how do get certificate of course completion for the texas law enforcement telecommunications system

by Dave Batz 9 min read

After studying all course material, you'll need to pass the final exam, and complete the course evaluation before you can access your certificate. Upon completion of the evaluation, you can find your certificate on the OSS Academy® My Transcript page, click View Certificate, then follow the instructions for printing.

Full Answer

What is a Tlets certification?

Texas Law Enforcement Telecommunications System Access (TLETS)

What is a Tlets?

TLETS User IDs To access criminal history information from TCIC and NCIC, a user must have a Texas Law Enforcement Telecommunications System (TLETS) User ID by DPS. A TLETS User ID is unique to each user and cannot be shared.

What is Tcic NCIC certification?

TCIC also provides a direct link to the NCIC so that law enforcement officers throughout Texas know instantly whether a vehicle, a boat, or other property under investigation is stolen, or a person in question is wanted anywhere in the country.

What does Tlets stand for in law enforcement?

The Texas Law Enforcement Telecommunications System, TLETS, consists of a distributed software application and secure network services.

What is a teletype law enforcement?

Teletypes, also known as teleprinters, are typewriters that can independently type out messages sent over non-switched telephone circuits, the public telephone network, radio, or microwave links.

What is the difference between NCIC and nlets?

The FBIs NCIC is a computerized index of criminal justice information. It is available to federal, state, and local law enforcement and other criminal justice agencies. Nlets is a self funded, private, not for profit corporation that has created dozens of secure partnerships for data exchange.

How can I get NCIC certificate?

After completing an online FCIC/NCIC certification course, a law enforcement officer needs to pass the FCIC/NCIC certification test within 30 days. Once they complete the FCIC/NCIC certification test, they are able to obtain their certification and access the system.

What does Tcic stand for in law enforcement?

TCIC means the Texas Crime Information Center operated under the authority of the Texas Department of Public Safety.

Who runs nlets?

Nlets, is a private not for profit corporation owned by the States that was created more than 50 years ago by the 50 state law enforcement agencies.

What is Eid an acronym for Tlets?

EID is an acronym for: Entity ID Number.

What does nlets provide access to?

Nlets is a secure network and system linking local, state, federal and international agencies together to provide the capability to exchange criminal justice and public safety related information.

How many nlets regions are there?

eight groupsNlets representatives are broken into eight groups, called regions. To see each of our principal, federal, associate and international members and the regions to which they belong, view our Representative Map.

How long does it take to get a TLETS license in Texas?

Must have or be able to obtain a certificate of course completion for the Texas Law Enforcement Telecommunications System (TLETS) policy and procedures training from the Texas Department of Public Safety within six months of employment date .

What is the degree required to work in the US?

Must be a U.S. citizen or an immigrant with lawful status, who is authorized to work in the U.S. Bachelor's degree conferred by an institution of higher education accredited by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).

Ordering Certificates

To order course completion certificates for your school, please submit a completed Motorcycle Certificate Order Form (PDF). There is no fee to order certificates.


As per Texas Administrative Code §98.72, a school must implement effective protective measures to ensure that unissued course completion certificates are secured.