fdoh how to complete a blended learning series course.

by Emory Beer 5 min read

The first component of all blended learning courses will be the Learner Guide. The guide will not have an assessment but will need to be completed to finish the course. Once you have clicked on the Manage button, the screen will refresh and show a series of buttons. To complete the Learner Guide, click on the Completed button.

Full Answer

What is blended learning?

Blended learning is both flexible and dynamic. By ‘flexible’, I mean it is not just one thing (a fixed combination of X and Y) but rather, it can be many things depending on your teaching context. By ‘dynamic’, I mean that the components which make up blended learning are constantly changing.

When should teachers use blended learning?

In a very narrow definition of blended learning (such as face-to-face plus online) the answer to this question is: when studying online is a realistic, feasible option.

Why blend?

There are many reasons why teachers decide to run a blended learning course, as opposed to (say) a 100% classroom course like those I ran when I first started teaching, or a 100% online course.

What is the value of blended learning?

Flexibility is one advantage. Students taking a blended learning course are frequently offered choices. We all know a class of 12 comprises 12 individuals, displaying different learning preferences.

Different approaches to blended learning

The approaches taken to blended learning are as many and varied as the different types of teaching: YL (young learners), business English, CLIL (content and language integrated learning). One common approach would be to issue the students with a printed coursebook and have them use the code on the inside to access their online digital materials.

Different types of digital activities

Here’s a snapshot of the vast range of tools available for blended learning:

How to run a blended learning course

Looking for some practical advice and tips? Read my complete guide to help you prepare, set-up and run a blended learning course:

What is blended learning?

Combining face-to-face classes with digital activities, blended learning is an effective way for teachers to engage with students on a multitude of levels. Blended learning is not to be confused with remote learning. In a blended learning setting, most of the teaching takes place in a classroom. However, digital technology, such as laptops, ...

Why is blended learning important?

One of the biggest advantages of blended learning is that it allows educators to track and manage students’ progress.

What does it mean when a teacher introduces the use of tablets in the classroom?

That means that the students will have a well-rounded lesson. Embracing the use of digital technology in the classroom is a must for the educators of today.

What technology can be used to support a lesson?

However, digital technology, such as laptops, computers, devices, and smart TVs, may be used to support the lessons. With that in mind, a teacher may begin with an introduction to a subject matter and set the students a group discussion task relating to it.

What is the most ground breaking change in education?

One of the most ground-breaking changes has been the inclusion of digital technology in a class setting.

Is blended learning interchangeable?

According to the guide, blended learning and hybrid learning can be used interchangeably. However, the term blended is more commonly used ...

Is blended learning the same as hybrid learning?

According to the guide, blended learning and hybrid learning can be used interchangeably. However, the term blended is more commonly used and you will find more learning materials associated with this name. The QAA noted that they have found no ‘fundamental difference’ in what the two names describe.