grandma can you give a hug but fast, of course but why fast

by Shanny Koepp 8 min read

How to hug a girl for the first time?

Wrap your arms around her torso or waist, and hold her tight. Let her head rest comfortably against your chest. Channel the passion. Make it steamy. Gaze deeply and longingly into her eyes, and use the warmth of the hug to show her how you feel about her.

Should you hug a girl if you can't stand up?

If one of you cannot stand for some reason, then you should at least be sitting next to one another without any barriers between. Sit on the ground, or on a bench, or on a bed. Only hug her if she's comfortable with you. [1] Dating Coach Expert Interview. 17 May 2019.

How do you hug a girl without hurting her?

Look into her eyes. Place one arm under her armpit, in the lower half of her ribcage. Put your other hand on the general area of her shoulder blade. As the hug deepens, you can hold her waist or wrap both arms around the small of her back. Alternately, hug her from behind. Wrap your arms around her torso or waist, and hold her tight.

Can a romantic hug lead to more?

A romantic hug can lead to much more if the two of you are comfortable being intimate with one another. Just make sure that you're both ready. Always ask for consent. [4] Dating Coach Expert Interview. 17 May 2019.

What is Grandma's grace?

1.)Lavish people with grace. Grandma was overflowing with true graciousness and a genuine love for other people. People of all ages flocked to her, finding in her presence unconditional love and kindness. She was quick to forgive; quick to overlook offenses; and quick to give people the benefit of the doubt.

What did Grandma do to help people?

As a woman who understood the power of one, Grandma offered small gestures to people that made a world of difference in their lives. Sometimes it was the glow of her contagious smile or a warm hug. Sometimes it was a hot meal (preferably a bowl of pinto beans with a side of corn bread).

Was Grandma a prayer warrior?

Grandma was a prayer warrior . Here’s just one example: she prayed every day without fail for a granddaughter who had gone astray. I know it thrilled her heart and affirmed her faith to see the radical transformation in my cousin’s life over the past couple of years.

Pretty Is As Pretty Does

Made famous by Forrest Gump, this phrase reminds us to look a little deeper.

Early to Bed and Early to Rise Makes You Healthy, Wealthy, and Wise

A gentle reminder that Grandma still cares about your bedtime—and general wellbeing. This phrase is attributed to Benjamin Franklin.

Confession Is Good for the Soul

She already knows anyway—somehow—so you should go ahead and come clean.

Why do you tell your grandkids embarrassing moments?

That said, telling your grandkids embarrassing moments from their parents' past will only lead to resentment between you and their parents —especially when your grandkids start bringing up what you've told them as a means of getting their way.

What to ask grandparents before taking their grandkids out?

Whether it's their first time eating ice cream or their first attempt at riding a bike, it's important for grandparents to ask before taking their grandkids out for a major life experience. Just like you might have been sad to miss your own child's first steps, you never know what milestones are a big deal to a kid's parents until you ask.

What to do if your grandchild loves dolls?

If your male grandchild loves playing with dolls, let him play with dolls. Don't tell your granddaughter that she should be the nurse instead of the doctor when she's playing hospital. And don't make a big deal of a kid wearing pink or blue, no matter their gender. They're just colors, after all.

Why do you play favorites with your grandchildren?

Just because you might prefer one of your grandchildren to the others doesn't mean you should ever make that known . Playing favorites will only make your grandchildren resent you —and make your own children less-than-eager to have you watch their kids.

What can grandparents do for you?

They can reinforce discipline strategies, give sage advice to new parents who find themselves in over their heads, and provide babysitting services on those rare —and much appreciated—date nights.

What does it mean when your grandchild's parents have a policy regarding discipline?

If your grandchild's parents have a specific policy regarding the discipline of their child, it's up to you to follow that procedure, too. That means abiding by their rules, no matter how silly they may seem to you.

Can you show the Little Mermaid to your grandkids?

Yes, an additional showing of The Little Mermaid might get your flailing toddler grandchild to calm down, but, in most cases, so would ignoring that tantrum. And if you're giving into your grandkids' fits, you're only making it harder for their parents to deal with them via their own methods at home.

What is the goal of a grandma?

Being the best grandma in the world is probably the goal of most grandmas. Sharing our legacy, teaching our grands about things in the world, or to do things they will always remember, like sewing, cooking or going to musicals drives us. Introducing them to life.

What did Grandpa do on week ends?

Week-ends where they helped Grandpa cook bacon and eggs, giggling as they sneaked the bacon off the plate when he wasn’t looking, wink, and ate it as fast as he could get it out of the skillet. Week-ends of movies and ice cream, sewing and cooking and just hanging out.

Is Grandmahood like a roller coaster?

They’ve packed almost everything including my heart. Grandmahood is wonderful, but at the same time, it’s like riding an emotional roller coaster. After all the years as the parent it’s difficult to move from the driver’s seat to the backseat and feel completely out of control.

When to hug a girl?

Hug her when you are greeting or saying goodbye – during any transitional scene when you both happen to be standing. If you're going for a longer, deeper hug, then make sure that you have at least a few minutes. If you aren't standing, wait for a better time, or simply ask her for a hug.

How to get a girl to hug you?

Get her alone. Create a comfortable level of privacy so that the two of you can be fully present in your intimacy. Be reasonably certain that no one is going to barge in on you , and that you won't disturb anyone else with your romantic hug. You don't want to rush this.

How to make a woman feel loved?

Give a woman a hug she will remember. The most important thing is that you channel your passion. Use the hug to show her how much you like her. When the two of you are alone and comfortable, gaze into her eyes and slowly wrap your arms around her. Let it be sweet and intimate.

How to hug a girl with a ribcage?

Start slowly. Look into her eyes. Place one arm under her armpit, in the lower half of her ribcage. Put your other hand on the general area of her shoulder blade. As the hug deepens, you can hold her waist or wrap both arms around the small of her back.

How to get a girl to stop snorting?

Pull her towards you and squeeze. Not too hard, or you'll hurt her. Slowly rub your hands up and down her back and rub your bodies together. Don't be afraid to explore with your hands, but make sure that she's into it.

What to do when you can't stand?

If you aren't standing, wait for a better time, or simply ask her for a hug. If one of you cannot stand for some reason, then you should at least be sitting next to one another without any barriers between. Sit on the ground, or on a bench, or on a bed.

1. This grandma's guidance

"My ex and I were having sex, missionary. I went to shift the angle of my hips at the exact moment he broke rhythm and give me a surprise, extra hard and fast thrust. This completely destroyed my perineum. I lived with my grandma at the time, and I couldn't get the tear to stop bleeding.

2. This vomit brigade

"My friend was hooking up with a guy who was so big that while she was blowing him, she literally threw up every drink she had had that night on him. It also triggered a chain reaction, and they both spent the rest of the night in the bathroom."

3. This cornfield massacre

"Years ago I met up with a guy in an empty cornfield. His dick was almost 9 inches and thick. Neither of us had condoms or lube, so we foolishly just used spit. A few minutes later, he finished and pulled out. That's when I noticed the bloody, shitty jizz that was dripping off his dick and down my legs.

4. This ridiculous reveal

"I hooked up with a guy who had the most enormous penis I'd ever seen. Rather than chickening out, I grabbed the lube and attempted to make it fit. I have dyspareunia, a condition that makes sex very painful, and his dick ended up ripping the lower part of my vagina, à la giving-birth-style.

7. This chomping disaster

"I was dating a guy with a very long, very girthy penis. I was too scared to have penetrative sex with him, so we always stuck to oral. One night, I was going down on him and decided I wanted to try to deep-throat. His penis jerked and I got scared and bit him really hard.

8. This tampon mystery

"I was really horny so I drove 45 minutes to my ex's house to have sex. The next morning I realized I never took out my tampon. His penis was so big that it pushed the tampon up too far, and I couldn't get it out. After 30 minutes I gave up and called the guy, asking for a favor.

9. This handy test

"I was with my crush, and we thought we were home alone. His dick was giant, but I was being a trouper. Just as we were finishing the deed, his dad arrived and started a conversation with my parents in the next room.