how do course reserves work cal poly

by Lenna Macejkovic 4 min read

The Circulation/Course Reserves Desk maintains a collection of reserve materials chosen by instructors to support their courses. The Circulation/Course Reserve Desk is located on the 2nd floor of the Cal Poly Pomona University Library (Bldg. 15) and is open all hours that the library is open.

Full Answer

Are all Cal Poly courses available for credit by exam?

Not all Cal Poly courses are available or appropriate for credit by exam. Units of credit received through this procedure do not apply toward the residence requirements or the Cal Poly GPA for any of the degrees or credentials offered by the University.

How do I send AP scores to Cal Poly?

AP scores may be requested from Educational Testing Service (ETS)/AP Programs and should be sent to Cal Poly electronically. To request scores: ETS/AP Program, PO Box 6671, Princeton, NJ 08541-6671 or 609.771.7300. Cal Poly cannot accept paper score reports which have been opened by the student.

Where can I find Cal Poly's articulation agreements with other colleges?

Cal Poly maintains articulation agreements at with all California Community Colleges (CCC), the California State University (CSU) and University of California (UC) campuses.

How do you convert semester units to quarter units at Cal Poly?

Semester units transferred to Cal Poly are converted to quarter units by multiplying the semester units by 1.5; a 3-unit semester class will equate to 4.5 Cal Poly units. If the Cal Poly requirement is 4 units, the excess 0.5 unit will count toward free electives.

What is a benefit of course reserves?

Course Reserves are an excellent option to provide course content to students. Reserves help to alleviate the effect of ever-increasing textbook costs on students, foster student and faculty engagement, and create opportunities for library outreach.

What are electronic course reserves?

Electronic course reserve (ECR) service allows students to access course reserve materials electronically from anywhere via the library catalog. Photocopies are scanned as PDF documents and made available via the library online catalog. We can also easily add electronic documents.

How do I access E-reserves?

To access E-Reserves from Canvas (Recommended): Electronic reserve lists are now automatically added to all Canvas course pages ( . Students can directly access the list without a password from the Canvas page. Click on “Library Resources and E-Reserves”.

What does the reserve short loan collection of the Library consist of?

The reserve and short loan collection contains high-use materials, which have been recommended by lecturers as part of the reading requirement for a particular course. Materials include online articles and book chapters (e-reserve); copies of high-demand books, and DVDs.

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Public Domain

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Harvard Law School Library-Finding Public Domain and Creative Commons Materials

A wonderful resource curated by Carli Spina of Harvard Law School Library that provides help in locating and correctly attributing Creative Commons and public domain images, audio, and video.

Turning a resource into an Open Educational Resource

Wikimedia Commons provides an animation on the factors one must consider when creating an OER with links for further information.

How to attribute creative commons licensed content

This tool can help you build appropriate attributions for creative commons licensed content.

Creative Commons License Compatibility Wizards

Not all Creative Commons licenses blend with one another. These compatibility wizards take the guesswork out of incorporating existing CC content into your own open resources.

Open Access

Open Access is the free, immediate, online access to scholarly research and publications, and the right to reuse and redistribute these resources.

Course Reserves Information for Students

Course Reserves material loans are restricted to currently enrolled Cal Poly Pomona students, faculty, and staff with valid ID (Bronco Access Card), also I-Poly High School students, Open University students, and various special program enrollees. Check with Circulation Desk for Borrowing Privileges.

Course Reserves Information for Faculty

Before requesting that materials be placed on Course Reserves, faculty should determine whether or not permission to copy the materials needs to be obtained.

Who develops course proposals?

Proposals for new courses are developed by faculty and submitted for approval through the Curriculum Management system. Basic instructions and business process guides on using the system. For assistance with writing proposals, refer to the below examples of approved course proposals:

How to propose a course to meet a general education requirement?

To propose a course to meet a General Education requirement, follow the process for submitting new course proposals in the Curriculum Management system. Be sure to address the educational objectives and criteria for the relevant GE area:

How long does it take for a topic to become valid?

Topics approved at least one month prior to the start of registration for a term can become valid that term.

What is concurrent course?

Concurrent: Two or more courses that must be taken in the same term.

What should a proposal include in a course proposal?

Proposers should carefully consider which courses or requirements are logically and reasonably necessary for success in the course. A brief, clear explanation on the course proposal form to describe why each requisite is needed will be valuable to reviewers as well as providing a record for the department.

How many hours are in a 4-unit course?

For example, a 4-unit course may consist of 3 units of lecture and 1 unit of laboratory, so it is scheduled with 6 contact hours on a weekly basis.

What is a CLO?

Course Learning Objectives (CLOs) are clear, concise statements of what learners will be able to perform at the conclusion of instructional activities . In other words, they complete the sentence, “Upon completion of this course, a student will be able to…” CLO’s reflect the lower or upper division nature of a course and are measurable. For assistance with writing good CLO’s for new course proposals, see Course Learning Objectives.

What is the evaluation unit in Cal Poly?

The Evaluations Unit in the Office of the Registrar will evaluate previous college work and test credit in relation to Cal Poly degree requirements. Newly admitted and matriculated transfer students will receive an email from Evaluations that their evaluation has been completed and that the results are available in their Degree Progress Report via the Student Center on the Cal Poly Portal. New students cannot access their Degree Progress Report prior to matriculation, nor can Evaluations provide any specific information about credit prior to that time.

How many units are allowed for community college credit?

Course credit earned at regionally accredited community colleges inside and outside the state of California is evaluated by the Evaluations Unit in accordance with the following provisions: Community college credit is allowed up to a maximum of 105 quarter units ( 70 semester units) toward overall units for the degree.

What is credit allowed in the military?

Credit is allowed in accordance with the recommendations by the Commission on Educational Credit and Credentials of the American Council on Education. The numbers of units allowed are those recommended in the Guide to the Evaluation of Educational Experience in the Armed Services.

How many units of GE are required for CSU?

Note: GE certification, whereby transfer students can complete all lower-division GE at a CCC or CSU, does not exempt students from meeting the CSU requirement of 72 overall units of GE, nor from completing upper-division GE requirements.

How many units of credit are awarded for IB?

All credit is given on a credit/no credit basis; IB units do not calculate into the GPA. For each Higher Level exam score of 5 or higher, a maximum of 8 units of credit is awarded.

How to determine credit for combined exams?

To determine credit for combined exams, use the matrix for the year of the last exam taken.

What is the passing score for calculus with elementary functions?

Calculus with Elementary Functions with a passing score of 51.
