how are chemical sedimentary rocks classified? course hero glg103

by Prof. Allan Kling PhD 4 min read

How are sedimentary rocks formed Class 4?

4. In sedimentary rock formation, sediments are mostly driven by animals. 5. As the water with limestone drips onto the floor of a cave, a mound of mineral deposits is created. 6. Chemical sedimentary rocks form when mineral constituents in solution become saturated.

What is a chemical sedimentary rock?

A special type of sedimentary rock, chemical sedimentary rocks form as sediments settle out of a solution. It is common for caves within the Earth to be formed of chemical sedimentary rocks.

What are detrital sedimentary rocks give three examples?

This type of sedimentary rock is referred to as a detrital rock. Sandstone, conglomerates, and breccia represent three examples of detrital sedimentary rocks. What are chemical sedimentary rocks? Chemical sedimentary rocks, sometimes referred to as chemical rocks, represent the second type of sedimentary rock.

Is the earth's surface made of sedimentary rock?

It is somewhat hard to believe that this amazing natural landform is made entirely of sedimentary rock. Sedimentary rock is simply any rock that is composed of sediments (bits of rock and other earth material) that have been cemented (glued) together. Some sedimentary rock starts off as a solution of water and sediments.

How are chemical sedimentary rocks classified?

Clastic rocks are classified by grain shape, grain size, and sorting. Chemical sedimentary rocks are precipitated from water saturated with dissolved minerals. Chemical rocks are classified mainly by the composition of minerals in the rock.

How are chemical sedimentary rocks classified quizlet?

How are chemical sedimentary rocks classified? (soluble material produced largely by chemical weathering) Chemical sedimentary rocks derive from ions that are carried in solution to lakes and seas, which then precipitates to form chemical sediments.

How are sedimentary rocks classified into groups?

Sedimentary rocks are classified based on how they form and on the size of the sediments, if they are clastic. Clastic sedimentary rocks are formed from rock fragments, or clasts; chemical sedimentary rocks precipitate from fluids; and biochemical sedimentary rocks form as precipitation from living organisms.

How are chemical sedimentary rocks formed step by step?

Sedimentary rocks are the product of 1) weathering of preexisting rocks, 2) transport of the weathering products, 3) deposition of the material, followed by 4) compaction, and 5) cementation of the sediment to form a rock. The latter two steps are called lithification.

What is the primary basis upon which chemical sedimentary rocks are classified?

Chemical and biochemical sedimentary rocks are classified based on the minerals they contain, and are frequently dominated by a single mineral.

How are sediments classified?

Sediments are classified by particle size, ranging from the finest clays (diameter <0.004 mm) to the largest boulders (> 256 mm)(Figure 12.1. 2). Among other things, grain size represents the conditions under which the sediment was deposited.

What are the 3 classification of sedimentary rocks?

For the purposes of the present discussion, three major categories of sedimentary rocks are recognized: (1) terrigenous clastic sedimentary rocks, (2) carbonates (limestone and dolomite), and (3) noncarbonate chemical sedimentary rocks.

What are chemical sedimentary rocks site some examples?

Chemical sedimentary rocks form when dissolved materials preciptate from solution. Examples include: chert, some dolomites, flint, iron ore, limestones, and rock salt. Organic sedimentary rocks form from the accumulation of plant or animal debris.


What is the most common type of chemical sedimentary rock? Limestone constitutes one of the most common types of chemical rocks. Limestone is primarily formed in the ocean, where calcium and bicarbonate ions are eroded from the remains of shells, corals, crustaceans, and mollusks.


Halite represents another common example of a chemical sedimentary rock. Halite is comprised of sodium chloride, or {eq}NaCl {/eq}, commonly referred to as table salt. This evaporite forms in dry environments where water becomes saturated with salts. As the water evaporates, sodium chloride crystals are left behind to form halite.


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What is sedimentary rock?

Sedimentary rock is simply any rock that is composed of sediments (bits of rock and other earth material) that have been cemented (glued) together. Some sedimentary rock starts off as a solution of water and sediments. Sometimes, the sediments are even dissolved in the solution before the rock forms.

What are some examples of chemical sedimentary rocks?

Each paragraph below details a common type of chemical sedimentary rock. Interesting information about the rock is also given. Limestone : Limestone is one of the most common types of chemical sedimentary rock. As mentioned above, limestone is often the rock in which cave systems form.

What is the name of the rock that evaporates when water evaporates?

Halite is part of a group of chemical sedimentary rocks called evaporites. Evaporites form as the water in the original solution evaporates and leaves the sediment (in this case, salt) behind. Halite, commonly known as rock salt, forms as the water in the original solution evaporates.

How are caves formed?

Caves within the Earth are quite often formed as water erodes away material. Certain rock types are very easily eroded by water. One of these types is called limestone. Limestone is very easily dissolved by water. As limestone dissolves, the solution that forms will often find its way into other cave systems, dripping through the ceiling. These slow, constant drips are what lead to stalactites (hanging from the ceiling) and stalagmites (rising from the ground). It is very similar to how icicles form, but instead of water freezing, dissolved limestone is coming out of the solution and being left behind on the tips of the stalactites and stalagmites.

How do sediments settle out of a solution?

Sediments can settle out of a solution either by the liquid in the solution evaporating, or by too much of the sediment dissolving in the solution (call ed supersaturation ). When supersaturation occurs, the sediment forms chemical sedimentary rock naturally. Lesson. Quiz. Course.

What type of rock is used to make caves?

It is common for caves within the Earth to be formed of chemical sedimentary rocks. Evaporites, a special type of chemical sedimentary rock that include halite and gypsum, form as sediments, and are left behind when water in the original solution evaporates. To unlock this lesson you must be a Member.

What is the scientific term for rock salt?

This chunk of limestone shows evidence of marine lifeforms in the form of fossilized shells. Halite: Halite is the scientific term for rock salt. In fact, if you lick a chunk of halite , it tastes like salt! (Because it is salt, after all…) Halite is part of a group of chemical sedimentary rocks called evaporites.
