for job application what to put as course of study for high school

by Miss Rosalee Kassulke DVM 6 min read

If a job application asks you for your major or area of study in the high school section and you went to a standard high school, you can just put " General high school diploma ." If you went to a... On a job application, what do I put for "course of study ... · You just need to put " high school diploma " or GED if that applies to you.

You can either leave it blank, write “N/A” or mention some of the courses you took in high school. You can also list the courses you liked the most! A hint of your favorite courses would be sufficient, but more importantly: don't sweat it. It's not a big deal if you leave it blank!

Full Answer

What to put for major in high school on job application?

Second Way: Leave It Blank or Write “Not Applicable” When asked for your course of study on a U.S. job application, it is usually on a form with a row for each level of school and a column for “major.” In other words, it is an ambiguity in the application form!

How do you write high school diploma on a job application?

You get it for completing four classes of an intended major. So my high school offers many majors including: AP Arts and Architecture English Fashion design and Apparel Construction Journalism and Mass Communication Media Technology Performing Arts Visual Arts World Languages Teaching and Training Business Finance Culinary Arts Ecology Science

What is my course of study on a job application?

Hot · Include the major or main course of study for each school or institution you attended. If you are a recent graduate and some of your coursework pertains directly to the job for which you are applying, include the names of the courses if the application has room for them. You may also be asked how many hours you took in ...

How important is your high school education when applying for a job?

High School Course Descriptions - Best This course is for the highly-qualified, motivated student who is committed to challenging course during each year of high school. The development of problem-solving skills, the use of algebraic procedures and the study of the structure within the real number system form ...

What should I put for field of study for high school?

A student's 'field of study' will include specific classes in one of the four 'core' subject areas: Social Studies, Math, English language arts, and Science. Most schools will focus on specific classes in one core subject for each of the standard years of high school (grades 9 to 12).Jan 15, 2020

What does course of study mean in high school?

The term Course of Study refers to an integrated course prepared for academic studies. It is a series of courses that every student should complete before they progress to the next level of education. A usual course of study in high school involves classes in the core subject area.

What level of education do I put if I am still in high school?

How to Add Your High School Education to a ResumeHere is an example of what to put:If you are still in high school write it like this:If you didn't graduate high school but completed a GED later write it like this:Put your license or certificate first followed by your high school information.Example:5 days ago

What do you put in field of study for high school on resume?

How to include your high school education on a resumeCreate a section of your resume specifically for education. ... Place high school education after your college experience. ... Include your school's name and location. ... Include your recent or anticipated graduation date. ... Consider sharing your grade point average (GPA)More items...•Jan 24, 2022

What does course of study mean on a job application?

What does “course of study” mean on a job application? Usually, “course of study” is asking you what your college major was. If you attended some type of vocational or other school or classes instead of or in addition to college, whatever your main focus was would be your “course of study.”Jul 11, 2021

What is course of Study example?

Trade schools also have courses of study. An example of a course of study for a trade school might be an electrician. Electricians have to complete a specific course program and a certain number of apprenticeship hours before being awarded their certification.Mar 18, 2022

What do you put under education level?

Choose from the following academic levels:High school or equivalent. You've earned a high school diploma or General Equivalency Diploma (GED).Technical or occupational certificate. ... Associate degree. ... Some college coursework completed. ... Bachelor's degree. ... Master's degree. ... Doctorate. ... Professional.More items...

How do you put your degree on your resume?

Put it either before or after the experience section (depending on your experience). List all your degrees in the education section of your resume. Put your degrees on a resume in the reverse-chronological order. Consider adding extra information about your degree on a resume (e.g. GPA, Latin honors, coursework, etc.).

How do you put education in progress on a resume?

List your education in reverse order.If you have a master's and a bachelor's degree, make sure to list the master's degree first, followed by your bachelor's degree.If you're still pursuing a degree, your resume should make clear that your education is in progress.More items...

What to put for the major in high school on a job ..

If a job application asks you for your major or area of study in the high school section and you went to a standard high school, you can just put " General high school diploma ."

Career and Technical Education - Career Preparation and ..

Career Preparation provides opportunities for students to participate in a learning experience that combines classroom instruction with paid business and industry employment experiences and supports strong partnerships among school, business, and community …

What does course of study mean in a job application? (8 ..

If I were preparing for college in my high school years, I would have put “College Prep” in the blank. If I were taking more of the trade school preparation, I would have entered “Vocational Technology toward XXX”.

Career Planning High School Elective Course Curriculum

This course is designed to help students explore a variety of careers to consider and begin planning a career path. This course is great whether you already know what you want to do, or if you are undecided.


As schools across the state begin to open for the school year, whether in-person or virtually, Alabama Public Television continues to serve students, teachers, and families with high …

Can I add online courses to my resume?

Listing online classes on your resume is a definite do. Just make sure you do it thoughtfully so you're sending the right message about your continuing education. After all, you worked hard to complete all these courses in your free time, you owe it to yourself to make sure they count.

Do online classes have tests?

Not all online classes have proctored exams. But if they do, online students may need to visit a local testing site, with an on-site proctor. They may also take virtually monitored exams online, where a proctor watches via webcam or where computer software detects cheating by checking the test-takers' screens

What classes do you need to get a high school diploma?

· In most states, high school students must earn a set number of credits in language arts, math, social studies, science, and elective courses in order to earn a diploma.

How to enroll in career path?

Follow these steps to enroll in a Career Education Pathways Program: Begin the process in 9th grade. Talk with your high school Teacher, Counselor or Principal to learn for the current high school articulated courses at your school. Ask your school about courses designated "Career Education Pathways".

What is the Air Force Research Laboratory?

The Airforce Research Laboratory has a Scholars program that offers a stipend for paid internship that is open to 11th and 12th graders as well as undergrad and graduate students who wish to pursue a STEM degree.

What to do if your application is incomplete?

If your application is incomplete or does not clearly show the experience and/or training required, your application may not be accepted. If you have no information to enter in a section, please write N/A. Name and Address Job Type Name (First, MI, Last) Telephone If under 18, please list age

What is part time job?

An application from a high school student who holds a part-time job demonstrates determination, drive, and perseverance. Before applying for any part-time job, it’s important to familiarize yourself with the child labor laws in your state. Some states require that minors have work permits in order to apply for jobs .

What are some jobs that require little or no prior experience?

Many are "traditional" jobs that high school and college students have held for decades, such as babysitting and retail clerking, but some are artifacts of the digital age, such as app-based food delivery and virtual assistant work.

What do I need to become a web developer?

Some job opportunities will require a college degree and some only require a high school diploma, (at least to begin your journey). With or without a college degree, Web Developers must have extensive training in computer programming, graphic design, and database management, in addition to web design, mathematics, and web networking, depending ...

Why do hiring managers review resumes?

For most positions, hiring managers are interested in reviewing resumes to find the best candidate for their open position. Even without experience, your high school education can help you stand out from your peers and other candidates who are applying for the same position if you're able to show what makes you unique.

What is an ATS on a resume?

Many applicant tracking systems (ATS) are set up to look for education on your resume, and without these details, you may not qualify for the position. You want to prove your work ethic. High school education requires that you have ambition and a strong work ethic.

Where should education be on resume?

Because employers look for an education section, make sure you have one on your resume. Typically, education sections appear toward the bottom of your resume after your experience, although you may include this information on either the left or right side of your resume if you're using a unique template.

What is education section on resume?

Education is a common section that hiring managers immediately look at when reviewing candidate resumes. You want to make sure that you provide details about your education so you're including as much as your peers and the employer doesn't skip your resume.

What are hiring managers interested in?

Hiring managers are also interested in any projects you completed that are relevant to the position. For example, if you're applying for a position with a social services agency, you may share some details about a research project you completed for your sociology class.

What are the best jobs to get with a high school diploma?

There are a wide variety of job titles you can hold with a high school diploma. Here are 21 good-paying options: 1. Dispensing optician. Primary duties: Dispensing opticians work in an optometry office.

What do I need to be a mail carrier?

Requirements: To be a mail carrier, you must be a U.S. citizen, have a driver's license and a safe driving record. You will also have to take and pass the written Postal Exam. There are several career advancement opportunities available for successful mail carriers. 6.

How much does a community health worker make?

Community health care worker. National average salary: $15.90 per hour. Primary duties: Community health workers educate the general public on subjects related to health and self-care. They may work in connection with a social worker's office to provide healthcare information to those who need medical counseling.

What is the job of an optician?

Primary duties: Dispensing opticians work in an optometry office. They take care of administrative tasks like scheduling appointments and answering customers' questions. They also help customers to choose the correct glasses or contact lenses and advise them about factors like price and insurance premiums.

How long does it take to become a pharmacy technician?

Requirements: Pharmacy technicians must complete one year of accredited pharmacy technician training. Some states require pharmacy technicians to be certified, which is also preferred by some employers. 4.

What is the job of a pharmacy technician?

Primary duties: Pharmacy technicians work in pharmacies to dispense prescription drugs, medications and other pharmaceutical products to customers. On a typical day, they might package and label pill bottles, advise customers on how to use certain medications and complete payment transactions.

How much does a mail carrier make an hour?

National average salary: $17.26 per hour. Primary duties: Mail carriers collect and deliver letters and packages to and from local businesses and residences. Mail carriers may walk or drive trucks or cars and they typically follow a set route every day.
