how did industrialization change the course of history for nations and peopl

by Woodrow Reichel 5 min read

How did industrialization change history?

The Industrial Revolution transformed economies that had been based on agriculture and handicrafts into economies based on large-scale industry, mechanized manufacturing, and the factory system. New machines, new power sources, and new ways of organizing work made existing industries more productive and efficient.Mar 13, 2022

How did industrialization change people's lives?

The Industrial Revolution brought rapid urbanization or the movement of people to cities. Changes in farming, soaring population growth, and an ever-increasing demand for workers led masses of people to migrate from farms to cities. Almost overnight, small towns around coal or iron mines mushroomed into cities.

How did industrialization impact the development of nations?

As countries industrialized, factories became larger and produced more goods. Larger companies that were able to achieve economies of scale did better in international trade. Earlier forms of work began to disappear. Perhaps the most harmful consequences of industrialization were those affecting families.Jan 27, 2020

How did the Industrial Revolution affect nations?

Industrialization greatly increased the economic, military, and political strength of the societies that embraced it. By and large, the countries that benefited from industrialization were the ones that had the necessary components of land, labor and capital, and often government support.

What changes did the industrialization bring to the then society?

(i) Industrialisation brought men, women and children to factories. (ii) Work hours were often long and wages were poor. (iii) Housing and sanitation problems were growing rapidly. (iv) Almost all industries were properties of individuals.

What were three positive effects of industrialization?

The Industrial Revolution had many positive effects. Among those was an increase in wealth, the production of goods, and the standard of living. People had access to healthier diets, better housing, and cheaper goods. In addition, education increased during the Industrial Revolution.

How did family life change as a result of the Industrial Revolution?

Industrialization changed the family by converting it from a unit of production into a unit of consumption, causing a decline in fertility and a transformation in the relationship between spouses and between parents and children. This change occurred unevenly and gradually, and varied by social class and occupation.

How did industrialization influence the economic and social development of societies?

How did industrialization influence the economic and social development of societies? -It promoted a new international division of labor. -Industrial powers obtained raw materials from preindustrial societies on unfair terms. -Some countries embarked on industrialization programs to avoid Euro-American domination.

How did the Industrial Revolution change working conditions for people?

The Industrial Revolution created an increase in employment opportunities. Wages at factories were higher than what individuals were making as farmers. As factories became widespread, additional managers and employees were required to operate them, increasing the supply of jobs and overall wages.

How did the impact of worldwide industrialization affect the relationships between?

How did the impact of worldwide industrialization effect the relationships between industrialized nations and non-industrialized nations? It was the driving force behind imperialism. How did the philosophy of laissez-faire economics influence early industrialists?

What is industrialization and how did it impact the world?

Industrialization Meant Economic Growth

In the first 50 years after American independence, many farmers moved to factory jobs. As in Great Britain, textile production led the way. Industrialization, along with new inventions in transportation including the railroad, generated economic growth.
Jan 27, 2020

How did the Industrial Revolution change people's self reliance?

Most 18th century Americans lived in self-sustaining rural communities. The Industrial Revolution witnessed the evolution of large urban centers, such as Boston and New York City, and spurred a massive internal migration of workers. The Industrial Revolution also stimulated the rise of unskilled labor.

How did the Industrial Revolution change the world?

The Industrial Revolution changed the world by transforming business, economics, and society. These shifts had major effects on the world and continue to shape it today. Before industrialization, most European countries had economies dominated by farming and artisan crafts such as hand-woven cloth.

When did the Industrial Revolution begin?

According to most historians, the Industrial Revolution began in Great Britain in the middle of the 18 th century. At the time, most people rarely traveled beyond the small and medium-sized villages where they lived.

What were the effects of industrialization?

As countries industrialized, factories became larger and produced more goods. Larger companies that were able to achieve economies of scale did better in international trade. Earlier forms of work began to disappear. Perhaps the most harmful consequences of industrialization were those affecting families.

What did women do outside the home?

Women also worked outside the home. Unmarried women commonly worked as servants in other families' homes. Many British women, including mothers, worked in textile mills. During the first century of industrialization, child labor was common.

How many hours did women work?

Despite their important contributions, women and children received low pay for their labor. They were commonly forced to work 16 hours per day or longer. Although their work conditions could be quite dangerous, women's jobs were perceived as less skilled than those of their male co-workers.

What was the effect of the War of 1812 on the United States?

ports, which further drove the development of U.S. industries. By the 1830s, the United States had become one of the world's leading economic powers. The Booming Working Class.

How many hours did women work in the textile industry?

Their smaller fingers were often better at threading the machinery. Despite routinely working 16 hours a day, or longer, they typically were paid little.

How did industrialization affect the economy?

Industrialization, along with new inventions in transportation including the railroad, generated economic growth. There was now a large working class, and this would eventually lead to conflict between workers and factory owners. Working men and women led strikes to demand better working conditions.

What were the consequences of industrialization?

Earlier forms of work and ways of life began to disappear. Perhaps the most harmful consequences of industrialization were those affecting families. Throughout history, most people worked with their families.

What is the Industrial Revolution?

The Industrial Revolution is an appropriate name for a period in history where major innovation led to huge worldwide change. This era created changes in business, the work that people did, and society. These shifts continue to affect the world today.

What did people do before the Industrial Revolution?

Before the Industrial Revolution, most people in Europe worked either as farmers or artisans making hand-crafted goods. The ways in which people lived had not changed significantly since the Middle Ages. Once industrialization began, however, work and family life would be transformed forever.

How many hours did women work in the textile industry?

Their smaller fingers were often better at threading the machinery. Despite routinely working 16 hours a day, or longer, they typically were paid little. Shown here are power looms in the Boott Cotton Mills at Lowell National Historical ...

What was the effect of the War of 1812 on the United States?

During the War of 1812, the British navy blocked ships from sailing in and out of U.S. ports, which further drove the growth of U.S. factories. By the 1830s, the United States was one of the world's leading economic powers. Industrialization Meant Economic Growth.

How did industrialization affect the economy?

Industrialization, along with great strides in transportation, drove the growth of U.S. cities and a rapidly expanding market economy. It also shaped the development of a large working class in U.S. society, leading eventually to labor struggles and strikes led by working men and women.

Where did the Industrial Revolution take place?

Most historians place the origin of the Industrial Revolution in Great Britain in the middle decades of the 18 th century. In the British Isles and most of Europe at this time, most social activity took place in small and medium-sized villages. People rarely traveled far beyond their home village.

What was the Industrial Revolution?

It brought about thorough and lasting transformations, not just in business and economics but in the basic structures of society. Before industrialization, when the most significant economic activities in most European countries were small-scale farming and artisan handicrafts, social structures remained essentially as they had been during the Middle Ages. The advent of industrial development revamped patterns of human settlement, labor, and family life. The changes set in motion by industrialization ushered Europe, the United States of America, and much of the world into the modern era.

What was the enclosure movement?

The enclosure movement, which converted commonly held grazing lands into fenced-off private property, added to the new pressures facing the poor, rural majority. The population increase added to the number of people facing difficulties making a living on the land.

Why did women work in textile mills?

Many British women, including mothers, were employed in the textile mills to help their families make ends meet. Child labor was also rampant in the textile industry during the first century of industrialization. Factory owners appreciated having workers whose fingers were small enough to manipulate delicately threaded machinery.

What is media credit?

Credits. Media Credits. The audio, illustrations, photos, and videos are credited beneath the media asset, except for promotional images, which generally link to another page that contains the media credit.

How did industrialization affect women?

Industrialization also had a major impact on the lives of women and children. Women were subjected to work the same amount of hours as men, however they got paid half of the men wages. They were often hired to do the jobs that men wanted to do, working in unsanitary and dangerous conditions.

What was the Gilded Age?

It was known as the “Gilded Age” from 1869-1901. There were both social and economical changes taking place. One of the major changes was the construction of the transcontinental railroad that finished in 1869. Railroads created an increased demand in manufacturing since the businesses could now produce and sell in larger amounts.

How to explain the Industrial Revolution?

At the end of the third read, you should be able to respond to these questions: 1 According to the author, the changes ushered in by the Industrial Revolution had a ripple effect around the world. Using the evidence surrounding either sugar, wheat, or copper provided in the article, trace and explain one of these ripples. 2 Imagine you are a new wage-laborer that recently moved from a rural farm community to an industrial city. Using information from the article, explain how your life has changed. What new hardships or opportunities might you face?

Where did the Industrial Revolution start?

Though the Industrial Revolution started in Britain's factories, its innovations were entangled globally. We often think of coal, steam engines, cheap cotton clothes, steel, and agricultural advances as the seeds that grew into the Industrial Revolution.

What are the questions asked in the Industrial Revolution?

By the end of the second close read, you should be able to answer the following questions: 1 How did the Industrial Revolution change family structures in Britain? 2 What role did women and children play in the industrial economy? Did they benefit from factory labor? 3 What kinds of benefits or opportunities did the Industrial Revolution create for people in Britain? 4 How did the Industrial Revolution affect the daily lives and labor of people outside of Europe such as enslaved Africans or colonial subjects? 5 In the article, the author cites historian Thomas Finger who argued that “wheat—as much as coal—powered England’s factories.” What does he mean by this? How did wheat power England’s factories, and how did the demand for wheat transform wheat-producing societies around the world?

How did the Industrial Revolution affect social progress?

The Industrial Revolution made some social progress precisely because of the misery it produced . Britain became the wealthiest nation on Earth. Soon, British workers, politicians, and writers started looking around and wondering why—in the world's richest country—so many people lived and worked in such poor conditions.

What were the three commodities that were affected by the Industrial Revolution?

To understand this, let's consider the impact of the Industrial Revolution on three global commodities: sugar, wheat, and copper. You've read about how Europeans brought sugarcane to the Caribbean from Southeast Asia. They forced enslaved people to harvest and refine that sugar.

Who argues that wheat—as much as coal—powered England's factories?

Historian Thomas Finger argues that wheat—as much as coal—powered England's factories. Coal fed the machines, but wheat fed the workers. Global wheat production was revolutionized in the nineteenth century to feed English wage laborers.

What happened in the early nineteenth century?

Public domain. In the early nineteenth century, bread prices soared. This created unrest in Britain's cities, where a bunch of working-class people now lived and depended on cheap bread. If they wanted to keep factories open, the British needed cheap bread.

Where did the Industrial Revolution take place?

Industrial revolution took birth in England. The emergence of a nation-state with the effect of industrial capitalism took several years but it was stroked in England after 1750 by a twinkling effect. Capital industrialization in Europe developed mainly in the three major successful flows – 1780-1880, 1880-1950 and the third still continues.

What was the Industrial Revolution?

The industrial revolution saw a fundamental change in the way goods were produced, from labor to machinery. Political and social changes emerged during this period; mainly the feeling of nationalism came in the 19th century. As the 19th century moved along, the feeling of nationalism was developing rapidly.

When did capitalism start?

The capitalist development of industries primarily began in the 18th and 19th centuries through the effect of mechanization. The mills which were establishing at the end of the 18th century were not only based in England but also started in farther countries such as Belgium, Switzerland, Germany, and the United States.

What is industrial capitalism?

Industrial capitalism refers to an economic and social system in which trade, industry and capital are privately controlled and operated for profit.

What was the 19th century?

Along with nationalism, the 19th century was also the age of industrialism. Before James Mill brought about industrial revolution, every work was performed at home by hands. During the 1800s steam-driven machinery progressively did the work once done by human hands.

Why was Europe important to the world?

Europe was the crucial place for buying and selling of the goods because of the industrial factor. The import and export somewhere helped communities to bring the feeling of oneness among each other and broadly know the territories, area and people of their country.

How did the Industrial Revolution affect the world?

The industrial revolution led to rapid changes in people's living and working conditions. In response to poor working conditions, labor movements organized alliances known as unions and pushed for reforms. Reform movements happened around the world, but started in Britain and the United States.

What did the Reformers want?

They wanted the government to help the urban poor, fix unsafe work conditions, end child labor, and repair poor sanitation. In the United States and Great Britain, reformers were often inspired by a new form of Christianity. This wave of Christianity became popular in the nineteenth century.

When was the first women's rights convention held?

In 1848, the first American convention focused on women's rights was held in Seneca Falls, New York. Approximately 200 women and 40 men met and adopted the "Seneca Falls Declaration of Sentiments.". This declaration called for political and economic rights for women.

What were the problems of industrialization?

Working conditions and the ability to make enough money to survive were problems with industrialization that many people identified early. In Britain, the Luddites were a secret society that destroyed new industrial machines in the 1810s. Many of them were skilled artisans who saw machines replacing them.

What were the Luddites?

In Britain, the Luddites were a secret society that destroyed new industrial machines in the 1810s. Many of them were skilled artisans who saw machines replacing them. The machines could make cheaper cloth, or metal, than an artisan.

What were the first health reforms?

One of the first Industrial-era health reforms was the building of sewers and clean water systems in some British cities. Thomas Hawksley built some of the first urban clean water systems in Britain in the 1870s. He figured out that hooking up pipes to a pump and an engine would keep pressure in the water system. This would stop dirty water from getting into the pipes. In London, meanwhile, the disease known as cholera killed tens of thousands of people each year until Joseph Bazalgette figured out that a sewer system could keep the water supply cleaner.

Where is Rachael Hill?

Author bio. Rachael Hill holds a Ph.D. in African History from Stanford University. She is currently a visiting assistant professor at San Francisco State University. She has taught History Methodology and African History at the university level and Critical Reading to high school students.