how do i add a hunter safety course to the dec database

by Modesta Langosh 5 min read

How do I contact Dec hunter education in NY?

Hunter Education Course. The NY Hunter Education course (Hunter Safety course) is required to purchase a hunting license in New York. The course covers the necessary safety techniques and responsibilities that a hunter must know when using a gun, muzzleloader, crossbow or bow to pursue wild game.

Who must take the hunter education course?

Jun 27, 2020 · The DEC is also making available an online bowhunter education course, available on July 15. Since April, 24,000 hunters have completed the online hunter education course successfully. This is about a 20 percent increase from those who usually take the course, and of those who took it, 40 percent were women.

When will the online hunter safety course be offered?

Apr 13, 2020 · DEC offers complete online hunter safety course for limited time only (updated) Updated: Apr. 24, 2020, 10:30 a.m. | Published: Apr. 13, 2020, 5:20 p.m. The 2020 spring turkey hunting season is ...

When should I contact my instructor after taking hunter education classes?

Mar 09, 2022 · Complete the approved Utah online course. You must present the proof of completion to your instructor at the field day. Purchase a Hunter Education Registration Certificate online through the DWR licensing portal, at any DWR office or from a license agent. Find a field day in your area and register online.

How do I find my California hunter safety number?

Go ID Number Visit CDFW's Online License website to locate your existing GO ID or create a new one. Contact CDFW at 916-928-2537 or for assistance.

How long is the NYS hunter safety course online?

approximately 7-8 hoursStudents have to be at least 11 years old to take the course. However, it should be noted that the minimum age to get a hunting license in New York is 12. How long does it take to complete? The course is approximately 7-8 hours, but it could take some people longer.Apr 15, 2020

How do I find my hunter education number in Georgia?

DNR Number Visit to locate your existing Customer ID Number or create a new one. Call 1-800-366-2661 (8AM–6PM Monday–Friday, 9AM–5PM Saturday–Sunday) or visit a local license agent for more information.

How do I get a copy of my hunter safety card in Michigan?

If you have previously completed a Michigan hunter, bow, marine, ORV, snowmobile or trapper education course and your original certificate has been lost or damaged, you can obtain a copy of your certificate from our online license system at

Do you need a hunting license to hunt on your own property in NY?

All residents must have a valid hunting license in their possession except: Resident owners primarily engaged in farming, lessees and members of their immediate families do not need a hunting license when hunting small game on farmlands they are occupying and cultivating.

Do you have to take a hunter safety course in NY?

The NY Hunter Education course (Hunter Safety course) is required to purchase a hunting license in New York. The course covers the necessary safety techniques and responsibilities that a hunter must know when using a gun, muzzleloader, crossbow or bow to pursue wild game.

How do I get a copy of my hunter safety card from Georgia?

Anyone who completed a Georgia hunter education course and needs a replacement Hunter Education Certificate can visit and print one for free.

Do you have to have a hunters safety course in Georgia?

Enroll in Hunter Education Course You must get a hunter education course certificate in order to get a hunting license. All hunters born on or after Jan. 1, 1961, must successfully complete a hunter education course before purchasing a season-long hunting license.

Do you need a hunting license to hunt on your own property in GA?

Landowners. Nonresident landowners owning land in Georgia must obtain a nonresident license to hunt or fish. Nonresident family members of a resident landowner must obtain a nonresident license to hunt or fish, except that nonresidents under age 16 may fish or hunt small game without a Georgia license.

How do I get a new Missouri Conservation card?

How Do I Replace a Broken, Lost, or Stolen Card? Broken cards may be replaced free of charge by calling 573-522-4115, ext. 3989, or mailing the card to Missouri Department of Conservation, Permit Services, PO Box 180, Jefferson City, MO 65102-0180.

How do I get a new hunters education card in Indiana?

Visit to replace your hunter, boater, trapper or snowmobile course card.

How do I find my hunter education number Missouri?

In Your MO Hunting and MO Fishing Apps Simply click on one of the permits on the permit listing page for the permit information to display. You will find your Conservation ID underneath your name, shown here circled in red.

What is a Hunter Education Program?

The Hunter Education Program teaches future hunters and trappers how to be safe, responsible, and ethical. After successful completion of a hunter education course or a trapper education course, students will receive a certificate of qualification necessary for purchasing a first-time hunting or trapping license.

How is Hunter Education funded?

New York State's Hunter Education Program is funded by the purchase of sporting licenses through the New York State Conservation Fund and purchases of firearms, ammunitions, and archery equipment. through the Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Fund (leaves DEC website).

Where to send complaints of discrimination?

Complaints of discrimination should be sent to the Office of Equal Opportunity, U.S. Department of the Interior, Office of the Secretary, Washington, D.C. 20240.

DEC extends online hunter education course

In order to get your hunting license, all aspiring hunters must complete a mandatory DEC hunter education course.

Community News Reports

Community news stories come from press releases and other notices from organizations, businesses, state agencies and other groups.

When is turkey hunting season 2020?

The 2020 spring turkey hunting season is set for May 1-31 in New York. (Editor’s note: We’ve received calls from some readers who have had difficulty downloading the completed course certificate upon finishing the online coursework. The course is best taken on a laptop computer as certain iPhones do not allow the user to download the certificate.

What is the phone number for Kalkomey?

to 11 p.m. Central Standard Time. Call 1-800-830-2268 or 214-351-0461, or send an email to

How to get a duplicate Hunter Education Certificate?

To purchase a duplicate Hunter Education Certificate Online visit: . Be sure to select "Iowa" and the "Hunting" to begin your search. You will then simply enter your name and date of birth to search for your record. If a record is found, you will verify that it is you and then be able to purchase a duplicate certificate. If your record is not found, contact:

How old do you have to be to take hunter education online?

The department recommends that students of the online coursework be age 16 or older.

What is Hunter Education?

Hunter education is a mandatory program that is designed to introduce students to several life-long skills that are important to the many different types of outdoor recreational opportunities.

How many hours do you need to take a hunting class in Iowa?

The minimum number of hours to complete the class is 10. Typically there is no charge for the course, unless lunch is furnished or room rental is required.

How to get a hunter education certificate in Iowa?

1. Complete the Iowa online course work. 2. Complete a hunter education field day class. 3. Receive your Iowa hunter education certificate. If you are 11 to 17 years of age, complete the online hunter education course work and then register for the field day portion to complete your hunter education certification.

How old do you have to be to get a concealed carry permit in Iowa?

Notice: You must be 21 years of age or older and an Iowa resident in order to complete this course. Iowa's only approved dual hunter education and handgun safety course that meets the training requirements per Iowa law to apply for a nonprofessional permit to carry firearms.

When was Logan's Law enacted?

Logan’s Law, named after Logan Luft, was enacted in 2019 and allows hunting, fishing and trapping license buyers to declare as an organ, eye and tissue donor, when purchasing hunting and fishing licenses, very similar to declaring when purchasing or renewing a driver’s license.

How long is a hunter's education class?

Classes may be a few hours a night for 2-4 nights or a full weekend class. The final class will end with a test to pass the course.

What is Outdoor News?

Outdoor News Inc. , publisher of locally written fishing and hunting outdoor newspapers in seven Great Lake states, is offering students ages 11 to adults, who have successfully completed the hunter safety education and/or trapping safety education class through the Illinois DNR in 2021 with a complimentary three-month subscription to Illinois Outdoor News.
