how do i create a course in canvas

by Randal Herman II 6 min read

Create a New Course in Canvas

  1. Log into Canvas.
  2. Navigate to the Canvas Dashboard; for more, see How do I use the Dashboard? (New Canvas UI).
  3. In the sidebar to the right of the Canvas Dashboard, click Starta New Course. (This button is also available on the "My...
  4. Complete the "Start a New Course" form:Course Name:Enter a descriptive name for your course. This...

Full Answer

Can I add someone to my Canvas course?

You can manually add other guests, such as faculty, TAs, librarians, industry experts or observers, to your Canvas course when they have a UW NetID or a Google account ID. From within your Canvas course, in the course navigation, click People. Near the top of the page, click +People.

How to create a custom course?


  • Go to your dashboard and click on Custom Courses in the sidebar.
  • Click "Create Course".
  • Choose a title for your Custom Course.
  • Your Custom Course is now created! ...
  • (Optional) Add a description for your Custom Course by clicking on "Add course description".
  • Create a chapter for your Custom Course by clicking "Add chapter" and giving your chapter a name.

How do I add users to a canvas course?

Instructors: Add a Guest to your Course

  • Add users with Google or Microsoft email accounts directly. ...
  • Create and use a unique student ID. ...
  • Make a publicly accessible Grid (view only) If you want to provide the general public access to your Grid, you can opt to make your Grid accessible to any user ...
  • Additional Resources. ...

How do I share courses content using canvas?

Sending Content to Another Instructor

  • To send a page, assignment, quiz or discussion, go to the item and select the Option icon (3 vertical dots) and then Send to.
  • Faculty can search for other faculty via email address. ...
  • Select the name of the user when it appears.
  • The same content may be sent to more than one user by adding other users individually.

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Can you make your own course in Canvas?

If you are allowed to add new courses in Canvas, you can create a new course from your Canvas Dashboard. New courses are created as course shells which can host course content and enrollments for your institution. If enabled by your institution, you may be able to select a sub-account for your new course.

How do I create a Canvas course?

How to build your new Canvas courseSet up your course site.Choose your course options.Create your syllabus and add course content.Organize your course content.Set up your Gradebook.Keep Track of student enrollments.Use Canvas's many communication tools.

How do I create a course section in Canvas?

How do I add a section to a course as an instructor?Open Settings. In Course Navigation, click the Settings link.Open Sections. Click the Sections tab.Add Section. In the section field [1], type the name of the new section. Click the Add Section button [2].View Section. View the section in your course.

Can you create a Canvas course for free?

Use Canvas For Free With a Free-for-Teacher account, you can: Create content such as assignments, quizzes, discussions, and video conferences. Personalize learning with Mastery Paths, Outcomes, and standards-based gradebooks.

How do I create a course?

How to create an online courseChoose the right subject matter.Test your idea.Research the topic extensively.Write a course outline.Create the course content.Bring your course online.Sell your online course.Market your content.More items...•

How do I create a sandbox course in Canvas?

Create your Sandbox CourseLogin to Canvas and load your Dashboard.Click on the Help icon on the Global Navigation bar.Select the Create a Sandbox Course menu option.Enter the Course Name, Course Code and choose the best Department for your course.Click on Create Course.More items...•

What are manually created courses in canvas?

As to what they are, they are courses you create one at a time from within the Canvas GUI, so not created using any type of backend import.

What is a course section in canvas?

Sections help subdivide students within a course. Sections are either courses that have been cross-listed into one course or sections can be created by you and students added to them. There is a whole section in the Guides titled Courses and Sections.

What is the difference between sections and groups in canvas?

Myth: Sections and Groups are essentially the same thing Think about Canvas Groups as enabling teamwork. Canvas Sections are used for managing marking when there are multiple instructors and for general administrative purposes, such as to assign different due dates or topics to certain groups of students.

Is Canvas or Google Classroom better?

Both CANVAS and Google Classroom have high overall ratings. Users rated Google Classroom higher than CANVAS for ease of use, functionality, customer support, and value for money.

Who can use Canvas free for teachers?

Canvas created Free-for-Teacher accounts for anyone who wants to teach online—for free. Free-for-Teacher accounts offer all the standard features to help you in your educational pursuits using both synchronous and asynchronous tools.

How much is a Canvas subscription?

Canva Pro is $119.99 when paid annually or $12.99 paid monthly, for up to 5 people. Any additional team member is $60.00/year ($5.00/month) on a yearly plan, or $7.00/month on a monthly plan.

How to change the home page of a Canvas course?

If you want to change the course home page to the Pages Front Page, you must first set an existing page as the "Front Page.". You need to create a page in your Canvas course and then select that page as the course’s Front Page. Once you set a Front Page, you cannot remove the Front Page.

What are module prerequisites?

Module prerequisites and requirements can be used together to create your desired course progression: Prerequisites applied to entire modules make students complete each module in a specific order (e.g., students must complete Module 1 before they are able to access Module 2).

Can you use rubrics in Canvas?

Canvas offers fairly extensive rubric options, allowing you to attach a rubric to an assignment, graded discussion item, and quizzes. Rubrics can be used for both grading purposes or feedback only. You can also create rubrics in Microsoft Excel and then import those rubrics into Canvas.

Does Canvas have to be complicated?

Canvas does not have to be complicated or cumbersome. Do the following things and you will be well on your way to creating a rich online learning experience for your students. If you get stuck, don't hesitate to give us a call at (850) 644-8004 or schedule a one-on-one consultation.

Can you see all students in a crosslisted course?

In addition to viewing all the users enrolled in your course, you can also view the enrollments in a single course section that is part of a cross-listed course. This means that you can view which specific students are in section 1 or section 3 of your course. Further resources:

Do you need to enroll students in a course?

You do not need to do anything to enroll your students in your course – they will show up later ( skip down to student enrollments information ). The only time you will need to take action to initiate student enrollment is if you have a student finishing up an incomplete.

Can Canvas be used for graded assignments?

Canvas can do a lot more than just host content. It can gather student work and securely place it into your Gradebook for easy grading. You can include detailed instructions and attach template files for students if desired. Canvas offers several different assignment types: Assignment, Discussion, Quiz, External Tool Assignment (e.g., Turnitin Assignment), and Not Graded Assignment.

What is a new course?

New courses are created as course shells that can host course content and enrollments for your institution. When you create a course from the Dashboard, you are automatically added to the course as an instructor. No other enrollments exist in the course, though you may be able to add users to a new course.

How many characters are in a course name?

If your course name is longer than 21 characters, you can create a course code in the Short Name field [2]. If your course name is too short to create a Short Name, a short name will automatically be created for you.

Where is the short name on Courses?

The short name will be displayed at the top of the Course Navigation menu and in the course card in the dashboard. If you have permission to edit the course name, you may be able to change the course name and code later in Course Settings.

How long does it take for a course to revert to read only?

By default, manually created courses revert to read-only status for all site members exactly one year after the date of creation. You will receive email reminders approximately 30 days and seven days before the courses you own expire.

Can you start a new course on Canvas?

The "Start a New Course" feature is only available if you have the Teacher, Co-Instructor, or Librarian role in at least one Canvas course. If you have a legitimate need to create a course but do not meet this requirement, contact the Support Center.

Does Indiana University use Canvas?

Several months before the beginning of each semester, official courses for academic credit at Indiana University are provisioned automatically in Canvas through integration with the university's Student Information System (SIS). Consequently, if you're assigned to teach an official course, your course site in Canvas will be created automatically.
