how can i take a better processing course for acidified foods online

by Mohammed Kunze 6 min read

What is better process control school for acidified foods?

Acidified Foods Manufacturing School is a 100% ONLINE/On-Demand program. Those who complete the 100% Online Course will receive a Certificate of Course Completion to demonstrate they meet the training requirement of the FDA Acidified regulation (21 Code of Federal Regulations Part 114.10). This training sequence is equivalent to the training received by …

Is acidified foods manufacturing school equivalent to in-person training?

The University of Nebraska Food Processing Center Better Process Control School for Acidified Foods is approved by the FDA and follows the prescribed course of instruction for certification. Each section is followed by an exam.

What is an acidified food?

Mar 09, 2022 · Better Process Control School In-Person Course (will be offered Feb. 14-17, 2023.) Acidified Foods Manufacturing School (combination of online & in-person) This can be a good option for small processors who need Acidified Foods Only. It is mostly online, with a one-day required lab/demo in-person component.

How do I become a certified acidified food operator?

Better Process Control School (BPCS) is a course that has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration as well as the United States Department of Agriculture for processors of acidified and low acid canned foods. This course is offered online as well as a two-day workshop (acidified only) or a 3 1/2-day workshop for the entire course.

Purpose of School

The Food and Drug Administration's regulations in 21 CFR 108, 113, and 114 became effective May 15, 1979. These regulations are designed to prevent public health problems in low-acid and acidified low-acid canned foods. Those making the foods that meet the following definition should attend acidified foods course.

Intended Audience

Supervisors of shelf stable, acidified low acid food processing operations, and food container closure operations.


The University of Nebraska Food Processing Center Better Process Control School for Acidified Foods is approved by the FDA and follows the prescribed course of instruction for certification. Each section is followed by an exam.


Dr. Andreia Bianchini#N#Associate Professor - UNL Department of Food Science and Technology


The fee for this 1 ½ day workshop, which includes a textbook, break refreshments, and lunch on the first day, is $450 per person. Nebraska companies may be eligible for funding assistance through Nebraska Workforce Development. Please visit the following website for additional information.

What is BPCS in food?

Better Process Control School (BPCS) is a course that has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration as well as the United States Department of Agriculture for processors of acidified and low acid canned foods.

How many chapters are there in the online course?

Overview of the ONLINE Course. There are seventeen chapters associated with this course, which have been divided into three sections: 1) required chapters, 2) low-acid canned food and aseptic processing, and 3) container closure evaluation.


Lecture 1 • water activity, pH, equilibrium pH, buffering capacity, measuring pH (pH meter calibration, sample preparation, pH measurement), Difficult products such as oily, starchy or products containing seeds will also be covered.

Accommodations and Parking

For local hotel information please see the Yolo County Visitor's Guide website. You might find this page helpful as well: " Welcome to Davis " from the UC Davis Postharvest Technology Center. Campus parking permits will be available to those attending the class.

What is the IIT course for acidified food?

The Better Process Control School Acidified Foods Only course of the Institute for Food Safety and Health, (IFSH), IIT satisfies the training requirements of both FDA and USDA regulations to prevent foodborne illnesses and protect public health. In addition, the course helps participants understand the foundational why’s behind thermal processing of acidified foods as well as look at the basics of package integrity, teardown methods and regulatory needs. This training program is required for processors of low-acid and acidified food manufacturers under the regulations 21 CFR 113, 21 CFR 114, and 9 CFR 431.

What is a certificate of completion for IFSH?

Upon successful completion of the course, and passing the required exams , participants will receive a certificate of completion from IFSH. Please use the certificates as proof of course completion and update your training records.

What is an Operating Supervisor?

Under the acidified foods regulation ( 21 CFR 114.10) an operating supervisor is defined as a person who has attended a school approved by the Commissioner for giving instruction in food-handling techniques, food-protection principles, personal hygiene and plant sanitation practices, pH controls and critical factors in acidification, and who has been identified by that school as having satisfactorily completed the prescribed course of instruction.

Does the Acidified Foods Manufacturing School provide the same Certificate of Completion as the Acidified Foods Only Better Process Control School?

Yes, the Acidified Foods Manufacturing School is equivalent to the training received by attending a standard in-person Acidified Foods Only Better Process Control School course.

My acidified food operation is extremely small. Do I still need an Operating Supervisor Certificate of Completion?

Yes, based on the acidified foods regulation any food company producing acidified food products must comply with the regulations. Even if someone only sells 10 cans of acidified product in a year, they must comply with the regulations.

Is the course manual required?

The manual is included in the purchase of the course. The manual was updated in June 2018 to reflect the Current Good Manufacturing Practice and Hazard Analysis and Risk-Based Preventive Controls for Human Food (Preventive Controls) within 21 CFR 117.

Can I share my online course Moodle ID with someone else?

You cannot share your Moodle ID account information with other people. Each person will have their own Moodle ID. Each participant must pay for and complete the 100% online course prior to receiving their Operating Supervisor Certificate of Completion.

Do you offer the Acidified Foods Manufacturing School in Spanish?

No, we do not offer the Acidified Foods Manufacturing School in Spanish. But you can look at GMA’s national Better Process Control School course listing here for offerings in Spanish and other languages.

I am not sure if I am producing an acidified product. How do I find out if my product is classified as an acidified product?

If you want to find out the classification of your product (s), you need to contact a process authority.

General Information

Non-acidic products, including most vegetables and fresh meat, can be acidified to produce acidified low-acid foods. These products are commonly called “pickles” or “pickled products”. Because there is a risk of botulism if these foods are not properly acidified and processed, there are very specific regulations that pertain to these foods.

California Regulations

Acidified low-acid foods processed in California must comply with the California Cannery Inspection & Licensing Program (CA Dept. of Public Heath) Associated forms are from CDPH, except where noted below.