how do i get paid to take a cosmetology course online

by Bradly Dibbert 6 min read

How much will you get paid for cosmetology school?

Though the price of cosmetology school varies, most programs cost less than $10,000 to complete. In comparison, two-year community college educations cost an average of $3,243 per year for resident students ($6,486 total) and four-year institutions, on average, run $9,037 per year for in-state learners (over $36,000 total).

What is the average starting salary for cosmetology?

Cosmetology Salary. These professions have slightly different pay thresholds. Hair stylists and cosmetologists: 3 . Median Annual Salary: $24,731 ($11.89/hour) Top 10% Annual Salary: More than $50,107 ($24.09/hour) Bottom 10% Annual Salary: Less than $18,158 ($8.65/hour) Barbers: 3 .

Do you get paid at cosmetology school?

Licensing generally requires graduating from an accredited cosmetology program at a school or completing an apprenticeship program. After training, graduates must pay a fee and pass written and practical examinations. Most states require continuing education training to keep the license current. How much do cosmetologist make?

How to get a job after cosmetology school?

  • First, Know Yourself. When you enroll in a beauty school, you may already have an idea of what you’d like to be doing in the field of cosmetology.
  • Use Your Cosmetology School’s Job Placement Services. ...
  • Apply To Salons In The Same Community. ...
  • Making Yourself More Valuable. ...
  • Do Your Research Before You Graduate. ...
  • Getting A Job After Beauty School. ...

What are the scholarships for cosmetology?

Scholarships and Grants for Cosmetology School. There are many organizations that offer scholarships and grants to prospective cosmetology school students. Each scholarship is awarded based on a unique set of standards, but most take into consideration your performance in high school and your financial need.

Where is Salon Success Academy?

If you’re serious able training to become a licensed cosmetologist, nothing should hold you back from achieving your dream! Salon Success Academy, a cosmetology school in California, provides its students with every opportunity to complete their education at the lowest cost possible.

Is cosmetology school expensive?

While cosmetology school can be costly, there are many options out there that can help make it more affordable! The cosmetology school you choose to attend should have staff available whose job is to help you work out your financing options and schedule payments within your budget.

Can cosmetology schools give financial aid?

Many cosmetology schools can offer financial aid assistance to students who demonstrate financial hardship. Students who can prove that they could not attend school without financial assistance may qualify for grants (money that does not need to be repaid).

How does online cosmetology work?

That means a portion of your training happens remotely (i.e., at home and over the Internet), and the rest takes place in person at your school's student salon or through an internship at a professional salon.

Do you need to be a cosmetologist to become a licensed?

If you are new to the cosmetology field and want to become licensed, then you will likely need some hands-on training in addition to your online or distance-education classes. At many beauty schools, online courses only cover theory and conceptual knowledge.

Do beauty schools offer scholarships?

There are several organizations that may offer scholarships to prospective beauty school students. The criteria by which the scholarships are awarded is different for each organization. Most of the scholarships are based, in part, on your performance in high school or college. Many also consider your financial need.

Is cosmetology expensive?

Attending cosmetology school can be costly. In fact, it can seem cost-prohibitive. If you have a limited monthly budget or you’re only working part-time, the thought of coming up with that much money can be discouraging. But, before you put your dreams of going to beauty school on the back burner, you should be aware of your options.

Does cosmetology offer financial aid?

Cosmetology Financial Aid Packages. Many beauty schools are proactive in offering financial aid packages to students who demonstrate financial hardship and an inability to afford a payment plan. The decision to award these packages is based upon the individual circumstances of the student.

Do beauty schools help cash-strapped students?

Most beauty schools will work with prospective students to help them find a way to manage the tuition cost of attending one of their programs.

Do cosmetology schools have interest free payment plans?

So, they’re willing to offer payment plans to prospective students who would otherwise be unable to afford the tuition. Often, the school will even offer these payment plans interest-free so that students can comfortably make the payments. If you have ever used a credit card and carried a balance, you already know how quickly interest can add up. So, an interest-free payment schedule can be a huge benefit.

How much does it cost to become a cosmetologist?

A regular course in cosmetology will cost anywhere between $6500 and $10000. While still in high school or college, aspiring cosmeticians should talk to their school’s adviser or counselor on grants specific to beauty schools. They often have a list of grants from various specializations.

What is a cosmetology scholarship?

A cosmetology school grant or scholarship is a financial gift for aspiring cosmeticians. These grants, used to pay tuition, don’t need to be paid back. Any amount remaining after paying for the course fees belongs to the student.

What are the jobs of a cosmetologist?

Depending on their specialization, cosmetologists can be employed as hair-dressers and hair-stylist, barbers, skin care specialists, manicurists and pedicurists, and shampooers. Advanced courses in cosmetology open other careers such as aromatherapist, cosmetician, makeup artist, massage therapist, and film and theater hair specialist. The most lucrative field for cosmetologists is undoubtedly the fashion and film industry.

Can a grant pay for a cosmetology degree?

Without grants, many students would not be able fulfill their needs and career interests. Besi des traditional college degrees, grants can also pay for an education in many other professions. Cosmetology is one field that has surpassed its commercial expectations.

Does talent matter in cosmetology?

Others are provided on the basis of merits. Talent plays a very big role in the field of cosmetology. The grades and potential of the student can get them a free or discounted ride in many reputed cosmetology schools. Regardless of what other people say, grades in high school and college do matter.

Do you need a high school diploma to become a cosmetologist?

The National Accrediting Commission of Cosmetology Arts & Science (NACCAS) monitors the accredited schools. Not all states require a high school diploma for students aspiring for a career in cosmetology. Some states also accept GED equivalent. Some cosmetology schools insist on admission test before enrolling.

Is cosmetology regulated by states?

The guidelines for cosmetology courses and the accreditation for schools is regulated by states. To avail of financial aid, you should choose a school that meets state-specific licensing requirements. The National Accrediting Commission of Cosmetology Arts & Science (NACCAS) monitors the accredited schools.

What is tuition in cosmetology?

Tuition is just the beginning of the school cost, with other variables being more under the control of the student. Cosmetology Tuition – Depending on the school, students may face a lump-sum tuition bill or they may be able to pay by the course, or by semester.

What is cosmetology school?

Cosmetology covers a variety of related occupations involving attention to general beauty and beauty products. Those who choose among the many cosmetology schools may also choose to study a particular discipline, such as hair dressing, nail care, or makeup and skin care . The time expected to obtain each certification varies depending on many ...

How much will cosmetology grow in 2022?

The U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts that careers in cosmetology overall will grow by approximately 13 percent by the year 2022. Individual disciplines show different degrees of growth. Examples include: Hair stylists and hair dressers increasing by 12 percent. Makeup artists increasing by 40 percent.

What is beauty education?

Beauty is a field that offers students a wide range of ways to obtain their education. While some fields require a degree in their course of study, beauticians must follow the licensing requirements set by the state board. Students may choose from online courses, high school classes, or even full degree programs.

Does federal financial aid help with hair and makeup?

State Financial Aid – Some states may also offer financial aid to students hoping to study in hair and makeup related fields.

Is paying for education expensive?

Paying for any type of education is expensive. Students who cannot pay for the school of their choice all at once do have more options available than they may think. Students should check into options available through the school itself, professional organizations, and state and federal options. All may help to reduce some or all costs.

Do you have to work at your own pace for classes?

Others allow students to work at their own pace. You should make sure that the classes for any courses meet the requirements of the state regulators before committing to a course of study. Again, it is important to know that in almost all cases at least some in-school training will be required.

Why Cosmetology?

Cosmetology is an ever-growing field. To put things in perspective, the global cosmetics industry generated $380.2 billions in revenue in 2019, and is expected to reach $463.5 billions by 2027. There are enormous opportunities in it right now, not only in the job market, but even for entrepreneurial ventures.

The Best Cosmetology Schools Online

There are many cosmetology schools that you can pick from. It’s better to pick a school that is close to you, because most cosmetology schools have contacts in the industry and could help you find an internship in your state.


There are many great online cosmetology schools you can pick from. COVID might have almost killed the industry, but now that we are slowly reopening things, you’ll notice that it’s going to grow back better and stronger.

What is cosmetology course?

Cosmetology is the study and application of beauty treatments, including hairstyling, skincare, cosmetics , manicures/pedicures, and permanent or non-permanent hair removal. The beauty world is constantly evolving which makes cosmetology courses more popular with each passing day. Online cosmetology courses make it much easier to prepare yourself ...

Who is the instructor of cosmetology?

The course is tutored by Karen Harrington , a salon owner and instructor with over 30years of experience in the cosmetology industry.

How much discount is there on a tutor?

There is a 50% discount on the course. The tutor provides learners with personalized feedback. Learners can manage learning materials; they can pause, repeat, rewind, fast forward, and watch again. Students can learn at their pace and according to their schedule.

Is the course affordable?

The course is affordable. The course is fun and the instructions are informative and easy to follow. Learners can learn from the comfort of their homes at their convenient time. Learners can manage learning materials; they can pause, repeat, rewind, fast forward, and watch again.

Can students learn from home?

Students can learn from the comfort of their homes at their convenient time. The course is comprehensive and the instructions are well detailed and easy to follow. Learners can manage learning materials; they can pause, repeat, rewind, fast forward, and watch again.

Can students get distracted by lash and brow?

Students can get distracted and lose focus as there are no instructors or students around to motivate them to keep up with the practice. The Beauty Academy: Online Lash and Brow Series walk learners through concepts and theories of lash and brow series in an online environment with access to tutors.
