gaston college how many times can you retake a course

by Timmothy Beahan MD 7 min read

Students may repeat a class for credit no more than three times within a five-year period. Counting the first attempt and three repeated attempts allowed by policy, a student may take the same class a maximum of four times.

Full Answer

Why Gaston College for College now?

Apr 09, 2022 · A student may repeat a class to attempt to raise his/her grade point average. The original class must be taken at Gaston College and be repeated at Gaston College in order to honor the repeat policy. When a class is repeated, both classes will remain on the academic record, but only the highest grade is used in computing the grade point average.

Where can I find continuing education classes through Gaston College?

Available Courses. Select the most updated course schedule below. During business hours, this report should automatically update every 30 minutes. Please register for classes by clicking on “ Register ” located at the right of any available class and signing into WebAdvisor. Spring 2022.

What is the Gaston College academic forgiveness policy?

View Available Courses (PDF updated every 30 minutes) Visit Ed2go for a list of additional online non-credit skill and certification classes available through Gaston College. GC’s Small Business Center offers entrepreneurs interested in starting or expanding a small business the information, seminars, resources, and one-on-one counseling they ...

Does Gaston College offer dual credit?

Gaston College students eligible for aid must be in a degree, certificate, or other approved program who were enrolled as full- or part-time on or after March 2020 for the Spring 2020 semester. Students in high school Career and College Promise and dual-enrollment programs, workforce training programs at the College, and high school non-degrees ...

How many times can you take the same course in college?

General Rules for Repeating Courses You are allowed up to two repeats to earn credit for a class when the previous grades you earned were substandard (D, F, W, NP). You may petition for a fourth enrollment when the three previous attempts resulted in a D, F, W, or NP.

What is a passing grade at Gaston College?

Grading SystemGradeDescriptionQuality Points per Semester HourBAbove Average3CAverage2DLowest Passing Grade1FFailure018 more rows

How many times can you retake a class in college Texas?

An undergraduate student is limited to three grade-bearing enrollment attempts for any specific class. A student attempting the same class for the third time will be charged a penalty fee equivalent to the out-of-state tuition for the same number of semester credit hours.

What does your GPA have to be to get into Gaston College?

2.8 or higherFor junior and senior entrance requirements: (1) Must have an unweighted GPA of 2.8 or higher on high school course work OR demonstrate college readiness through approved assessment tests (Plan, PSAT, SAT, ACT, RISE, NCDAP, Accuplacer, Asset) and (2) Maintain 2.0 college GPA after two (2) courses.

Do you need certain test scores or grades to attend Gaston College?

The following criteria must be met: a grade of B or higher earned on the high school course and a raw score of 80 or higher on the Career Technical Education post-assessment. Students must enroll in Gaston College within two years of their high school graduation date to receive this credit.

How do I drop a class at Gaston College?

See the Gaston College Calendar or check with the Office of Records and Registration for the exact 10 percent date. Students may drop a class in WebAdvisor or in person by completing and submitting a Drop form in the Office of Records and Registration.

Can you fail a college class twice?

What is this? There is a way to retake a class a fourth time, but you will need to write to a dedicated office to be granted permission to do this. Failing the class a fourth time will usually require you to drop the class or transfer to another program.Apr 30, 2021

What is the Texas three course repeat rule?

The 3-Peat Rule was passed by the State of Texas to discourage students from repeating courses. Texas residents attempting the same course for a third time since Fall 2002 will be charged an additional $100 per credit hour for that course.

How many times can you retake a class at Texas Tech?

(2) There is no limit on the number of times that a student may attempt to grade replace a course.

How many times can you repeat a class at Gaston College?

A student may repeat a class to attempt to raise his/her grade point average. The original class must be taken at Gaston College and be repeated at Gaston College in order to honor the repeat policy. When a class is repeated, both classes will remain on the academic record, but only the highest grade is used in computing the grade point average. Students may repeat a class for credit no more than three times within a five-year period. Counting the first attempt and three repeated attempts allowed by policy, a student may take the same class a maximum of four times. A student may not re-enroll in a class in which credit by exam (CE) has been awarded. Please note the Course Repeat Policy may be different in health related programs. For those specific requirements, please refer to that health program handbook.

What is academic forgiveness at Gaston College?

The Academic Forgiveness Policy allows Gaston College students who have experienced academic difficulty at Gaston College to have one opportunity to have grades below a “C” excluded from the cumulative grade point average (GPA). Academic difficulty is defined as less than a 2.00 cumulative grade point average at Gaston College. This policy provides for raising the cumulative grade point average by excluding all grades of “D” or “F” earned prior to the date of eligibility for Academic Forgiveness. A student may be granted Academic Forgiveness only once. For a complete list of criteria, benefits and provisions of Academic Forgiveness visit the Office of Records and Registration. Completed forms should be returned to the Office of Records and Registration. Once this office receives the form, it is forwarded to the appropriate divisional dean for review.

How to calculate GPA?

A student’s grade point average (GPA) is computed by adding the total quality points for each and dividing that number by the total credit hours for the semester. Quality points are calculated by multiplying the credit hours by the semester quality points.

What does IP mean in GPA?

An “IP” grade is not computed in the grade point average (GPA). Students receiving a grade of “IP” will not receive financial aid for the class on the second enrollment. Grades preceded by an “R” indicate the class has been repeated. Only the highest grade will be computed or applied toward a degree or diploma.

What is a WA grade?

WA Grade - A “WA” is assigned to a student who wishes to withdraw from a course or courses within the first eleven weeks of the semester and who has previously attended one or more class meetings. WA grades count toward hours attempted, but do not affect the student’s grade point average.


Visit WebAdvisor for the most recent schedules of available courses. If you need assistance using WebAdvisor, view the detailed instructions.

Additional Course Information

Visit Ed2go for a list of additional online non-credit skill and certification classes available through Gaston College.

When is Gaston College full time?

Gaston College students eligible for aid must be in a degree, certificate, or other approved program who were enrolled as full- or part-time on or after March 2020 for the Spring 2020 semester.

Can Gaston College use Cares Act?

You can still be eligible for the CARES Act Emergency Grant. Gaston College will not use the CARES Act Emergency Grant to pay outstanding balances. The College will not deduct any fees from your CARES Act Emergency Grant. However, any outstanding balances will remain on your account.

Does Gaston College have a Cares Act grant?

Gaston College has contacted all currently eligible students by email. If you are eligible for a CARES Act Emergency Grant, you were sent an email from the Gaston College Financial Aid Office with instructions on applying for CARES Act emergency funds.

What GPA do you need to graduate from Gaston College?

Graduates with a 3.8 or above GPA on all work completed at Gaston College are eligible for a degree or diploma with high honors. As a graduate with high honors, you will wear a gold cord at the commencement ceremony. The cords are picked up in the Records and Registration Office prior to graduation.

What are the requirements for graduation from WebAdvisor?

In WebAdvisor, you can complete a degree evaluation to see how many courses you have left to meet the course requirements. There are two requirements for graduation: A 2.0 grade point average.

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Follow these links to check out resource pages we’ve developed just for students, parents, and high school counselors. You’ll find lots of information about the College Now program, such as how much money you can save, enrollment requirements, FAQs, and much more.

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While you’re here, why don’t you let us send you a copy of the College Now Guide? It includes even more details about the program with an overview of the courses we offer, scholarship information, details about the pathways in the program, and some of the information you’ll read about on this website.

College Now

By submitting your email and phone number you agree that Gaston College may follow-up with you and/or send additional information via email, phone and/or SMS messages.

Is Gaston College a good college?

Gaston College is a great place to help you grow as a student and develop the college-level study, writing, and research skills you will need. Everyone needs some help along the way as a student, so we want you to know there are lots of resources you can take advantage of with College Now.

Is Gaston College a dual enrollment program?

College Now is what we call a dual-enrollment program because technically you’ll be a high school and a college student at the same time. One of the great things about College Now with Gaston College is that many of the courses are also available for dual credit. That means a course will count for high school AND college credit — you do ...

Academic Forgiveness

Academic Alert/Probation/Suspension


  • Former and returning students who wish to review course and program requirements from prior years may access archived catalogs 2016-2017 and newer online at academic catalog. Hard copies are available in the Office of Records and Registration; contact [email protected] or call 704-922-6232 to request course descriptions or progra…
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Catalog of Record

  • A student who is in continuous attendance (summer semester excluded) may graduate under the provisions of the catalog in effect on his/her date of entry provided the courses are still offered or he/she may choose to meet the requirements of a subsequent issue. A student not enrolled for a period of three consecutive semesters must reapply to the college and will return under the prov…
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Course Repeat Policy

  • If you would like to raise your grade point average, you may repeat a course. If the course was originally completed at Gaston, the repeated course must be completed at Gaston as well in order to honor the repeat policy. Courses that are credit by exam (CE) are not eligible for repeats. For more information, please see the academic catalog.
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Credit by Examination

  • There are some courses that offer you the option of Credit by Examination. It is not required that you register for the course, but there is a $50 fee. The exam must be taken within the first 10 days of the semester and may be only taken once. If you believe you can test out of a class, please meet with your academic department to schedule an exam. For more information, please see th…
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Enrollment Verifications

  • Enrollment Verifications for Curriculum (for-credit) may be obtained by WebAdvisor, in person, or via fax. The faxed request must contain your signature before any information will be released. Please make sure your full name, social security number, and address/fax number to where the verification is to be sent appears on your request. Gaston College verifies Curriculum (for-credit…
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    Gaston College has a long-standing commitment to the protection of students’ rights and privacy of information. Gaston College complies with the provisions of the Federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), state of North Carolina Law, and the State Department …
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Full-Time/Part-Time Status

  • If you are enrolled in 12 or more credit hours, you are considered a full-time student. If you are enrolled in less than 12 credit hours, you are considered a part-time student. If you have financial aid, less than 12 credit hours could cause your aid to be reduced. 9-11 credit hours is considered three-quarter time, 6-8 credit hours is considered half-time, and 5 or fewer credit hours is consid…
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Grading System

  • If you attended Gaston College prior to summer 1997, any credits earned are listed as quarter hours. If you attended after summer 1997, any credits earned are listed as semester hours. The grade point average is calculated by dividing the total number of semester hours attempted by total quality points. For a detailed example, please see the academic catalog.
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