hcc laulima how to acess online book course human biology bio 100

by Ms. Ivory Beahan 3 min read

What is the biology program at HCC?

About the Program The Biology area of study here at HCC covers the smallest and simplest organisms (microbiology) to the largest and most complex organisms (human anatomy and physiology, zoology, botany). AWARD TYPES: Associate in Science AREA OF STUDY: Science, Technology, Engineering & Math

What do you learn from the book Cell Biology?

The book covers basic introductory cell biology concepts such as metabolism, and cell division and then does a system-by-system discussion of the human body. The book includes a glossary in each chapter and an overall index.

Can an instructor use this textbook for a human biology class?

An instructor using this textbook for a Human Biology class but desiring a more expansive biological purview that would encompass ev-devo, ecological, and genomic perspectives would have to provide this content on their own.

How do I purchase textbooks at HCC?

The HCC Bookstores are open to assist students that want to come on campus and purchase their textbooks. The HCC Bookstores also has an e-commerce website (see link below) for students to place orders and have their textbooks shipped directly to them. Students are able to order online for the spring 2021 semester.

What is the biology area of HCC?

The Biology area of study here at HCC covers the smallest and simplest organisms (microbiology) to the largest and most complex organisms (human anatomy and physiology, zoology, botany). Created with Sketch. Created with Sketch. Created with Sketch.

What is the biology program at Houston Community College?

The Biology Program at Houston Community College provides a quality education that encourages students to understand and apply their knowledge in the field of biological sciences, prepares them to interpret and communicate scientific information, assist them to develop critical thinking skills, and helps them to advance into a variety of science, allied health, and general education programs.

How many hours of AAS are required for HCC?

Multiple Associate of Applied Science degrees may be earned from HCC if all AAS program requirements are met including earning at least 18 additional semester hours at HCC, 12 of which must be earned in the major program of the additional degree.

How many hours do you need to complete an additional degree at HCC?

The student must complete a minimum of 18 semester hours at HCC for each additional degree. These hours may not repeat credit applied from a previous HCC degree.

What is hybrid program?

Hybrid programs require students to participate in campus-based courses as part of a given program’s required curriculum. Please contact your advisor for more information about specific program requirements.

What is the grade point average for HCC?

All courses required by the specific HCC program of the additional degree must be completed. A grade point average of at least 2.0 must be earned on all hours since the previous degree.

Do online courses require face to face?

Some online courses may have face-to-face requirements for exams, laboratory sessions, and other activities. Please review your course syllabus to determine if your online course has an on-campus laboratory or examination requirement.

About the Book

This textbook has been created with several goals in mind: accessibility, customization, and student engagement—all while encouraging students toward high levels of academic scholarship. Students will find that this textbook offers a strong introduction to human biology in an accessible format.

About the Contributors

Samantha Fowler, Clayton State University Rebecca Roush, Sandhills Community College James Wise, Hampton University

How to pay for financial aid at HCC?

Select payment option: enter your credit card number or HCC Student ID number for financial aid. Once you make your payment selection, follow the steps presented to you. Please note that students using financial aid will need their order to be equal or less than the available credit. If the order is above the credit available your order will be canceled. Please view your Account Summary By Term on Webadvisor via MyHCC, and refer to our Important Dates web page for credit limits based on the number of credits that you are enrolled.

Does HCC stock used textbooks?

The HCC Bookstore makes every attempt to stock as many used textbooks as possible. This is accomplished by operating a daily used textbook buyback program at each Bookstore and ordering used textbooks from large National Used Textbook Wholesalers. Even with these efforts the Bookstore usually does not meet the consumer demand for used textbooks.

Is HCC bookstore open?

The HCC Bookstores are open to assist students that want to come on campus and purchase their textbooks. The HCC Bookstores also has an e-commerce website (see link below) for students to place orders and have their textbooks shipped directly to them. Students are able to order online for the spring 2021 semester.