fssp how to fill out course enrollment form

by Patricia Muller 7 min read

How do I fill out the FCPS registration forms?

A parent will need to fill out FCPS registration forms for each child being registered. Registration forms can be downloaded from General Information Forms (link below). Select the Enrollment Forms Bundle option to access all the necessary forms at once.

Where do I Send my results to the FSSP?

Be sure to add the seminary address as the location where the results should be mailed to: FSSP Vocations Office, PO Box 147, Denton, NE 68339. Advanced Placement and Course Exemption Information – This is an informational sheet for your records that provides you with background information on possible course advancement for previous academic work.

What are the requirements to enroll in FCPS?

The following two factors determine a student's eligibility to enroll in FCPS: Residency - Children must be living with a parent and residing in Fairfax County. Age - Children must be age 5 or older by September 30.

How old do you have to be to apply to FSSP?

English-speaking men between the ages of 18 and 35 who are considering a priestly vocation, or who are ready to apply to the FSSP, may make a short visit to the seminary during the academic year. This allows the visitor to experience the Fraternity charism and life as a seminarian. We are unable to consider candidates older than 35 years of age.

What is advanced placement and course exemption information?

Advanced Placement and Course Exemption Information – This is an informational sheet for your records that provides you with background information on possible course advancement for previous academic work.

When is the retreat registration form available?

Retreat registration forms for the required vocations retreat will be available on this page in the month of February. The Vocations Office must approve attendance at the retreat before submission of the registration form.

How to confirm prior formation in a religious community?

Letter of Reference & Confirmation of Prior Formation in a Religious Community/Diocese – If you have spent any time within a religious community of any kind or if you have spent any time as a diocesan seminarian, you are required to have your bishop (for diocesan seminarians) or major superior (for religious/novices/postulants/aspirants) complete this document. In addition, if you have spent any time studying in a seminary you are also required to have the seminary rector complete this document. If the bishop/major superior or rector chooses to delegate the task to another priest we require a statement signed by him stating that he delegated the task to the other priest and that he supports what the delegated priest has written. Like the recommendation letters, you can either mail a hard copy or ask them to use the direct URL. ( Please note that in addition to this document, you will also need to have two letters of recommendation, from priests, to complete the letter of recommendation requirement ). For those who experience difficulty accessing this file, a static version may be found here.

Where to send a welcome form?

Email the form as an attachment to your school or a Family Welcome Center.

Do you have to submit documentation for McKinney-Vento?

Students in temporary housing, as defined by the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act, are not required to submit documentation (including address, proof of date of birth, and immunization records) in order to participate in any admission process or enroll in school.

All Souls Novena Enrollment

The solemn feast of All Souls’ Day is fast upon us. This means that our All Souls’ Novena arrives as well. It is not too late to enroll your departed loved ones in our Novena of Masses. It is a great duty of Charity for us to pray for the dead as well as the living, as well as one of the spiritual works of mercy.

FSSP 2022 Calendar

Views and opinions expressed in the Missive are solely the writers’ and do not necessarily reflect those of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter.

How many parents are required to attend a registration appointment?

The student and at least one parent must be present for the registration appointment at a school or a Student Registration Welcome Center.

What is the residency requirement for Fairfax County?

Residency - Children must be living with a parent and residing in Fairfax County.

Do you have to be registered at a neighborhood school to transfer?

You must first be registered at a neighborhood school before submitting a request for student transfer.

Do parents need to fill out FCPS forms?

A parent will need to fill out FCPS registration forms for each child being registered.
