how can course description helps with teaching and learning strategies

by Dayton Parisian 3 min read

What are learning strategies and why are they important?

Learning strategies refer to the different things students can do to enhance their learning. There are an endless number of learning strategies. And some are subject or even task-specific. For example, using:

What are teaching strategies?

Teaching strategies are the techniques and methods that a teacher applies to support student learning. A teacher selects the teaching strategy most suited to the current level of knowledge of the students, the concept being studied, and the stage in the learning journey of the students.

When should I teach my students the core strategies?

You can teach your students these core strategies early in the year – e.g. the last teaching period of each day for 5-10 days. And, then show them how to adapt them within different subjects, as part of your teaching throughout the year. Download a list of the research and footnotes that support this article.

What are the advantages of student-led teaching strategies?

A student-led teaching strategy is widely used to build greater confidence in students. Previous studies show that this approach allows students to take more responsibility for their learning and bring long-term advantages such as higher levels of soft skills.

What strategies would you use to help with learning?

Ready to learn: 5 strategies to help students with learning differences improve their focusBegin class with a mindful minute. ... Incorporate movement. ... Take sensory breaks. ... Build foundational cognitive skills. ... Create a growth mindset classroom.

What is a course description?

A course description is. a short, pithy statement which informs a student about the subject matter, approach, breadth, and applicability of the course. focuses on content ...

What is the importance of teaching/learning strategies?

Strategies help students begin to understand the process of learning. Strategies help students to bypass their areas of weakness and to perform at the level at which they are capable. Strategies promote flexible thinking and teach students the importance of shifting their approaches to different tasks.

Why is course description important?

A course description serves to state the rationale for the course and give an overview of key content covered, skills and knowledge to be learned, and how it will benefit the student.

How do you write an effective course description?

Your description should focus upon the content of the course or the learner, not upon the course itself or you as the teacher. To attract learners, the description should emphasize the benefits to the learner coming from either the results of attending the course or from the value of the subject matter itself.

What is teaching strategy?

Teaching strategies, also known as instructional strategies, are methods that teachers use to deliver course material in ways that keep students engaged and practicing different skill sets. An instructor may select different teaching strategies according to unit topic, grade level, class size, and classroom resources.

What are some activities that involve active learning?

Activities for active learning can include think-pair-share strategies as well as kinesthetic learning environment. Project-Based Learning experiences allow students to engage in learning about a topic over a period of time, and may help the development of deep understanding.

What is active learning?

Active Learning encourages student agency in the learning process; active learning incorporates elements of project-based and inquiry-based learning in order to allow students to pursue their own learning paths . Activities for active learning can include think-pair-share strategies as well as kinesthetic learning environment.

Why is cooperative learning important?

Cooperative Learning encourages structuring classes into groups to foster communication and working together in smaller units. Instructors can strategically form groups around students with varying skill levels and learning styles to promote collaboration, communication, and social skills.

What is differentiated instruction?

Differentiated Instruction allows teachers to adjust lessons to the range of skill level present in a class, while also supporting progress. Teachers observe students and use formative assessment methods in order to make sure class experiences can be adjusted to individual skill and ability levels as appropriate.

What are visual aids?

Visual aids include smartboards, projectors, posters, infographics, checklists and charts. In OWIS classrooms, your children may interact with or create a variety of visual aids that boost engagement and improve learning.

What is creative juices?

There are no right or wrong answers during brainstorming sessions where numerous, creative ideas are put forth and debated on. These brainstorming sessions help your children develop confidence and their communication and collaboration skills.

What is peer tutoring?

Peer tutoring and assessment activities require students to understand the subject material and decide how to share it with others. Students learn as they teach concepts, explain ideas, plan educational activities and test knowledge. Through peer tutoring and assessment, your children hone their organisational and collaborative skills, discover how to give and receive feedback, and evaluate their own learning.

What is the OWIs model?

Children are naturally curious, and the OWIS inquiry-based learning model nurtures this trait. Educators invite and motivate students to identify and ask questions about their lessons. Teachers also give your children time, materials and space to self explore, research and identify possible solutions to their questions. Your children take a more active role in their education as they ask - and answer - questions.

What is the current generation of learners?

The current generation of learners, most of whom are digital natives, regularly consume engaging content via the internet, TV and handheld electronic devices. This norm changes the way children interact with content and understand information. To reach today’s learners, OWIS educators must adapt their teaching practices and methods to include a variety of strategies that actively engage and genuinely reach learners in meaningful ways.

How to lead a class at OWIs?

Students must fully understand coursework, spend time to prepare an in-depth lesson and be prepared to answer questions in order to lead a class. With this teaching strategy, students take on individual tasks or group assignments to demonstrate their knowledge, boost their presentation skills and discover how to share and collaborate with their peers. Students are sometimes invited to lead the class at OWIS and are assessed for their lesson complexity, preparation and creativity. This method promotes student ownership and helps teachers and students to understand interests, strengths and potential areas for improvement.

Where is Preeti Khurana from?

Born and raised in Delhi, Preeti Khurana holds degrees in Microbiology and Education. She has taught students from Junior School to college graduate classes. In the classroom, Preeti promotes critical thinking skills as she facilitates activity-based learning and utilises technology. Her goal is to help children reach their best potential. In her free time, Preeti enjoys cooking.

How do students take notes?

Students can take notes using the principles of outlining. They do this by using headings, subheadings and a nested bulleting system.

What do students need to move information from their short-term, working memories, to their long-term memories?

Students need to move information from their short-term, working memories, to their long-term memories. This includes information about things (declarative knowledge) and information about procedures (procedural knowledge). To do this, they should make use of rehearsal and practice.

What is the term for integrating prior knowledge with learning?

Researchers often refer to the learning strategy integrating with prior knowledge as elaboration. Sometimes it is referred to as schema activation. And, there are some specific forms of the strategy. For example, summarising what you have already read before reading on.

What is the first strategy in learning?

Strategy 1: Integrating with Prior Knowledge. Students’ minds are not blank slates. Rather, they contain students’ existing understanding of the world around them. Research shows that students encode information better when they connect it to their existing understandings. So, the first of the seven learning strategies is integrating ...

How long should scaffold students be taught?

You can teach your students these core strategies early in the year – e.g. the last teaching period of each day for 5-10 days.

What is learning strategy?

Learning strategies refer to the different things students can do to enhance their learning. There are an endless number of learning strategies. And some are subject or even task-specific. For example, using: PEEL paragraphs within the body of a persuasive essay. Estimates to check the reasonableness of your answer to a mathematical problem.

Who is Shaun Killian?

Shaun Killian (MEd, MLead) Shaun Killian is an experienced teacher and principal with a passion for helping students to excel. He believes that assisting teachers to adopt evidence-based education is the best way to make this happen. Shaun is committed to bringing you practical advice based on solid research.

How to use pause procedure?

The pause procedure. Use the pause procedure to intersperse strategic pauses into your class lectures and enhance student understanding of teaching materials. To use the pause procedure, arrange for pauses of two to three minutes between every 10 to 15 minutes of lecture time.

What is muddiest point?

In short, the exercise helps students reflect on the lesson and identify concepts needing further examination or study. Example of a "muddiest point" handout to issue to students. Image source: TeachersPayTeachers. From your perspective, the activity can serve as an insightful source of feedback.

Why do we break lectures into pauses?

A 2014 study concluded that breaking a lecture into brief pauses can increase student attention and learning outcomes. The pause procedure, the study determined, is “a good active learning strategy which helps students review their notes, reflect on them, discuss and explain the key ideas with their partners.”.

What is active learning?

Ultimately, these active learning strategies will help build understanding rather than memorization of facts, giving students the confidence to apply learning to different problems and contexts and achieve greater autonomy over their learning. And, after all, that’s exactly makes active learning “active”: putting students at the center of the learning process as they take the initiative to learn.

What is the Devil's Advocate approach?

The devil’s advocate approach asks one or more students to take the opposing side of a predominant argument or point of view being discussed during a lesson. Once you have completed an assignment or lesson plan, select a topic that is suitable for discussion and debate.

What is a three step interview?

Discussing reading or writing materials in greater detail. 2. Three step interviews. A cooperative learning strategy, the three step interview encourages students to develop active listening skills by quizzing one another, sharing their thoughts, and taking notes.

What is the role of a teacher in the classroom?

The Teacher’s Role in the Active Learning Classroom. While active learning places an emphasis on the student’s role in the learning experience, there is no doubt that the success of any active learning strategy starts with the thought and planning of a conscientious instructor.

How long has the Analytic Method been around?

The analytic method is a simple approach that has been around for nearly one hundred years. Here is a quick resource for you to learn about the method, and how to teach it. In this quick guide you will learn what analytic phonics is, the appropriate age to use it, how to teach it, and tips for success. 08.

What is multisensory reading?

This method uses movement (kinesthetic) and touch (tactile), along with what we see (visual) and what we hear (auditory) to help students learn to read, write and spell. Here you will learn who benefits from this approach, and 8 activities to teach your students.

How does cooperative learning help students?

Research says that students retain information quicker and longer, they develop critical thinking skills, as well as build their communication skills. Those mentioned are just a few of the benefits Cooperative learning has on students.

Why do we use word walls?

The most effective word walls are used as a learning reference throughout the year. Learn why teachers use a wall and how they use them.

Why is word family important?

Word Families. Teaching about word families is an important part of learning. Having this knowledge will help students decode words based upon letter patterns and their sounds. According to (Wylie & Durrell, 1970) once students know the 37 most common groups, then they will be able to decode hundreds of words.

What is repeated reading?

Repeated readings is when a student reads the same text over and over again until the rate of reading has no errors. This strategy can be done individually or in a group setting. This method was originally targeted for students with learning disabilities until educators realized that all students can benefit from this strategy. Learn the purpose, procedure, and activities for using this learning strategy in the classroom.

How to help children brainstorm and classify ideas?

An easy way to help children brainstorm and classify ideas is by using a graphic organizer. This visual presentation is a unique way to show students the material they are learning. A graphic organizer assists the students by organizing the information to make it easier for them to comprehend.

Why is it important for teachers to have a well-rounded arsenal of instructional strategies?

Teachers must be equipped with a well-rounded arsenal of effective instructional strategies to maximize their effectiveness and to increase student learning opportunities. Teachers are best served when they utilize a variety of instructional strategies as opposed to one or two. Variety ensures that students are never bored.

Why is variety important in education?

Variety ensures that students are never bored. It also ensures that students will likely be exposed to strategies that align with their preferred individualized learning style. Students will enjoy being taught with a variety of instructional strategies and are likely to stay engaged longer.

How do instructional strategies help students?

Instruction al strategies enhance instruction and boost learning. When teachers are continuously exploring and tweaking their delivery system, a beautiful thing happens. Over time, they become more effective at not only finding great instructional strategies but also with implementing them into their class.

What is instructional strategy?

Instructional strategies include all approaches that a teacher may take to engage students in the learning process actively. These strategies drive a teacher's instruction as they work to meet specific learning objectives and ensure that their students are equipped with the tools they need to be successful. Effective instructional strategies meet ...

Why is instructional strategy important?

Instructional strategies, when used correctly, keep students from becoming bored with how they learn. When a teacher uses the same strategy over and over again, it becomes boring to students. This is a great way to cause students to lose focus and lose interest in learning.

How do students learn best?

The majority of students learn best through active, engaging learning opportunities. Many instructional strategies embrace this and feature components that ensure learning is fun and engaging. Teachers must make every effort to feature instructional strategies that keep students engaged, on their toes, and wanting more.

Can instructional strategies be customized?

Instructional strategies can also be completely customized , meaning that they can be tweaked and configured to fit any situation. Two teachers can be using the same instructional strategy completely differently based on their own individual preferences and needs.

Why is classroom learning important?

The importance of classroom learning is crucial. You can easily learn classroom management strategies if you practice them a few times. You can also take the help of classroom management software. They can be a huge saviour for the new teachers and for the teachers who are changing schools.

How do teachers build relationships?

Relationship Building: Teachers are able to build healthy relationships with their students. Effective classroom management strategies also help students to build positive relations with their classmates. These strategies help them interact with each other with ease and mutual respect.

Why do teachers want students to come on time?

Here are a few classroom distractions that happen in the classroom: Late Comings: Teachers want their students to come on time because latecomers affect the concentration of the entire class.

How to improve classroom management?

Punishment can hurt your relationships with the students affecting all other classroom management strategies. Use Non-Verbal Communication: Words ac companied with actions helps in retaining the feedback better. Instruction strategies should include non-verbal communication by including gestures and expressions.

What is classroom management?

From effective teaching, to controlling bad behaviour, classroom management strategies can be a saviour in many cases. Efficient Use of Time: Often times, the teacher is busy managing a few students and in return, is not able to manage the entire class.

What is a positive classroom environment?

Positive Class Environment: A positive class environment ensures that a student works productively and shares his opinion openly in the classroom. Without effective classroom management strategies, introvert students will not feel comfortable to speak up in front of the class.

How many teachers quit in 2020?

Updated on December 24, 2020. Share. 20–50 percent of teachers quit within their first five years of teaching, courtesy their struggles related to classroom management. Managing a class full of students in 2021 is not a child’s play. Many quit as they can’t handle the stress.


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Learning Strategies For Students

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Other Teaching and Learning Strategies You Should Research

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Final Thoughts on Learning and Teaching Strategies

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