how did turk, christians, and mongols influence course of islamic civilization

by Samantha Frami 10 min read

How did the Mongols contribute to the spread of Islam?

In the long run, the Mongols probably did more than anybody else to prop up Islamic power, seeing as how they expanded the influence of Qipchak Islam well throughout Russia and Europe, safeguarded the culture of the Uyghurs, utter.

How did the Turkic people influence the spread of Islam?

The Turkic people had a major influence on world history, particularly in the spread of the Middle Eastern religion Islam. Although not originally Muslims, the nomadic Turkic people converted to Islam after being conquered by the powerful Muslim Empire from modern-day Iran.

What were the effects of the Crusades and Mongols on Islam?

Well, the effects of the Crusades and Mongols on Islam were completely different. The Crusades were clearly a painful episode in Islamic history, but ultimately they did not achieve any lasting transformation of the region.

What role did the Turkic people play in the Mongol Empire?

When Anatolia became incorporated into the massive Mongol Empire in the 13th century, Turkic people were partly responsible for the important role that Islam played after the conversion of Mongol rulers. In 1299, one branch of Turkic people formed the Ottoman Empire, which grew to become one of the most powerful Muslim Empires in history.

How did the Mongols influence Islam?

The Mongol dynasty's relation to Islam, in particular, had tremendous impact on China's relations with the outside world. The Mongols recruited a number of Muslims to help in the rule of China, especially in the field of financial administration — Muslims often served as tax collectors and administrators.

How did the Turks impact Islam?

The Turks were part of a powerful military empire that unified the region under a Middle Eastern religion called Islam, playing a major role in the spread of Muslim culture leading up to the international religious wars called the Crusades.

What influenced Islam's growth during these periods?

Islam spread through military conquest, trade, pilgrimage, and missionaries. Arab Muslim forces conquered vast territories and built imperial structures over time.

How was the Ottoman Empire influenced by Islam?

The Ottoman state based its authority on religion. The first warrior-sultans expanded the empire in the name of Islam. Sultans claimed the title of caliph, or successor to the Islamic Prophet Muhammad. Alongside the sultans, religious scholars, called ulama, played a significant role in running the state.

Did Mongols force conquered people to convert to their religion?

Rather than antagonize conquered peoples by suppressing their religion, the Mongols exempted religious leaders from taxation and allowed free practice of religion whether it be Buddhism, Nestorian Christianity, Manichaeism, Daoism or Islam.

Are Turks Mongols?

History. The Mongols and Turks have developed a strong relationship. Both peoples were commonly nomadic peoples despite ethnic differences, and the cultural sprachbund evolved into a mixture of alliance and conflicts. The Xiongnu people were thought to be the ancestors of modern Mongols and Turks.

In what ways did the spread of Christianity Islam and modern science give rise to culturally based conflicts?

In what ways did the spread of Christianity, Islam, and modern science give rise to culturally based conflicts? The spread of Christianity, Islam, and modern science gave rise to culturally based conflicts, scientific revolution that gave people to speak out about religion using science.

How did the Islamic empire influence other empires?

In summary, the coming of Islam to Sub-Saharan Africa facilitated the rise of political empires, encouraged trade and wealth, and increased the traffic in slavery. In its pure form, Islam was more attractive to kings because of its concept of the caliph combined political power with religious authority.

How did Islam begin and spread?

The growth and spread of Islam began when the Prophet Muhammad began sharing his divine revelations and spreading messages he received from Allah (god). He and his followers were persecuted and had to flee to the neighboring city of Medina in 622. There he and his followers were welcomed and the faith grew.

How did religious tolerance in the Ottoman Empire affect the spread of Islamic culture and values in the regions the empire conquered?

Religious tolerance facilitated greater expansion of the empire and trade within the empire, allowing Islamic culture to spread much farther than it might have if the empire had faced more difficulty in expanding because of greater resistance from internal populations.

How Islamic was the Ottoman Empire?

Sunni Islam was the official religion of the Ottoman Empire. The highest position in Islam, caliphate, was claimed by the sultan, after the defeat of the Mamluks which was established as Ottoman Caliphate. The Sultan was to be a devout Muslim and was given the literal authority of the Caliph.

When did Ottoman Empire convert to Islam?

The Ottoman Empire was an Islamic polity that originated in early-fourteenth-century Anatolia. Islam had been established in Anatolia before the emergence of the empire, but between the fourteenth and sixteenth centuries the religion spread with Ottoman conquest to the Balkan Peninsula and central Hungary.

What religion did the Turks practice?

The Turks were part of a powerful military empire that unified the region under a Middle Eastern religion called Islam, playing a major role in the spread of Muslim culture leading up to the international religious wars called the Crusades. 6:51. You must c C reate an account to continue watching.

How did the Turkic people influence the world?

Lesson Summary. The Turkic people had a major influence on world history, particularly in the spread of the Middle Eastern religion Islam. Although not originally Muslims, the nomadic Turkic people converted to Islam after being conquered by the powerful Muslim Empire from modern-day Iran. As they rose within the ranks of the Muslim armies, ...

What was the Seljuk Empire?

The Seljuk Empire was a major force in the Crusades, often being amongst the first powers to see battle, and was especially instrumental in Muslim victories of the Second Crusade. After the Seljuk Empire fell to internal factions, other Turkic kingdoms arose to control Anatolia and preserve Islam in the region.

What was the Ottoman Empire?

It lasted from 1299-1923, when it was reorganized into the modern nation of Turkey. The Ottoman Empire was a major force for Islam in between Europe and Asia.

Which group of Turks grew in power in 1037?

One group in particular, the Seljuk Turks quickly grew in power, establishing their own empire by 1037. The Seljuk Empire first captured the major city Baghdad in 1055, and around 1071, managed to take control of the Anatolian Peninsula.

Where did the Turks live?

The ancient Turks were nomadic peoples who lived near the Altai Mountains bordering modern-day Russia, Mongolia, and Kazakhstan in the sixth century. By the eighth century, Muslim forces from the Arabian Peninsula had formed a massive empire and were pushing steadily into the region. By 751, Arab Muslims controlled the Anatolian Peninsula and most of Central Asia. The Turkic people were first incorporated as servants, and eventually as soldiers, even becoming the favored troops of the Caliph, the political and religious leader of a Muslim state. By the end of the ninth century, Turkic leaders were gaining significant military and political power and started forming their own empires.

What is Turkey named after?

Turkey is named after the ethnic group who came to dominate the region during the Medieval Era, a people called the Turks. Around the 12th century, Europeans were referring to the Anatolian Peninsula, which is the area between the Mediterranean and Black Seas, as the land of the Turks, or Turkey.

What did Eastern Christians contribute to the Arab Islamic civilization during the Ummayad and the Abbasid periods?

Eastern Christians (particularly Nestorian Christians) contributed to the Arab Islamic civilization during the Ummayad and the Abbasid periods by translating works of Greek philosophers to Syriac and afterwards to Arabic. They also excelled in philosophy, science, theology and medicine.

Who contributed to the Islamic civilization during the Ummayads and the Abbasids?

See also: List of Christian scientists and scholars of the medieval Islamic world. Christians especially Nestorian contributed to the Arab Islamic Civilization during the Ummayads and the Abbasids by translating works of Greek philosophers to Syriac and afterwards to Arabic.

What religions were influenced by the Salat?

In explicating the origin of the Islamic salat, academics state that it was influenced by the religions prevalent in the Middle East during the time of Muhammad, such as Christianity and Judaism. The five fixed prayer times in Islamic prayer may have their origins in the canonical hours of Christians, especially those used in ...

What happened after the Conquest of Constantinople?

Immediately after the Conquest of Constantinople, Mehmet II released the his portion of the city's captive Christian population with instructions to start the rebuilding of Constantinople which had been devastated by siege and war. Afterwards, he begin to also repopulate the city bringing new inhabitants – both Christian and Muslim – from the whole empire and from the newly conquered territories. Phanar was then repopulated with Greeks deported from Mouchlion in the Peloponnese and, after 1461, with citizens of Trebizond.

What are the influences of Christianity in Islam?

Christian influences in Islam could be traced back to the Eastern Christianity, which surrounded the origins of Islam. Islam, emerging in the context of the Middle East that was largely Christian, was first seen as a Christological heresy known as the "heresy of the Ishmaelites", described as such in Concerning Heresy by Saint John of Damascus, ...

When did Muslims encounter Christians?

In the late 7th and 8th centuries, Muslims encountered Levantine Christians. The cognate Syriac word sahedo may have influenced the Arabic shahid (martyr-witness). During the Abbasid dynasty, translations of the gospels from Syriac into Arabic were made, particularly by historian Bar-Hebraeus, at the request of the Arab governor.

Where did the Madrasa Mausoleum originate?

Its design is derived from Roman architecture. Madrasa-Mausoleum of Sultan Al Nasir Muhammad in Cairo has a Gothic doorway from Acre, reused as a trophy. The former Christian cathedral Madrasat al-Halawiyya in Aleppo, probably taken by Nur ad-Din Zangi, featured an altar.

What religion did the Turks convert to?

The Conversion of the Turks to Islam. The Turks first encountered Islam as the religion of a conqueror who slowly moved in on traditionally Turk-controlled regions and threatened Turk economic and political interests. Considering that the Turkic peoples had always been open to religious influences of foreign origin, ...

What changed when the Turks took over the Islamic state?

When the Turks took over the leadership in the Islamic state, they changed both the form and the functions of government as had been known in the days of the Caliphate. They reinforced the government’s political power and the state became more stable and more enduring.

Why did Muhammad start the Holy War?

Prophet Muhammad made the Holy War ( jihád) a religious duty of Muslims. It was conducted in order to spread Islam among the peoples of the earth. The world was divided into two main parts: Dár al-Islám (the House of Islam), the lands already inhabited by Muslims) and Dár al-Harb (the House of War) to which Islam was to be brought by the force of the sword, that is, lands to be conquered by the Muslim armies. The expectation was that Dár al-Harb would gradually diminish, and Dár al-Islám would eventually cover the entire surface of earth. Prophet Muhammad prescribed different treatments for the followers of the three religions of Judaism, Christianity, and Zoroastrianism and those of all other religions. The followers of the above three religions were regarded as “the people of the Book” ( Ahl al-Kitáb ), that is, recipients of God’s written revelations that they had, however, misinterpreted or deliberately ignored and strayed from the right path. Such peoples were allowed to keep their religion and practise it relatively freely if they were willing to acknowledge the supremacy of Islam and pay a tax ( jizya) to the Muslim treasury. These peoples were largely left to live in peace. The adherents of other religions were regarded as heathens and were to be converted to Islam by force. From pagans nothing was to be accepted, not even tax, but full submission to Islam. Their other choice was the sword, that is, death. Before attacking such people, however, Muslims first should, according to the instructions of the Prophet, call them to Islam and try to convert them to the true faith. If they heeded the call and became Muslims, they became members of the Muslim community, paid the “alms tax” prescribed for Muslims ( zakát, less in amount than the tax paid by the conquered Peoples of the Book), and went on to fight side by side with other Muslims to expand the boundaries of Dár al-Islám even further. This is what happened to the Turkic peoples who lived in Muslim-conquered territories.

Why did the Khazars move to Etil?

The Khazars were compelled to move their capital to Etil on the lower Volga in order to distance themselves from Muslim authority. Long-term resistance to Islam, however, was not possible, and the Khazar qagan converted to Islam for the first time in 737.

What is the name of the tribe that gathered under the banners of military leaders called?

The tribal warriors who moved into Anatolia during and after the eleventh century gathered under the banners of military leaders called gházís. The term comes from the Arabic verb ghazá, ‘to carry out a military expedition or raid’, and the noun ghází, derived from this verb, means ‘raider, war lord, conqueror’.

What is the Mevlevi path?

The order became known as the Mevlevi path, a term derived from the founder’s title. In his greatest work, the “ Mathnawí “, Rúmí strove to make God accessible and approachable to ordinary Muslims. In official Islam man is regarded as a “slave” of God, the Master, whose will determines man’s fate.

What was the Ottoman state's basis?

Islam was the traditional basis of the Ottoman state. In this Muslim community that constituted the state, it was Islam that created the framework of authority and provided the principle of political and social cohesion, and inspired loyalty in the subjects.

Who was the founder of the Mongol Empire?

This all started with Genghis Khan , the founder of the Mongol Empire. Genghis realized that there was a way to steal from civilized people without all the work of seasonal raiding. You raid them just once, quickly and brutally: you massacre their people and burn their cities to the ground - you know, really scare the heck out of them. Then you tell them to pay you, or you'll do it again. And as long as they keep paying you, they're under your protection, in much the same way as someone pays the Mafia for protection. Under the leadership of Genghis Khan and his successors, the Mongols expanded this extortion racket, demanding tribute from cities across Asia and Eastern Europe.

How did China impact Europe?

The impact of Chinese technologies on Europe cannot be overstated. Unlike Europe, China's technological and cultural progress had not been disrupted by centuries of dark ages . China would provide still more technologies to Europe, including the compass, the noodle, the printing press, and of course, gunpowder.

How did Marco Polo impact Europe?

Marco Polo. Europe was impacted by Chinese technologies, such as coal and paper money. Most Westerners are familiar with the story of Marco Polo, the young, Venetian explorer who went on a grand adventure to China in the late 13th century. There he met the Great Khan, Kublai, and entered his service. During his years under Kublai's patronage, Polo ...

What was Marco Polo's journey to the Far East?

Marco Polo's epic journey to the Far East would forever change the course of European history. His maps would help later Europeans follow the Silk Road, a path not tread by Westerners since the collapse of the Roman Empire. You must c C reate an account to continue watching. Register to view this lesson.

What was the largest empire in the world?

The Mongol Empire was the largest the world had ever seen, spanning from South China to the Baltic. Traditionally, Western historians have tended to describe the voyage of Chinese technologies to Europe as a purely European and Chinese affair.

What would power the Industrial Revolution?

Coal would power the Industrial Revolution, while paper money would revolutionize economics. The compass would make Columbus's transatlantic expedition possible. The printing press was instrumental in the propagation of ideas from the Renaissance to the Reformation to the Enlightenment to the Industrial Revolution.

Who was Genghis Khan's grandson?

A prime example of this is Genghis Khan's grandson, Kublai Khan, who gave up the Mongol raiding life to rule China as a Chinese emperor just in time to meet Marco Polo in the late 13th century.