explain why there was so much conflict between and among so many religious groups course hero

by Laurie Herman 7 min read

The difference of opinion and in particular with opposing opinions is a source of much conflict between and among so many religious groups. This derives from the sense of "entitlement" which comes from, in particular, monotheistic beliefs.

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What was the spirit of rebellion responsible for the American Revolution?

How did the press influence the development of the American identity?

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How long did the European religious wars last?

The European religious wars were fought in Europe from 1524 to 1648, after the birth of Protestantism. Initially, the wars were motivated by the conflict and rivalry that developed due to a change in the religious balance. However, it graduated from being religious to a fight for political prominence.

What do Protestants believe?

✞ Protestants stand firm on this strong belief, that all sins have been atoned by the death and suffering of Jesus Christ on the cross. They also believe that God grants forgiveness to all repentant sinners through faith in the righteousness of Christ. The Seven Sacraments is a symbol of grace for the Protestants.

Who was the founder of the Protestant Reformation?

The Protestant Reformation began in the 16th century by an Augustinian monk named Martin Luther. He challenged the authority of the pope and the church’s power to define Christian practices. He wanted the church to reform itself, further antagonizing them and caused the protesting group to set up another church.

What is the difference between Sola Gratia and Solus Christus?

Sola Gratia (“grace alone”) – Salvation is granted only by God’s grace. Solus Christus (“Christ alone”) – Salvation is received only because of the sacrifice by Jesus on the cross.. Soli Deo Gloria (“for the glory of God alone”) – Salvation is fulfilled only by God, and for his glory.

What are the two types of religious conflicts?

In inter-religious conflicts, the conflict parties differ in their religious affiliation - for example, Christians and Muslims . This can overlap with ethnic identities, and it is clear that heterogeneous societies are more vulnerable to triggering conflicts along these lines. This is different from theological conflicts which are mostly about religious ideas. Such conflicts can arise in majority Muslim societies, such as Mali, Somalia or Northern Nigeria. But we are also aware of examples of Christian rebel groups in sub-Saharan Africa who have theological demands. The parties involved may differ on the question of what role religion should play in the state. For example, radical Muslim groups demand the introduction of Sharia law. A weak state allows these kinds of groups to be active in the first place - their radical ideology becomes more attractive to people if the state does not provide adequate public services and the politicians are corrupt. But of course, not all Muslims in these countries are radical Islamists.

Where do religious conflicts spill over?

It also has to do with the fact that religious conflicts spill over from North Africa and the Middle East; either directly from Libya or Algeria or indirectly through the spread of more radical versions of Islam. However, religion is only one aspect of these conflicts - they can also be ethnic conflicts, or conflicts over power or resources.

Why is sub-Saharan Africa so vulnerable to conflict?

The region is generally vulnerable to conflicts because many states in sub-Saharan Africa are often weak. It also has to do with the fact that religious conflicts spill over from North Africa and the Middle East;

What are the radical groups in Africa?

Active radical groups have a more direct influence in North Africa, such as Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM), or offshoots of the so-called Islamic State. They have an interest in creating branches in other countries. They have supported rebels in Mali and there are indications that they are also doing it in Nigeria and Somalia. Other Middle Eastern states are more likely to have an indirect influence. It is about spreading a radical version of Islam. Sub-Saharan Africa traditionally was home to a rather moderate form of Islam, for example, Sufism. Countries like Saudi Arabia or Qatar are spreading Wahhabism, or similar variants, which can indirectly create a radical ideology that leads to violence. But it is not entirely clear how this influence is spreading or how strong it is.

Why is a weak state important?

A weak state allows these kinds of groups to be active in the first place - their radical ideology becomes more attractive to people if the state does not provide adequate public services and the politicians are corrupt. But of course, not all Muslims in these countries are radical Islamists.

Who says weak African states are a major cause?

Researcher Matthias Basedau says weak African states are a major cause. DW: In your study on the subject of religious conflicts in Africa, you claim eight out of ten active armed conflicts have a religious dimension.

Can religious and non-religious causes be dealt with at the same time?

Firstly, we need to be aware that there are both religious and non-religious causes that must be dealt with at the same time. On the religious side, one can carry out de-radicalization measures, thus strengthening peaceful interpretations of faith.

What is religion passionate about?

Religion is one of those things that people ae extremely passion ate about. Some religions want to press others to follow them. Some religions believe that others are wrong for believing differently. Anytime people are passionate and set in any course, it can easily lead to problems.

Is religious identity different from cultural identity?

I have to agree with the above postings. Religious identity is no different from cultural identity (for some). When people do not agree on ideas they tend to disregard the beliefs of others. I think Enoteschris states it wonderfully: "Mine's right and yours is wrong."

Do people feel strongly about religion?

In fact, they feel so strongly about them that they often think anything that they do in the name of religion is acceptable. People also take any insult to their religion very seriously, and consider anything that seems offensive to their beliefs as an insult to their religion.

Do religious tenants need interpretation?

Beyond that, religious tenants are subject to to interpretation. In fact, scriptures and dogmas require interpretation. Folks will always be able to interpret their religion in such a way that it justifies violence to "outsiders.". Approved by eNotes Editorial Team.

Can passion turn into anger?

Passion can quickly switch to anger and hatred. Unfortunately, this tend to happen a lot when the topic of religion is brought round. I think we have to blame ourselves and not religion for the problems. Religion teaches peace and it is man's failing, not religion's, that leads to disasters like wars.

Is religion a form of identity?

Religion is a form of identity that depends quite heavily on the "insider/outsider" distinction. It privileges insiders in many ways. On that basis alone it can divide people, regardless of its tenants. Beyond that, religious tenants are subject to to interpretation. In fact, scriptures and dogmas require interpretation. Folks will always be able to interpret their religion in such a way that it justifies violence to "outsiders."

Is there a benefit that comes from conflict?

As we look around, we can see plenty of examples of success and failure. Some shops are full of customers, while other close quietly. Some businesses come out with one helpful product after another, while others disappear. Some politicians move from small successes to big successes, while others go back to their day jobs.

Causes for conflict from the Old Testament

Sin entered this world, as we hear in the story of the Garden of Eden, when the free will and potential for sinfulness built into human beings led to disobedience and separation from God.

Conflict among the first disciples

There has been conflict among followers of Jesus from the very beginning of his ministry. Even the disciples who knew Jesus didn’t always get along with each other. Luke tells us that even at the last supper, just before Jesus was arrested, they were arguing.

Conflict in the early church

The people of the early church, having seen the resurrection of Jesus and been filled with the Holy Spirit, didn’t avoid disputes and conflict either. In his letter, James says,

There must be a reason for so much conflict

Why is there so much conflict in the church? Why is there so much conflict in everything that we do as human beings? It’s easy to say that our conflict is a result of our sin. It’s also easy to see that differences over relationships and principles can lead us into sinful behaviors.

What was the spirit of rebellion responsible for the American Revolution?

1. The idea of making there own political decisions without authority or merchants and landowners challenging royal authority 2. emotionalism became very common during the Great Awakening 3. All colonist regardless the origin or status, shared common feelings and had the same experience for their first time

How did the press influence the development of the American identity?

List/Describe three ways the press influenced the development of the American identity. 1. Spreaded the news extremely faster 2. Made people believe that they can say whatever they wanted to without consequence 3. It caused the press to challenge the authority without fear Explain how and why colonies of the world’s most powerful empire developed unique, independent system of governing.
