how did your ph results change over the course of the experiment? why?

by Oren Rempel 4 min read

How will the pH change if the cells begin to respire?

Feb 06, 2019 · Make a graph of the pH changes over the course of the experiment. How does the pH change at each step? Why? (10 Points) The pH transition from a more neutral 7 all the way to an acidic 3 is due the fermentation of the lactose. When the lactose breaks down, it produces lactic acid which causes the finished product of the (yogurt) to be acidic.

Does the pH of milk change when it turns sour?

Apr 25, 2017 · Pine, 3/18/2015. Well water pH was 8.8 to 9 at this time. This is highly alkaline, very few trees grow well in it. Same pine, 3/12/2017. After watering with altered pH of 6.4 for one year, which started in Jan. 2016. With this pH one can keep most plants very happy, and able to take up nutrients. Same schedule, pH change, and photographic dates ...

What happens to pH when lactose is converted to lactic acid?

Jul 06, 2019 · Make a graph of the pH changes over the course of the experiment. How does the pH change at each step? Why? ” Yogurt shapes when microscopic organisms age the milk sugar, known as lactose, into lactic corrosive. The lactic corrosive makes the milk more acidic (lower pH) making the proteins coagulate.

What happens to the pH of CO2 indicator under bright light?

This problem has been solved! 1.How does the pH change at each step? Why? 2. What attributes does lactic acid confer to yogurt?”. 3.How does the consistency of the milk change during the production of yogurt? What facilitates this change?”. 4.What are …

How do you think changing the temperature at which the bags were incubated affected the results?

How would changing the temperature at which the bags were incubated affect the results? Changing the temperature would either produce more mold or inhibit the growth of the mold depending on the conditions and the type of mold attempting to be grown.

How does the consistency of the milk change during the production of yogurt What facilitates this change?

The more lactose they convert into lactic acid, the more acidic the milk becomes. Once the milk sufficiently becomes acidic, caseins (proteins found in milk) begin to clump together, which changes the consistency of the milk to form a thicker substance: yogurt.Jul 8, 2020

What was the population density of the original sample what would have happened if you had inoculated an agar plate with 1 mL of the original sample?

The population density of the original sample was non countable. Inoculating an agar plate with 1 mL ofthe original sample would still yield numerous CFU/plate as based from the observation.

What is the purpose of the following reagents in the experiment salt in the DNA extraction solution detergent in the DNA extraction solution ethanol?

The salt shields the negative phosphate ends of DNA, which allows the ends to come closer so the DNA can precipitate out of a cold alcohol solution. The detergent causes the cell membrane to break down by dissolving the lipids and proteins of the cell and disrupting the bonds that hold the cell membrane together.

How does change in pH help preserve yogurt?

The bacteria used in making yoghurt are Lactobacillus bacteria. Milk contains a sugar called lactose. The bacteria are able to break this down to form lactic acid. The lactic acid both lowers the pH of the yoghurt, which to preserve it, and helps denatures milk proteins, which gives the yoghurt its sharp taste.

How do we convert milk into curd and what type of change is it?

Answer: (B) A chemical change Here milk converts into curd, where a new substance is formed and this process is irreversible. Hence conversion of milk into curd is an example of a chemical change.

How did endospores affect the results from the heated and unheated soil slurries?

So in the unheated samples, endospores did not grow. So, when endospores survive the heat treatments, so then when they encounter the rich nutrient media conditions, they will germinate and form colonies.

What was the population density of the original sample per milliliter?

The population density of the original sample can be described as the number of CFU (colony forming unit) of microorganisms in the sample. CFU is a unit for measurement or calculation of the number of bacteria in a solution. Therefore, C = 7310 * 4 * 0.1 = 7,300,000 or 73 *104 CFU/mL in the original sample.

What are some advantages of direct counts over viable counts?

Advantages of Direct Microscopic CountRapid, Simple and easy method requiring minimum equipment.Morphology of the bacteria can be observed as they counted.Very dense suspensions can be counted if they are diluted appropriately.Feb 14, 2019

Why did we use a salt in the extraction solution?

By adding salt, we help neutralize the DNA charge and make the molecule less hydrophilic, meaning it becomes less soluble in water. The salt also helps to remove proteins that are bound to the DNA and to keep the proteins dissolved in the water.

What was the purpose of the detergent and ethanol in this experiment?

During a DNA extraction, a detergent will cause the cell to pop open, or lyse, so that the DNA is released into solution. Then alcohol added to the solution causes the DNA to precipitate out.Jan 31, 2013

Why was salt used in the extraction solution?

Salt is used during the process of DNA extraction because salt helps in neutralizing DNA molecules, which makes the DNA molecule less hydrophilic, i.e. less soluble in water. Salt also helps in detaching protein molecules bound to the DNA. By which, the extraction process will be easier.

Answers to questions

Q1 . Did you see a reduction in pH shortly after starting the experiment? A1. This partly depends upon the freshness of the milk but there should be little change at this stage.

Further study

1. Try repeating the experiment using unpasteurised and or Ultra Heat Treated milk. a1 .This question demonstrates the contrast of unpasteurised and UHT milk and the consequences!

This problem has been solved!

Identify four major similarities and four major differences between bacterial (prokaryotic) and fungal (eukaryotic) cells.

Expert Answer

Pre-Lab Questions: Differences: Prokaryotic cells are simple cells, small cells, whereas eukaryotic cells are complex, large structured and are present in single-celled or multicellular organisms. Pro view the full answer

Why does glucose diffuse into water?

That is when diffusion happened. Glucose diffused into the water because it came from a high concentration to a low concentration.

How to record color of water in data table?

Record the color of the water in Data table 1. Gently rub the tubing between your fingers to open it. Tie one end of the tubing tightly with a piece of string. Fill the tubing with water and test it for leaks at a sink then empty the tubing.

How long does it take to record dialysis?

Begin recording the time. You need 30 min. After 30 min, remove each bag from its cup and gently blot excess moisture from the surface of each bag with a paper towel.

How to make a solution with 4 cores?

Place 4 cores into one of the labeled plastic cups containing a solution. Record the initial mass of the 4 cores for this solution in Data table 4. Repeat steps 1-5 with each of the remaining cups. Cover all of the cups with plastic wrap or foil to keep evaporation to a minimum.

Does osmosis occur in each treatment?

Yes, osmosis occurred in each treatment. The observation that led me to this conclusion was the change in mass for each treatment, which means that the solutions went through the membrane and osmosis. 3. You observed a change in mass of the bags over the course of the experiment.
