how did companionate marriages differ from traditional marriages course hero

by Prof. Adele Lemke Jr. 4 min read

The difference between traditional marriage and companionate marriage is that the latter is based on the spouses having mutual interests and equitable roles; the primary focus is companionship rather than children or security.

Full Answer

What is the difference between a traditional and companionate marriage?

Learn the differences between a traditional and companionate marriage below as well as more about what a companionate marriage entails. In a traditional marriage, typically the husband is the breadwinner while the wife is a stay-at-home mom or general homemaker.

What are the disadvantages of a companionate marriage?

The primary drawbacks of a companionate marriage are that with stability, equality, and mutually beneficial characteristics can come a lack of excitement, passion, or intimacy. A one-size-fits-all model doesn’t fit most people, so design your own.

Who is the breadwinner in a traditional marriage?

In a traditional marriage, typically the husband is the breadwinner while the wife is a stay-at-home mom or general homemaker.

What is the typical trajectory of marriage?

"In traditional marriage, the normal trajectory is to meet someone you are attracted to (emotionally and physically) and believe you’d like to spend the rest of your life with.

What is the difference between an arranged marriage and a companionate marriage?

The difference between traditional marriage and companionate marriage is that the latter is based on the spouses having mutual interests and equitable roles; the primary focus is companionship rather than children or security.

When did companionate marriages begin?

By the 1920s, as sex radicals were silenced by the Red Scare, more conventional reformers—social scientists and ex‐radicals—developed the concept of companionate marriage, to adapt marriage to a growing youth culture, women's independence and civil equality, and a more consumer‐oriented middle class.

What is a traditional model of marriage?

The traditional model of marriage is based on a strongly gendered division of labor between a breadwinning man and a homemaking mom. Husbands bring home the bacon. Wives cook it. In these marriages, often underpinned by religious faith, duty and obligation to both spouse and children feature strongly.

What are the types of marriage differentiate each types?

In general there are two types: civil marriage and religious marriage, and typically marriages employ a combination of both (religious marriages must often be licensed and recognized by the state, and conversely civil marriages, while not sanctioned under religious law, are nevertheless respected).

What is companionship marriage?

1 : a proposed form of marriage in which legalized birth control would be practiced, the divorce of childless couples by mutual consent would be permitted, and neither party would have any financial or economic claim on the other — compare trial marriage.

What was companionate marriage in history?

Abstract. Companionate marriage appeared in early modern to modern Europe and North America. It emphasizes the spousal relationship over economic and familial bonds between families and often implies greater equality for women than patriarchal forms of marriage.

What are the differences between traditional and modern marriage?

Traditional marriages locked the spouses into their predefined roles without any opportunity to allow for individual choice. Married women were expected to fulfill their role as homemaker and had to stifle any career ambitions or frustrations they might have had. Modern marriages allow for individual preferences.

What is the difference between traditional marriage and wedding?

A wedding is a ceremony where two people are united in marriage. Marriage is a legally or formally recognized union between two people.

What is the difference between traditional and white wedding?

The difference is that in white wedding you pay dowry to the Pastor while in traditional wedding you pay to the father of the bride.

Why is traditional marriage important?

The marriage ceremony serves as an honour and dignity to the couple and their families. In the eyes of the people, the couple is responsible. They are ready to take up responsibilities in marriage, this gives them social recognition and dignity in society. It allows for legitimate sex.

What are the three types of marriages?

There are other types of marriage, which include more than one husband or wife at the same time (plural marriage or polygamy), several husbands and wives (group marriage), or ones that are not contracted on the basis of the state's rules and regulations specified earlier (common-law marriage).

What is the difference between special marriage and ordinary marriage in Nigeria?

There are two types of Marriages which are recognized under the Law, and they are: Ordinary Marriage: This is a marriage between a Nigerian and a Nigerian. Special Marriage: While this is a marriage between a Nigerian and Non-Nigerian or between a Non-Nigerian and a Non-Nigerian in Nigeria.

What is the difference between a traditional marriage and a companionate marriage?

The difference between traditional marriage and companionate marriage is that the latter is based on the spouses having mutual interests and equitable roles; the primary focus is companionship rather than children or security.

What are the characteristics of a companionate marriage?

These positive characteristics contribute to the trust, friendship, commitment, and shared values of a companionate marriage.

What is companionship marriage?

What Is Companionate Marriage? Companionate marriage is a union in which the partners have mutual consent and equality. Its purpose is founded on companionship rather than a marriage's traditional functionalities of raising children, gaining financial support, or having security. While you may be unfamiliar with the exact title, ...

What are the drawbacks of companionship?

The primary drawbacks of a companionate marriage are that with stability, equality, and mutually beneficial characteristics can come a lack of excitement, passion, or intimacy. A one-size-fits-all model doesn’t fit most people, so design your own.

When did companionate marriage start?

Its defining characteristics can be traced back to the beginning of the 19th century.

Is a stay at home mom a breadwinner?

In a traditional marriage, typically the husband is the breadwinner while the wife is a stay-at-home mom or general homemaker . You may recognize these functionality-focused traditional unions from your grandparents' generation, where the relationship is transactional (one provides financial security in return for a clean house, care for the kids, etc.) or raising children may be the only commonality the spouses share.

Is romantic marriage a traditional marriage?

It's important to note that romantic marriages are another form of marriage that is traditional, but these focus more on the emotions behind the union rather than the pragmatism of it. Consider this the Hollywood-style love portrayed in rom-coms.