how can i get my course approved for professional development hours ny engineer

by Estrella Feil IV 6 min read

How to become a professional engineer in New York State?

Jan 06, 2022 · Completed course application forms should be submitted to ACEC New York via email at [email protected]. Should the space provided on the form be insufficient, please abbreviate or attach information as a separate document. NOTE: Due to heavy volume of courses, please allow up to three (3) weeks for approval from time of submission.

How many PDH are required for New York Professional Engineers?

New York requires professional engineers to earn 36 professional development hours every three years. The state board does not allow you to carry any hours over from the previous renewal cycle. PDH credits can come from a variety of courses and educational activities, but one hour must come from an ethics course. In New York you must renew the registration of your license …

Are there any free ethics courses for engineers in New York?

One of the PDH credits you earn has to be in ethics, and you can obtain this by taking a self-paced course provided online by the state. It is mandated that you obtain and maintain certificates of completion for all of the PDH hours you claim. New York PE License Renewal Dates

How do I renew my engineering license in New York State?

Mar 10, 2015 · New York Professional Engineers are required to earn 36 PDH triennially. 18 of the required hours can be earned through online continuing education courses. The following table shows a quick rundown of license renewal requirements. EZpdh is a New York State Education Department Approved Sponsor #166. Click to Verify (Listed As Ezekiel Enterprises, LLC)

How many PDH credits do you need for PE NY?

36 PDHProfessional Development Hours (PDH) Requirements New York Professional Engineers are required to earn 36 PDH triennially. 18 of the required hours can be earned through online continuing education courses.

How do I get my professional engineering license in NY?

To be licensed as a professional engineer in New York State, you must pass:The Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) exam, and.The Principles and Practice of Engineering (PE) exam.Sep 7, 2021

How do I maintain my PE license in NY?

Engineers in New York must earn 36 professional development hour credits every three years. Ethics courses are accepted but not required. New York pre-approves course providers. License renewal is triennially, based on the last day of the month of the licensee's birthday.

How many hours of continuing education is required by the State of NY?

Continuing Education Requirements No one is exempt. You are required to complete 36 hours of continuing education during each three-year registration period. Beginning on January 1, 2006, a maximum of 18 of the 36 hours of continuing education may be in educational activities for architects.

Can you take the PE without the FE?

There are states in which you may apply directly for the PE exam without taking the FE exam if you have at least 12 years of engineering work experience that is acceptable to the PE Board, wherein in five of those years, you are in “responsible charge” of engineering work.May 12, 2021

Is the FE exam hard?

A 54% pass rate is a hard exam, the hardest among the FE exams. The FE Mechanical and FE Environmental exams now have the highest pass rate at 66% (see our chart in the next section below), and a 34% failure rate is something we consider very demanding.

What is PE CPC?

Most state licensing boards require licensed engineers and surveyors to meet a continuing professional competency (CPC) requirement to renew their license. You can conveniently track and report your CPC requirements for free through your MyNCEES account.

How do I check my CE credits in NY?

New York Department of Financial ServicesPhone: 518-474-6630.Email: [email protected]:

Can I still renew my insurance license after it expires in NY?

A license in expired status can be re-instated by submitting a relicensing application. If the license has been expired for less than 2 years, you must meet all Continuing Education (CE) requirements to relicense.

Who sets the rules for the content of continuing education courses quizlet?

Who sets the rules for the content of continuing education courses? The Secretary of State will set the rules for the content, setting, and other requirements for continuing education courses. What must a licensee do to renew a license after the 2-year renewal date?

How often do you need to renew your engineering license in New York?

Engineering licenses in New York State are renewed every three years (triennially). This registration period is based on your birth month, and an online option is available for registration renewal. As a professional engineer you are required to earn 36 professional development hours (PDH) during this three-year cycle.

How long does it take to renew a professional engineer license?

It is based on your birth month, which means your first renewal period may be less than three years long . If this occurs, you must calculate the appropriate amount of PDH required for your registration period.

How long do engineers need to keep records?

Records Keeping Requirements for Engineers. Professional engineers are required to maintain records of PDH earned for a minimum of six years. Certificates of completion are accepted as proof of PDH.

What is the difference between FE and PE?

All professional engineers must pass both the Principles and Practice Examination (PE) and Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) exams offered through the National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying ( NCEES ). The PE can be taken online or with paper and pencil, while the FE is only available online.

Is there a free ethics course in New York?

The New York State Education Department provides a free, self-paced ethics course to meet the mandatory one-hour requirement. This course is available on the NYSED website. Other free continuing education courses can be identified through the list of approved sponsors also located on the NYSED website.

Can you get credit for ethics PDH?

You may also obtain credit from external sources, including foundational ethics courses. Ethics PDH can also be earned within a separate continuing education course, permitting that the course adheres to the guidelines of the state. These guidelines include: 60 minutes of ethics content duration.

Is self-reported study accepted in New York?

The state clearly distinguishes between the two types of PDH. Independent and self-reported study is never accepted by the state of New York. For PDH to contribute to the required 18 course hours, students must be able to immediately interact with the instructor.

How many hours of continuing education is one contact hour?

An hour of continuing education is one contact hour of at least 50 minutes in duration. Most continuing education providers give credit in hours; however, you may also see credit given in continuing education units. One continuing education unit (CEU) equals 10 contact hours. Therefore, .1 CEU equals one contact hour.

How many continuing education hours are required for patents?

Obtaining a patent related to the practice of engineering. You will receive 9 continuing education hours for each patent granted on an invention during the registration period. Obtaining a patent related to the practice of land surveying.

How long is a PDH?

It includes only instructional time and does not include breaks or meal times. 1 PDH is equivalent to 60 minutes of instruction.

How many contact hours are required for a land surveyor?

During a registrant's three-year registration period, a maximum of 18 contact hours for engineers and 8 contact hours for land surveyors may be accepted as educational activities for continuing education credit.

Why is continuing education important?

Why is continuing education important?#N#Licensed professional engineers and land surveyors work in a world of evolving technology, increased consumer expectations and other emerging issues. Practice in this changing environment requires ongoing development of knowledge and skills. It is critical that licensees remain current with changes and developments in the profession to render quality services and to ensure public protection. The Office of the Professions is committed to helping professionals stay up-to-date and informed throughout their professional lives.

How long does an ethics course have to be?

An ethics component may be incorporated into a continuing education course, but must meet the following criteria, for audit purposes: be at least 60 minutes in duration. be indicated in the title of the course and course completion certificate. be identified in the course syllabus/topical outline.

How many hours of professional ethics are required for a land surveyor?

Educational Activities: A maximum of 18 hours may be in educational activities for professional engineers and a maximum of 8 hours may be in educational activities for land surveyors. 1 hour of professional ethics must be taken as either a course or educational activity every registration period.

How many hours of professional development do you need to become an engineer in New York?

Engineers in New York must earn 36 professional development hour credits every three years. Ethics courses are accepted but not required. New York pre-approves course providers. License renewal is triennially, based on the last day of the month of the licensee’s birthday.

How to become a licensed engineer in New York?

To become a professionally licensed engineer in New York, you must obtain a bachelor’s degree in engineering and have a minimum of 4 years of field experience. To take the necessary exams, you have to have 12 total years of credit, including education.

How long do you have to keep PDH certificates?

You are expected to obtain and maintain records of the PDH credits you earn each license renewal period for at least 6 years. Certificates of completion are the only documents that the NYSED accepts for proof that you fulfilled the continuing education requirements for New York engineers.

What is the FE exam in New York?

Every professional engineer in New York has to pass the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) and Principles and Practice Examination (PE) exams that are administered by the National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying (NCEES).

What is course content approval?

Course content approval. Technical, managerial and ethical related to the profession of engineering. Courses must have is a clear purpose and objective which will maintain, improve or expand skills and knowledge obtained prior to initial licensure or to develop new and relevant skills and knowledge.

Can you take self-reported courses on NYSED?

The NYSED will never accept independent or self-reported study. To be able to claim continuing education credits for course hours, the course must allow you to interact immediately with the instructor. To accomplish this, you’ll need to take courses in traditional classrooms or by attending live webinars.

How long do continuing education providers need to keep attendance records?

Attendance records must be maintained by continuing education providers and by the licensee for a minimum of 6 years.

What is an EZPDH?

EZpdh is a New York State Education Department Approved Sponsor #166. New York pre-approves providers/sponsors of continuing education courses and educational activities, but not specific courses or activities. A course or educational activity must be presented by a board-approved provider/sponsor in order for the activity to be accepted.

Does New York require a board approved provider for continuing education?

New York pre-approves providers/sponsors of continuing education courses and educational activities, but not specific courses or activities. A course or educational activity must be presented by a board-approved provider/sponsor in order for the activity to be accepted.

Can PDH hours be carried forward?

PDH Carryover. Hours cannot be carried forward into the next renewal period. Additional. An educational activity must have a testing instrument, which is completed by the licensee and returned to the sponsor for scoring. A passing grade is required before a sponsor may award continuing education credit.



  • Effective January 1, 2004 licensed professional engineers and land surveyors renewing registration of a license on or after January 1, 2005 are required to complete continuing education requirements. 1. If your registration is due for renewal before January 1, 2007, the number of contact hours you will be required to complete will vary, but will no...
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General Information

  1. Why is continuing education important? Licensed professional engineers and land surveyors work in a world of evolving technology, increased consumer expectations and other emerging issues. Practice...
  2. What is the difference between "licensure" and "registration"? When an individual successfully completes the licensure requirements they are awarded a professional license. The license i…
  1. Why is continuing education important? Licensed professional engineers and land surveyors work in a world of evolving technology, increased consumer expectations and other emerging issues. Practice...
  2. What is the difference between "licensure" and "registration"? When an individual successfully completes the licensure requirements they are awarded a professional license. The license is valid for...

Continuing Education: Who Is Required to Take It?

  1. Who is required to take continuing education and how many hours must be completed? Every New York State licensed and registered professional engineer and land surveyor must complete continuing educ...
  2. What are the requirements of the public sector exemption for continuing education for professional engineers? To satisfy the continuing education requirements under the Public S…
  1. Who is required to take continuing education and how many hours must be completed? Every New York State licensed and registered professional engineer and land surveyor must complete continuing educ...
  2. What are the requirements of the public sector exemption for continuing education for professional engineers? To satisfy the continuing education requirements under the Public Sector Exemption, a l...
  3. When will I be required to report completion of continuing education? Beginning January 1, 2007, professional engineers will be required to complete 36 contact hours of continuing education and lan...
  4. I just passed all parts of the licensing examinations and received my first license. Since I am …

Continuing Education Hours

  • What is an hour of continuing education? An hour of continuing education is one contact hour of at least 50 minutes in duration. Most continuing education providers give credit in hours; however, y...
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Record Keeping and Reporting

  1. What records will I expect to receive from the continuing education provider and how long am I required to keep them? Sponsors must provide a Certificate of Completion to licensees who completed co...
  2. What information must I provide the State Education Department when I renew my registration? Send your completed registration form, on which you will attest that you comple…
  1. What records will I expect to receive from the continuing education provider and how long am I required to keep them? Sponsors must provide a Certificate of Completion to licensees who completed co...
  2. What information must I provide the State Education Department when I renew my registration? Send your completed registration form, on which you will attest that you completed the required continui...
  3. Do I have to send my continuing education records to the State Education Department when I reregister? No. On the registration renewal form you will be required to certify that you have completed t...
  4. What documentation must I provide if my continuing education records are audited? Upon re…

More Information

  • How can I obtain more information? Please contact the Office of the State Board for Engineering, Land Surveying and Geology, New York State Education Department, Office of the Professions, State Ed...
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