher.