hgss how to do speed course

by Ima Morar II 3 min read

What are the different levels of speed and skill courses?

Apr 15, 2011 · Speed Course: Hurdle Dash - Faster than 110.0 Pennant Capture - 32-35+ points Relay Run - At least 12-13 laps Power Course: Block Smash - Higher than 100 to be sure Circle Push - 40+ points Goal...

Who runs Speed Awareness courses?

Here, all you need to do is tap the blocks as fast as you can to break them. If your Pokemon gets tired, you'll need to switch it out. To maximise your block breaking potential, try switching out while new blocks are being placed on screen.

Will I be offered the course if I've Been Caught speeding?

Jul 15, 2010 · HP/Speed-Route 29-- Hoothoot | 1 HP | Walk 20:00-03:59 | 85% | Level 2-4-- Rattata | 1 Speed | Walk 20:00-03:59 | 15% | Level 2-4 Available from the beginning. You'll earn much more HP than speed. Only available at night. Speed/Special Attack - Seafoam Islands (Entrance)-- Zubat | 1 Speed | Walk 00:00-23:59 | 30% | Level 26-28

How many hotspots do I need in HGSS?

Mar 29, 2010 · When held by a Pokemon, it doubles the EVs obtained by the Pokemon holding it, at the expense of its speed being halved. So, if you battle a Starly with a Macho Brace, instead of getting one Speed...

How do you get speed EVs in HGSS?

SpeedRattata (Sprout Tower — 100% except at night) gives 1 Speed EV. It has only a 15% encounter rate at night, though.Diglett (Diglett's Cave — 90%) and Dugtrio (Diglett's Cave — 10%) both give Speed EVs. Diglett gives 1 Speed EV while Dugtrio gives 2 Speed EVs. Be wary that Arena Trap will prevent you from fleeing.

What is the fastest way to grind in HeartGold?

What is the best way to Level Up in HeartGold/SoulSilver?Battle Wild Pokemon. This is best done at either Cerulean Cave(Anything with either a ground weakness or no attacks that do mush damage to ground/rock) and Mt. ... Fight the E4. ... Use Rare Candies. ... Use the Day Care Services. ... Use an Exp.Sep 21, 2012

How do you train your Pokemon fast in SoulSilver?

16:0117:40THE BEST EXP GRIND SPOT IN POKEMON HEARTGOLD ...YouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipAll you have to do is go to your radio in the poke. Gear let me just show this you're going to wantMoreAll you have to do is go to your radio in the poke. Gear let me just show this you're going to want to hit this button here it's going to it's going to activate the pokemon. Talk.

How do you get XP fast in HGSS?

0:533:20How To Easily Get Your Pokemon To Level 100! (HGSS/BW) - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipAll. You have to do they abuse the daycare. Just go into the equity gym. So you can do it very earlyMoreAll. You have to do they abuse the daycare. Just go into the equity gym. So you can do it very early in the game. So just go to the gym. It's something really heavy to hold down your.

Where is the best place to train HeartGold?

In HeartGold, Route 47 (inside cave) is the best thing around this level by far. The moment you can go here, do it. In SoulSilver, however, Ice Path 1F and B1F (or even B2F and B3F if you can take the higher levels and poor accessibility) is actually better, and it's still a fair second choice in HeartGold.Aug 12, 2016

Where is Route 47 HeartGold?

Location of Route 47 in Johto. Route 47 (Japanese: 47ばんどうろ Route 47) is a route in western Johto, connecting Route 48 and Cianwood City via the Cliff Edge Gate. It only appears in Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver.

Where is the lucky egg in Heartgold?

2 Answers. You find it on wild Chanseys, which are very rare and have a 5% chance of holding one. You can find Chansey on Route 13, 14, and 15 (1% chance of finding them unless there is a Swarm) plus the Safari Zone with objects.Aug 13, 2010

How do you get a lucky egg in Pokemon Soul Silver?

1 Answer. Unfotunately, the only way to get a lucky egg in soulsilver is by using thief on Chansey. Chansey can be found on route 15 and are also a rare encounter.May 5, 2018

Where are the highest level wild Pokemon in Heartgold?

The highest level wild Pokemon in the Johto remakes are the level 45-50 Pokemon in Mt. Silver and the lowest floor or Cerulean Cave.

Where can I get rare candy in Heartgold?

Rare Candies can be repeatedly obtained via the following:Win a Raid Battle.Participate in a Trainer Battle.Complete certain Field Research or Special Research tasks.Weekly Adventure Sync rewards. Possible ×3 for walking 25 km. ... Defeat Giovanni (×5)Winning battles in the GO Battle League.

What is the catch rate of all Legendaries in HGSS?

Paralysis gives a much lower number, so sleep moves are preferred. You should never poison or burn the legend; this sets a time limit on your legend's lifespan. The Catch Rate of all legendaries available in HGSS is 3, except for Groudon and Kyogre, who have a catch rate of 5.

How many Apricorn balls are there in HeartGold?

Since they are remakes of the original Gold and Silver, the concept of Apricorn Balls has been revived in HeartGold and SoulSilver. There are 7 Apricorn Balls in total, but the most useful ones for capturing legendaries would be Fast, Level, and Heavy Balls.

Where is Rayquaza in RSE?

Rayquaza is located in Embedded Tower, in the same spot you found Groudon or Kyogre initially. Rayquaza will appear in Embedded Tower once you have acquired the Jade Orb from Prof. Oak, obtained only when you speak to him with both Groudon and Kyogre in your party. Therefore, you have to trade over a Groudon to your HeartGold or a Kyogre to SoulSilver before Prof. Oak will give you the Jade Orb. Furthermore, you cannot use Groudon or Kyogre from RSE; it must be one obtained from Embedded Tower. Rock Climb and Surf are required to reach the entrance to Embedded Tower. When you enter Embedded Tower, you're automatically led straight to Rayquaza and it seems as though the battle will start instantly, but instead Rayquaza just lets out a cry and you're back in control so you can save right in front of it (instead of outside Embedded Tower). Rayquaza appears at level 50.

Where to save for Raikou?

For Raikou and Entei, save before stepping off the second set of stairs in the basement floor of Burned Tower, where they are located. For the roaming Latios and Latias (in HeartGold and SoulSilver, respectively), save before leaving the Pokémon Fan Club after obtaining the Poké Doll.

Where to save before the legendary?

Always save before the legendary. For Raikou and Entei, save before stepping off the second set of stairs in the basement floor of Burned Tower, where they are located. For the roaming Latios and Latias (in HeartGold and SoulSilver, respectively), save before leaving the Pokémon Fan Club after obtaining the Poké Doll.

Where to find Raikou and Entei?

Raikou and Entei are found in the basement of Burned Tower alongside the other legendary beast, Suicune. Once you reach the bottom of the second set of stairs, Raikou and Entei will run away from you and start roaming Johto. Raikou and Entei's nature and IVs are set when you approach them at Burned Tower and all the beasts flee, not when you encounter them in the routes of Johto. Furthermore, the IVs and nature of Raikou and Entei are determined simultaneously, so just because you got a good nature/IV combination for Raikou does not mean that Entei will share the same quality. Note that a Synchronizer will not work on any of the roaming beasts. To add to the challenge, each time you encounter Raikou/Entei it will attempt to flee at the start of the battle, so be sure to have a Pokémon with a trapping move like Mean Look or the ability Shadow Tag or Arena Trap at the head of your party.

How many dusk balls do you need to catch Legendaries?

You'll want to have at least 50 Dusk Balls on you for each encounter, and there are 13 legendaries per game cartridge that are caught in Poké Balls (including event Pokémon). That totals 650 Dusk Balls, and you'll probably want to have at least 50 Ultra and/or Timer Balls in reserve.

How many EVs can a Pokemon get?

A Pokemon can only gain a total of 510 EVs, and 255 EVs per stat. That means the maximum stat bonus EVs can give per stat is 63, should you give 252 EVs to one stat. 252 is the accepted bonus, as it is the highest number less than 255 divisible by 4.

What is the Macho Brace?

First of which is the Macho Brace, which has been around since the 3rd Gen. When held by a Pokemon, it doubles the EVs obtained by the Pokemon holding it , at the expense of its speed being halved.

How many berries do you need to redo EV training?

A handy thing, indeed. Should you make a mistake with EV training, though, you should never fear, as there are six berries that take away ten EV points and increase the Pokemon's happiness. That way, you can redo your EV training to make your Pokemon to your liking.

What does Pokerus leave?

Don't fret, though, as the double in effort points will still be in effect - the only thing that leaves is the ability to spread it to other Pokemon.

Can a female Pokemon hold an Everstone?

Should the female Pokemon of two breeding Pok emon hold the Everstone (Ditto if it's Pokemon + Ditto, regardless of the gender), there's a 25% chance that the offspring of both Pokemon will have the same nature as the female/Ditto holding the Everstone. This was introduced in Emerald, and a very handy tip nonetheless.

What does it mean to opt for speed awareness?

Opting for a speed awareness course means that the police do not record your speeding offence as a conviction, but you may still be required to disclose your attendance to your insurer ,” said Gocompare.com's Matt Oliver.

What is the penalty for speeding over 21 miles per hour?

You'll receive a fixed penalty notice with a fine between 125% and 175% of your weekly income, as well as 6 points on your licence or face disqualification for up to 56 days.

What is the speed limit on a single carriage road?

Stay aware of road signs informing you of speed changes. Remember that the national speed limit is 60mph on single carriage roads, and 70mph on double carriage roads and motorways

What is the penalty for speeding over the speed limit?

You'll be placed in Band A if you're caught speeding between 1 and 9 miles per hour over the speed limit. You'll receive a fixed penalty notice with a fine between 25% and 75% of your weekly income, as well as 3 points on your licence.

What is speed awareness course?

What is a speed awareness course? Speed awareness courses are four to five hour long sessions for people caught speeding. They're offered as an alternative to points on your licence. It’s like going back on an intensive, theoretical driving lesson where you’re retaught the dangers of speeding or dangerous driving.

What is the speed limit for band B?

You'll be placed in Band B if you're caught speeding between 11 and 20 miles per hour over the speed limit. You'll receive a fixed penalty notice with a fine between 75% and 125% of your weekly income and up to 6 points on your licence or face disqualification for up to 28 days.

How long do points stay on your license?

Depending on the conviction, your points will stay on your licence for at least four and, in some cases, up to 11 years. But if you accept a place on a speed awareness course, your licence will remain point-free.

What are the disadvantages of taunt aslo?

As stated in the above quote, Taunt aslo has one major disadvantage. Like let's say Moltres uses up all it's Flamethrowers and Air Slashes and then you use Taunt and Moltres has 1HP left due to False Swipe. It'll KO itself with Struggle. I've had this happen to me before.

How long does taunt last?

Taunt's effect lasts between two to four turns or until the foe switches out . If the target is holding either Choice Band, Choice Scarf or Choice Specs on a non-attacking move, only knows one non-attacking move, or has used up all it's attack moves, the target will be forced to use Struggle until the effects of Taunt wear off.


Lugia is the mascot for SoulSilver, and is the first stationary legendary you will encounter in that game. It is located deep in the Whirl Islands, specifically the island located on the upper east, and can only be reached (in SoulSilver) by receiving the Silver Wing from the director of the Goldenrod Radio Tower, and obt…
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  • Ho-Oh is the star of HeartGold. The Rainbow Pokémon is located high above the clouds atop the sacred Bell Tower. To reach Ho-Oh in HeartGold, you will have to acquire the Rainbow Wing from the manager of the Goldenrod Radio Tower and the Clear Bell from the Kimono Girls. In SoulSilver, you only need the Rainbow Wing, given to you by an old man in Pewter City, as the Clear Bell is u…
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  • Raikou and Entei are found in the basement of Burned Tower alongside the other legendary beast, Suicune. Once you reach the bottom of the second set of stairs, Raikou and Entei will run away from you and start roaming Johto. Raikou and Entei's nature and IVs are set when you approach them at Burned Tower and all the beasts flee, not when you encounter them in the routes of Joht…
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  • Suicune resides in the basement of Burned Tower, and like in Pokémon Crystal Version, seems to have a general interest in the main character. Like Raikou and Entei, Suicune will flee from Burned Tower when you approach it, but unlike the other beasts, Suicune will appear before you in the overworld multiple times throughout the game. The instances where Suicune appears being: on …
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  • After being excluded from the original Gold and Silver, Articuno makes a return in HGSS in a place you may remember from the good old days of RBY, and later on in FRLG. Articuno makes its home in the Seafoam Islands on Route 20, specifically on the lowest floor of the Islands, and only appears after you have obtained all 16 badges. Definitely pack some Super Repels when you're p…
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  • Zapdos returns to Kanto after being left out of the original Gold and Silver in the same location it had in RBY and FRLG. Zapdos appears outside the Kanto Power Plant after you have obtained all 16 badges. Reaching this legendary bird Pokémon won't be as daunting as getting to its counterparts; simply spray a Super Repel and Surf down the river next to the Rock Tunnel on Rou…
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  • Moltres makes an appearance in HeartGold and SoulSilver along with the other two legendary birds, and following tradition, it has been moved to a new area. Moltres has been relocated to a cave above a waterfall in the entrance of the scenic Mt. Silver, and just like the other two legendary birds, to encounter Moltres you must possess all 16 badges. Furthermore, you will ne…
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  • After being absent from Gold and Silver, Cerulean Cave has been restored in HGSS, and Mewtwo made available for capture in Generation IV. Of course unlocking Cerulean Cave won't be easy, as it requires you to have all 16 badges. Cerulean Cave itself is a winding dungeon, so definitely stock up on Super Repels before attempting to navigate it. Additionally, you should have Pokém…
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  • Latios and Latias are released as roaming Pokémon in Kanto, with Latios being exclusive to SoulSilver and Latias to HeartGold. They are released by obtaining the Copycat's Poké Doll from a man in the Pokémon Fan Club in Vermillion City (you must have spoken to the Copycat in Saffron City after returning the stolen Machine Part to the Power Plant before the man can give you the …
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  • After nearly destroying Hoenn in RSE, Groudon and Kyogre have moved to their new home in Johto, Embedded Tower on Route 47. Groudon is exclusive to SoulSilver, while Kyogre is exclusive to HeartGold. To unlock Groudon or Kyogre you will need the Red or Blue Orb (in SoulSilver and HeartGold, respectively), which Mr. Pokémon gives you after you have defeated Red and obtaine…
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