how can i ask for a course to get prerequisite waiver

by Myrna Green 5 min read

To obtain a waiver for a course prerequisite: Contact the department administrator or department chair of that course for approval. If approved, the department will submit the Course Registration Approval form.

Full Answer

What is a prerequisite waiver?

A requisite waiver allows you to undertake a subject without having completed the recommended prerequisites, granted you have completed study in a related area. What are prerequisites? Prerequisites are subjects (or other requirements) that must be successfully completed before you begin another more advanced subject.

How do I get a waiver for my subject?

Check if any faculty or school restrictions apply to your subject, to see if waivers are permitted. Look up the subject page in the Handbook to obtain the Subject Coordinator's contact details and the requisite information. Contact the Subject Coordinator to request a requisite waiver.

How do I ask a professor to waive a prerequisite?

Then the head of the department will look at your overall academic background and contact the professor. Then the professor will check if you really have done everything in that prerequisite course. If yes, he will sign the form to waive the prerequisite. If not, he will not do it.

What happens when you complete the prerequisites for a course?

If the forms are approved then the student will be given a test from the prerequisite course which if the student passes (I believe they need a B- or a B to pass this test). The instructor of the course to be taken will review the test to make sure you have enough knowledge the be able to take that course and not fall behind.

How do you ask a professor to waive a prerequisite?

Students would need to follow several steps: They would have to tell the instructor of the prerequisite course that you believe you don't need to take the course because of x,y,z OR tell academic affairs (or the equivalent) and they will contact the instructor for you or give you their contact info.

Is it possible to skip prerequisites?

I've found that you can skip prereqs if you speak to the instructor and give them a good reason. Some of mine were the prereqs were full so I was going to take it next semester while doing this one. Taking an equivalent under a different college. Or just generally knowing your stuff (ie.

How do I bypass college prerequisites?

1 Go online to the community college website. Go online to the community college website or visit the college the community college in person and find out what prerequisites are required. ... 2 Inquire. ... 3 Make an appointment. ... 4 Write your name. ... 5 Submit the proper evidence and documentation and with with the waiver form.

What does it mean when it says you do not meet the prerequisites?

If you try to register for a class and don't have the background that the department requires for enrollment, you will get a message about not meeting the requisites. As you can see in the example below, the specific course prerequisite is listed.

Do prerequisites matter?

Q: Why are prerequisites important? A: Prerequisites prepare you to be successful in a related course. Generally, the prerequisite course is taught at a lower level and covers information, theories, skills, and vocabulary that you will be expected to know before taking the higher-level course.

What happens if you fail a prerequisite class?

If you fail a prerequisite, you won't be permitted to take the course that lists that prerequisite as required and will have to consult with your academic advisor to recover your standing and graduate on time. Collegiate institutions require students to pass a prerequisite with a C- or higher.

What is a prerequisite override?

Which override to use: • When to use PREREQ – Prerequisite Override. Allows the student to register for a section for which the student does not meet the prerequisite(s). Some prerequisites are referred to as Concurrent Prerequisites.

How do you email a professor override?

I respectfully request that you initiate an override so that I may be registered to take your course, Foo Bar Spam [IDxxx]. My name is James Bond and my student ID is 007. Show activity on this post. Something like this should do the trick.

Can you take a course and its prerequisite at the same time?

Can a course have both a prerequisite and a co-requisite? Yes. The course description will typically contain the phrase “Prereq.

What's the difference between requisite and prerequisite?

The main difference between prerequisite and requisite is that prerequisite refers to a thing that is required as a prior condition for something else to happen or exist whereas requisite refers to a thing that is required for the achievement of a specific goal.

What is the difference between prerequisites and Corequisites?

Prerequisites and Corequisites Requirements A prerequisite is a course that the student is required to complete with a grade of “C' or better before the student can enroll in the next more advanced course. A corequisite is a course which the student must take at the same time s/he is taking another course.

What is prerequisite example?

The definition of a prerequisite is something that must happen first, or that is a condition of something else occurring. An example of a prerequisite is the requirement that you have money before you can buy something.

How to request a prerequisite waiver for Computer Science 20A?

To request a prerequisite course waiver for Computer Science 20A or 20B please contact the CSIS Department or email the CS department chair . Email: [email protected]

What score do you need to take AP Calculus BC?

A score of 3 on the AP Calculus BC exam will qualify you for Math 8; A score of 4 or 5 on the AP Calculus AB exam will qualify you for Math 8; A score of 4 or 5 on the AP Calculus BC exam will qualify you for Math 10, 11, 13, and 15.

Do you need a waiver for chemistry 10?

Waivers for courses not listed above are not required at the time of enrollment (e.g., Chemistry 10, Accounting). However, your instructor may require that you provide proof of prerequisite fulfillment on the first day of class. Be prepared to present a copy of your transcript on that day should the instructor ask.

Does Santa Monica College have a prerequisite?

The Santa Monica College courses listed below have a computer enforced prerequisite and counseling can only process waiver requests for these classes , If you have completed the prerequisite course at another accredited college with a grade of ‘C’ or higher, or satisfied the prerequisite course by an Advanced Placement Exam Score of ‘3’ or higher please submit an online counseling inquiry with the following: a copy of your unofficial college transcript clearly noting the college/university where the course was taken, semester/quarter taken, and grade received which includes your name, and/or a copy of your College Board AP test score report, indicate the course/s you want to enroll in, your name and SMC ID number with your request. Decisions are emailed to your SMC email.

To obtain a waiver for a course prerequisite

Contact the department administrator or department chair of that course for approval.


If you have already satisfied required prerequisites for a course, but are unable to add the course online due to technical errors, please submit the Online Registration Help Form <coming soon> to the AARO directly.

How do I request a requisite waiver?

Check if any faculty or school restrictions apply to your subject, to see if waivers are permitted.

What if I haven’t completed a prerequisite?

If you haven’t completed a prerequisite, or are not enrolled and due to complete a prerequisite by the time the subject begins, you will not be allowed to enrol in the subject.

What are requisites?

Prerequisites are subjects (or other requirements) that must be successfully completed before you begin another more advanced subject. If a subject has prerequisites, it will be to ensure that you have sufficient background knowledge to cope with its content.

How do I enrol in a subject with requisites?

If after trying you are unable to enrol, you can submit an Enrolment Variation form.

What happens if I withdraw from or fail a prerequisite subject?

If you withdraw from or fail a prerequisite subject, you will be automatically withdrawn from any other subjects that require it as a prerequisite.

What is concurrent prerequisite?

Concurrent prerequisites are prerequisites that are allowed to be taken at the same time as the subject that requires it. For example, you may wish to take a subject and its concurrent prerequisite/s at the same time if you cannot fit the prerequisite/s in your study plan beforehand, or if it is encouraged.

Can you take a prerequisite waiver in FBE?

Requisite waivers are not allowed for subjects taught by the Faculty of Business and Economics (FBE). If you do not meet the prerequisite by the time the FBE subject begins, you are not allowed to take the subject. You must either: Complete the prerequisite first. Enrol in the prerequisite for a later study period ...

Permission of Instructor

A few courses require permission of the instructor. It is your responsibility to obtain permission and then forward it to the Office of Records and Registration. Use the Course Permission and Prerequisite Waiver Request Form (pdf: 12.6 KB ) available online.

Prerequisite Waivers, Prerequisite Checks, and Mutually Exclusive Courses

Review the course description and curriculum update pages online to learn whether or not a course has prerequisites or is mutually exclusive with other courses.

Approval to Increase the Maximum Number of Credits

JD students who want to register for more than 15 credits must obtain the approval of the Office of Academic Services; use the Permission to Increase/Decrease Credit Load form (pdf: 23.5 KB). The bidding cycle will assign courses to a maximum of 15 credits only. During add/drop, COURSES will not allow you to exceed 15 credits without a waiver.