how can understanding this big picture help you as you seek to apply scripture to course content

by Ms. Jane Dicki 9 min read

Answer: Understanding the big picture of the Bible can help me throughout this class for a number of reasons. One reason is that when writing a paper, I can relate verses in the bible to a real-life experience.

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Are the scriptures segmented or big picture?

How can understanding this big picture help you as you seek to apply scripture to course content? Understanding the big picture of Scripture is important. I must understand that God’s ultimate work is the process of redemption. Once I grasp this concept, my outlook on life changes.

How should we apply Scripture?

Step-by-step explanation. The best way to better understand the bigger picture of the bible is to comprehending the entire book. The bible is such a vast epic story about humanity and its creator and the relationship between the two. It is important as a Christian to understand what this religion is and how it is portrayed in the scripture.

What does the Bible say about the Big Picture?

Sep 06, 2012 · It is only through the story of the people that salvation gains a universal dimension and then only in limited ways. 3. Taking it apart is easy, putting it back together is more of a challenge. Theology as we know it has a strong tendency to break scripture down into its constituent parts.

What is the Big Hope attached to God’s Big Picture?

Nov 17, 2014 · Reading the Bible can be intimidating, no matter where you are in your faith walk. Made up of individual “books” ranging in subject matter from history to instruction, from poetry to prophecy, this all-time global bestseller is frequently considered confusing, by first-time—as well as seasoned—readers. Bible Gateway interviewed Dr. William H. Marty and Dr. Boyd …

What is theological content of the Bible?

The theological content of the Bible, therefore—the stuff that gets re-engineered into systematic theologies and statements of faith—belongs to that community’s self-understanding. It is the product of i) the community’s reflection on ii) its relationship with its God as iii) part of a historical narrative.

Why does the New Testament reference the Jewish scriptures?

It will become apparent that the writers of the New Testament make reference to the Jewish scriptures not simply to prove that Jesus is the messiah but to tell the story about Israel that accounted for the death and resurrection of Jesus —a story that goes forwards as well as backwards. 5.

Why is the resurrection of Jesus important?

Paul has much more to say about the historical future of the people of God than he does about the past event of the crucifixion—Jesus’ death and resurrection are important precisely because they guarantee certain climactic future outcomes.

Does evangelical theology need historical horizons?

Evangelical theology has no need for historical horizons. Evangelical truth is universal; it transcends the limitations of history. Let me give an example of evangelicalism’s high-handed disregard for the narrative shape of scripture. In a new book edited by Grudem, Collins and Schreiner called [amazon:978-1433531620:inline] Vernan Poythress argues that Moses could stand in the presence of a holy God only because Jesus would eventually come and make atonement for Moses’ sin:

Does Poythress say that God saves people?

Poythress is right to insist that “ there is only one way of salvation, throughout the Old Testament as well as in the New Testament”, but it is not that God saves individuals through Christ. It is that God saves his people, more often than not from the historical consequences of their sinfulness.

Is it always someone's version of the Word of God?

It is always someone’s version of the Word of God, no matter how “orthodox” that version may be. Secondly, I think we should be troubled when the Bible says one thing and the “ Word of God ” says something else. If you use something in a way for which it was not designed, you risk voiding the warranty.

What does the New Testament tell us?

For Christians who live after the ministry of Jesus, the New Testament best tells us what God’s people today should believe and do.

What is the story of the Bible?

The Bible contains fascinating stories about people and their faith struggles. Even in the Epistles, which focus on teaching, there is a story behind the text. Parents should become informed about the story line in the Bible, and then tell their children biblical stories in their historical context.

Is reading the Bible intimidating?

Reading the Bible can be intimidating, no matter where you are in your faith walk. Made up of individual “books” ranging in subject matter from history to instruction, from poetry to prophecy, this all-time global bestseller is frequently considered confusing, by first-time—as well as seasoned—readers.

What are the biblical principles?

Some biblical principles and commands are timeless and appear in both testaments (live holy lives, live in harmony with God, treat others graciously). Other teachings and commands have changed over time (sacrifice animals to cover your sins, believe in Jesus’ death to make you right with God).

How many books are in the Big Picture?

And it’s important to know it because all Scripture – all 66 books -point to this one narrative.

What is the big hope in Ps. 37?

Ps. 37 is a prime example of the big hope attached to God’s Big Picture. Because in light of the Big Picture, David is calling the people to trust that God has a plan.

Why is God faithful?

Because God is faithful (vs. 23-40) God will ensure that his people will be preserved. The honor of his name is at stake! The righteous King will be faithful to make his people righteous so they can serve as a light to the nations.

What does the Bible say about studying?

The Bible says, “Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing [expounding correctly] the word of truth ” (II Timothy 2:15).

What does the Bible say about showing yourself approved unto God?

The Bible says, “Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing [expounding correctly] the word of truth” (II Timothy 2:15). “Be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves” (James 1:22).

What does the Bible say about living according to the Word of God?

The Bible says, “Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing [expounding correctly] the word of truth” (II Timothy 2:15).

What does it mean to meditate on scripture?

Only as you meditate on Scripture—a verse, several verses, or a passage—will you begin to see underlying principles that can be applied in your life. In Psalm 119:99, the psalmist testified, “I have more understanding than all my teachers: for thy testimonies are my meditation.”.

What did Paul say about sound doctrine?

(See I Timothy 6:3.) A powerful way to apply Scripture is by first studying Christ’s words, including the commands He gave to us, and then finding their foundation in the Old Testament and application in the New Testament Epistles. Discovering this threefold witness will increase your understanding of the Bible. (See II Corinthians 13:1.)

What does the Bible say about honoring parents?

(See II Corinthians 13:1.) For example, Jesus spoke of honoring parents in Matthew 15:4: “God commanded, saying, Honor thy father and mother: and, he that curseth father or mother, let him die the death.”.
