how can i reach people for christ who have a post-modern mindset? course hero

by Berry West 3 min read

How to gain a new mindset that is created in Christ?

Post-Modern Mindset: How Can I Reach People For Christ? Post-Modern Mindset: How Can I Reach People For Christ? Introduction Postmodernism and post modernity are words that indicate certain cultural phenomena of the second half of the twentieth century, which are related to the acceleration of culture from the sixties who still have no definitive explanation.

What was Jesus'mindset?

Nov 14, 2018 · COMS 542. You will write a 10-page paper that addresses the question: How can I reach people for Christ who have a post-modern mindset? You will read ten articles from the anthology compiled in D.A. Carson’s Telling The Truth: Evangelizing Spiritual Seekers in Life-Changing Discussions and use these writings as a base for your discussion in the paper.

Who was the greatest Christian psychologist?

May 28, 2013 · Research Paper Students will write a 10-page paper that addresses the question: How can I reach people for Christ who have a post-modern mindset? Each student will read ten total articles from the D.A. Carson text and use these writings as a base for the discussion in the paper. This assignment is due by the end of Module/Week 3.

What did Jesus say about setting an example?

Jun 05, 2017 · Having the Mindset of Christ Jesus. Jun 5, 2017. humility leadership my journal. Whoever wants to become great must be a servant, and whoever wants to be first must be a slave—these are the words of Jesus to his disciples (see Matthew 20:26-27 ). Our Savior and Lord not only said this, He lived it. He washed the feet of his disciples—even ...

What is the mindset of Jesus?

Having the Mindset of Christ Jesus. Whoever wants to become great must be a servant, and whoever wants to be first must be a slave —these are the words of Jesus to his disciples (see Matthew 20:26-27 ).

What did Jesus say to his disciples?

Afterwards, He said to them all, “I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you” ( John 13:15 ). The image of Jesus at the feet of His disciples sets a powerful counter-cultural precedent for us.

How does the Holy Spirit help us?

The Holy Spirit is within us, working humility in our hearts so that we might live like Christ. With His help, we can practice humility . We can be realistic about our weaknesses, vulnerabilities, and hang-ups. At the same time, we can be realistic about the greatness of our God.

What does humility mean in leadership?

If you are in a leadership position in any area of your life, humility means modeling this posture to those under your leadership. You must clothe yourself with humility because the people under you are looking up to you, imitating you.

What is the Christian mindset?

The Christian Mindset. Where we place our mind and what we give our thoughts to will determine our focus and how we live. Our culture is celebrating and promoting fear, pride, and lawlessness. What the Bible calls evil, culture declares as good. What God says is good, the culture tosses it away with hateful rejection.

What does Isaiah 26:3 mean?

Isaiah 26:3 tells us, “You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You.”. When we live in fear, anxiety, worry, and trepidation it is a declaration of our lack of focus upon and trust in God.

What does Paul say about being spiritually minded?

By Rufus R. Clifford III. The Apostle Paul in Romans 8:6 says, “For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.”. A Christian is to be spiritually minded which means their mindset is what it ought to be! Paul again states this concerning our mindset, “Let this mind be in you, ...

Where your treasure is there will your heart be also?

Jesus stressed the importance of having our hearts (minds, intellects, emotions) in the proper place when he said, “For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also” (Matt. 6:21).

Where in the Bible does it say to set your affection on things above?

Over in Colossians 3:2 we are told: “Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.”. In order to set my affection, I must have the proper mindset and this simply means that I’m keeping God, people, and things of this world in their proper place in my mind!

What is the most important thing in persuasion?

In persuasion, the most important thing isn’t the truth of the message, but the individual’s response to that message. If soul winning is a product of our own individual effort, instead a work of the Holy Spirit ( 2 Thessalonians 2:13 ), then evangelism becomes our persuasive effort.

What is the role of a witness in a courtroom?

Witnesses in a courtroom are bound to “tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.”. A witness doesn’t seek to persuade; he doesn’t seek to convince; all he seeks to do is be faithful to proclaim what he knows to be true and why he knows it to be true. Persuasion takes on a very different form.

What does soul winning mean?

Soul winning is a metaphor for evangelism, or witnessing. As such, this is a good thing to pursue. The Bible calls us to evangelize. Evangelism is at the heart of the Great Commission ( Matthew 28:19–20 ). Christians are called to be witnesses of their faith to a watching world ( Acts 1:8 ).

What does the Bible say about winning souls?

How can we be more motivated for soul winning? The Bible teaches that all people are born in sin ( Romans 3:23; Ephesians 2:1–3) and that we will all be judged for our sin by a holy God ( Romans 6:23 ).

What is the purpose of persuasion?

Persuasion takes on a very different form. In persuasion, one person is engaged in an effort to change the mind of another person to a particular point of view. It’s not uncommon in persuasion to alter or re-package the message to make it more appealing to others.

What does the Bible say about salvation?

The Bible says that it is the gospel that has the power of salvation and we are not to be ashamed of it ( Romans 1:16–17 ). We need to avoid the persuasion paradigm and get back to a witness paradigm, one in which the truth of the gospel is faithfully proclaimed.

What does the proclamation of the gospel mean?

The proclamation of the gospel is the means through which the Holy Spirit brings repentance and faith in the lives of individuals. What can be more motivating for soul winning than to know that, through our faithful proclamation of the gospel, God is saving many people ( Ephesians 1:4–5 ). Return to: