how can international intervention alter the course of civil wars? gov312l

by Prof. Cordia Carter III 10 min read

Do interventions and patrols increase civilian reliance on UNMIL?

Furthermore, foreign intervention can be influential in changing the trajectory of civil wars. In part, the significant impact of foreign intervention on the course of civil wars is explained by the majority of interventions having taken the form of providing assistance to one side in …

Are countervailing effects of police interventions and Public Works significant?

how is civil war different from international war. ... the possibility of intervention can change the course of foreign civil wars (important role of great powers in structuring international politics) genocide? deliberate destruction of a nation of an ethnic group usually by a state

How did the United States help alter the International System Quizlet?

How can international intervention alter the course of civil wars? (2 ways) Help terminate the civil war by providing a third party capable of enforcing a peace treaty through reassuring military groups that need to disarm or Extend civil wars by periodically shifting the distribution of power among contending factions in the civil war.

Do Public Works and interventions make a difference?

The end of the Cold War and absence of great power presence prompted a change in focus from interstate to civil war. ... --Can signal resolve to stay the course A civil war is different from international war because one side has to disarm, leaving them vulnerable if the other side does not agree to their terms. ... It can create incentive to ...

What is the coercion dilemma as presented in the textbook reading and lecture?

What is the coercion dilemma as presented in lecture? Political order is the patterns or regularities of social behavior that are induced or set by authority relationships or coercion. International trade and globalization after 1945 have helped to support peace among the great powers.

What is the coercion dilemma?

coercion dilemma. - this capacity to coerce and impose a settlement on conflicting groups can also be exploited to accumulate power and wealth by seizing it from others. This violent redistribution of resources among individuals or groups is sometimes referred to as predation.

Which of the following was discussed as a source of the commitment problem in war?

One of the principal sources of a commitment problem is a rapid and large shift in the distribution of military or political power between two contending sides. Basically one side will agree to peace until they are strong enough to fight back.

How are nuclear weapons distinguished from conventional weapons?

How do Nuclear Weapons differ from Conventional Weapons? Nuclear weapons use fissionable materials to fuel an explosion, whereas conventional weapons do not. Only a relatively few radioactive materials are fissionable, such as Plutonium-239 or Uranium-235.Jul 21, 2012

What are the two forms of coercion described behaviorally?

The two main categories of coercion — deterrence and compellence — are distinct in their nature and requirements. When an actor refrains from a behavior, one does not and cannot know the specific reason (or reasons) for that choice.Feb 20, 2020

What are examples of coercion?

Mark knows it's a violation of school policy to help another student cheat, but he also doesn't want another bloody nose; so, he relents and gives Brett his homework. This is a classic example of coercion, wherein one party uses intimidation or threats to force someone to act against their will.Apr 29, 2019

What are some of the factors that activate commitment problems and civil war within states?

What are some of the factors that activate commitment problems and civil war within states? Commitment problems and civil war often activated by shifts in military distribution and power (more powerful state might demand concessions in the future/agreement not self-enforcing).

Which of the following is an example of a commitment problem in civil wars?

Which of the following is an example of a commitment problem in civil wars? Rebels cannot trust the government to not take advantage of their disarming. Which of the following statements most accurately describes the relationship between ethnic and religious differences and civil war?

What is the prevention of war?

A preventive war is a war or a military action which is initiated in order to prevent a belligerent or a neutral party from acquiring a capability for attacking.

Do nuclear weapons prevent conventional war?

However, nuclear weapons have a deterrent effect on conventional conflict as well. Since the advent of nuclear weapons, nuclear- weapons states have been averse to engaging in large- scale conventional conflict with one another.Nov 23, 2020

How does nuclear deterrence differ from conventional deterrence?

Nevertheless, the difference between nuclear and conventional deterrence might indeed boil down to a single generalization: the target actually has a say when it comes to the execu- tion of a conventional deterrent threat, while nuclear threats, especially after they cross a certain threshold, are simply not ...

Why is nuclear deterrence important?

4 It also helps the United States to meet its goal of “achieving objectives if deterrence fails.”5 The primary purpose of US nuclear weapons is to deter nuclear attack, but, if deterrence were to fail, the United States would not simply accept “mutually assured destruction.” Counterforce targeting potentially allows ...Jun 16, 2021

What is the rule of law after civil war?

Establishing the rule of law after civil war is a multidimensional problem. On the one hand, the human and infrastructural capacity of the state must be restored: judges and police officers must be recruited and trained; laws must be amended; constitutions must be revised and ratified. But as important as these processes are, they do not address the “heart of the problem,” which is “to whom people turn for solutions to problems that would normally be considered legal.”#N#Footnote#N#24 Rule of law is more than just a set of institutions; it is also a “normative system that resides in the minds of … citizens,”#N#Footnote#N#25 and that cannot be manufactured by the “simple expedient of creating formal structures and rewriting constitutions and statutes.”#N#Footnote#N#26 As Chesterman asks, “what would a woman do if her property were stolen—go to the police? Or what would a man do if his brother were murdered?”#N#Footnote#N#27 Rule of law hinges crucially on the answers to these questions.

What are the interactions between peacekeepers and civilians?

Most interactions between peacekeepers and civilians occur during one of three activities: patrols, public works, and interventions to resolve disputes. Because these activities are both frequent and universal, their effects in Lofa, Nimba, and Grand Gedeh are more likely to generalize to other parts of Liberia, and potentially to other countries as well. Unfortunately, while UNMIL maintains records on some of these activities, the records are not comprehensive, and in some years they are missing altogether. I therefore rely on reports from local leaders instead. Because local leaders often act as liaisons for UN personnel,#N#Footnote#N#83 they should be able to provide accurate reports of peacekeepers’ activities in their communities.

What is Liberia's rule of law?

Historically and today, rule of law in Liberia has involved a contest between elites on the coast and informal authorities in the interior whose resistance has long posed “the most important key” to state penetration.#N#Foot note#N#63 A series of civil wars beginning in 1989 reduced the state to a “shell in which Liberians [continued] to live.”#N#Footnote#N#64 In response, many took refuge in the same informal institutions that long governed social order in the hinterlands, and which survived the conflict without being “fundamentally altered.”#N#Footnote#N#65