fm 17 how long to finish a coaching course

by Prof. Xander Gerhold II 3 min read

How many FM 2017 best coaches are there?

As always, here you will find the most comprehensive list of FM 2017 best staff, including over 500 coaches for all training areas. The list include real coaches (no regens) with current star rating of at least 4 stars (out of 5) for any given coaching category, except fitness coaches and goalkeeping coaches.

Will the course be finished by the coach?

This does not automatically mean that the course will be finished by he coach (the course may be interrupted or its duration extended), but in majority of cases the coach obtains a new license and better skills. Next Questions and Answers How to file a request with the Board?

How many fitness coaches do I Need?

Remember that to get full stars from each coach, you need to assign him on just one training area at a time. This means that you need 2 fitness coaches, 1 for strength training and 1 for aerobic training. Click on the table headers (name, age, etc) for easy sorting.

How do I assign multiple fitness coaches to my team?

Remember that to get full stars from each coach, you need to assign him on just one training area at a time. This means that you need 2 fitness coaches, 1 for strength training and 1 for aerobic training. Click on the table headers (name, age, etc) for easy sorting. Press and hold Shift while clicking the headers to sort by multiple columns.


Just wondering how long it takes to complete a coaching course? I know it says 4 months but it's been over that now and I'm still "studying" for my C License


Mine take 2-4 months longer than the estimated. I'm playing in Norway though and wondered if the language barrier was an issue to complete it.


I can only tell you what it's like in real life and my own experiences with coaching as I don't have the full FM2015 game. The lowest badge is done pretty quick (FA Level 1)... like a few eveings spread over 2 weeks and can be done with your eyes closed and as you go up the badges, it immediately takes much longer.


I'm managing low league club. I asked for approve to gain my coaching badge but it been turned down because of club financial. Now I earned profit by selling some deadwoods from the club but I don't have the selection for asking for coaching course now.


think its about 5-6 months - but that could be wrong though i dont know exactly. But i've learned to only ask if you have money in the bank as they always seem to reject it if you on a minus balance.


I think my bank balance will run out at that time. I might need to wait till end of season then. I can actually S/L before asking the board, but I'm challenging without doing it this term. It's actually giving me more fun on not doing S/L.


I also have to ask multiple times at the low levels. Once you made sure the money comes rolling, their next argument is going to be that they don't want to improve your skills because then bigger clubs would draw you away. I successfully convinced the board in this case by appealing to their lack of ambition.


I also have to ask multiple times at the low levels. Once you made sure the money comes rolling, their next argument is going to be that they don't want to improve your skills because then bigger clubs would draw you away. I successfully convinced the board in this case by appealing to their lack of ambition.


Coaching courses are something that managers should be able to negotiate for in contracts.


Coaching courses are something that managers should be able to negotiate for in contracts.

How many fitness coaches do you need for strength training?

Rule of Thumb: One Coach Per Training Area. Remember that to get full stars from each coach, you need to assign him on just one training area at a time. This means that you need 2 fitness coaches, 1 for strength training and 1 for aerobic training.

Do coaches have to improve their ratings?

Coaches have potential to improve too. Since the star rating is current, it's only natural some of them will improve their ratings as seasons go by in-game and new ones will emerge (either regens or former players who become coaches after retiring).

How does coaching affect your career?

While creating your manager, you can pick the type of the coaching license that he owns. This affects the number of points that you can allot to his individual attributes, and thus improve on his qualifications as a coach.

Can you raise your qualifications while playing?

While playing, however, you can raise your qualifications by taking a coaching course and obtain a new license.
