how can professional associations help a job seeker? course hero

by Annabelle Stroman Sr. 7 min read

Why should I join a professional association?

Being a member of a professional association can set you apart from the competition when searching for new jobs and support your career by allowing you to advance your skills and knowledge. Joining professional associations shows that you are committed to your industry and are dedicated to continuous growth and learning within your career field.

How do I find a job with an association?

Get job search leads. Many professional associations offer a range of career services and even host their own job banks, which can be invaluable sources for job postings (on CareerOneStop’s Professional Association Finder, you’ll see a checkmark and a website link to related career services if an organization offers them).

Are there any professional associations for accountants?

These generally nonprofit organizations exist for nearly every industry and career field—from accountants to zoo keepers. Most professional associations offer a range of benefits and services. Locate a professional association in your career or industry and see which of the following options are available:

What are the requirements to become a professional organization member?

Professional organizations vary in their membership requirements. Some associations require members to hold a particular certification or degree or to pay a monthly or yearly fee to part of the organization. Others accept members who are still in the educational phase of their careers.

What is the best source of professional network members?

But one of the best sources of professional network members is a professional association. These generally nonprofit organizations exist for nearly every industry and career field—from accountants to zoo keepers. Most professional associations offer a range of benefits and services. Locate a professional association in your career or industry ...

What is the best way to advance your career?

Building and maintaining a robust professional network is one of the best ways to advance your career—whether you’re just starting out, are thinking of switching careers, or are already a leader in field. Your professional network can include current and past work colleagues, friends, and even family members.

Why do organizations have LinkedIn groups?

Many organizations have LinkedIn groups to help further professional networking. You often have to submit your LinkedIn profile to the association be approved for membership in the LinkedIn group—so first take time to update your own profile.

What is a test drive for an organization?

Often you can “test-drive” an organization by attending one of these events before joining and paying any membership dues.

What is professional association?

Professional associations often provide a variety of career resources to members. Many of the same tools and resources that help job seekers in their efforts to find new opportunities, help the happily employed develop professionally. Continue to take advantage of your memberships’ benefits throughout your career.

How can members fill knowledge gaps?

Members can often fill knowledge gaps through an association’s educational offerings. Take advantage publications, webinars and courses that provide industry-specific insights and learning opportunities. Some associations even provide discounts on certifications and other educational opportunities to its members!

Can memberships backfire?

Joining a plethora of organizations might seem like the fastest way to see positive results, but it can easily backfire. Memberships can be costly, both monetarily and from a time commitment standpoint as well. A job search is already taxing, be careful not to spread yourself too thin. Plus, an excessive number of memberships could be perceived as fluff for your resume.