explain why it is a leader’s responsibility to “contain” anxiety in an organization. course hero

by Roberto Dach 10 min read

What is responsible leadership and why does it matter?

Put simply, responsible leadership is about making sustainable business decisions which take into account the interests of all stakeholders, including: shareholders, employees, clients, suppliers, the community, the environment and future generations.

What soft skills and personality traits do responsible leaders possess?

Here are some of the soft skills and personality traits possessed by successful responsible leaders: 1 Honesty 2 Integrity 3 Long-term perspective 4 Open-minded 5 Empathy 6 Respectful of others 7 Serves others More ...

What are the primary tasks leaders are expected to do?

As leaders, there are four primary tasks that we are expected to do and do them well, for the overall success of our team and the vision we are trying to realise. As leaders it is our responsibility to observe what is happening inside the organisation, within our team, with the people who we are leading.

What skills do you need to be a responsible leader?

There are also a number of hard skills you will need to acquire as a responsible leader. For example, having a good understanding of what responsible and sustainable practices are in order to develop your personal and professional value. Knowing strategies for engaging with various stakeholders is also a key skill.

What is in your control as a leader?

You will be required to see through tough times. Those things aren’t in your control. What’s in your control is whether you let your anxiety fuel your desire to clear the fog or you let it consume you and cripple you and your team.

What is the emotion of leadership?

All leaders throughout their leadership journey feel intense emotion. While some big decisions like organization restructure, negotiations, acquisitions and mergers can be a source of anxiety, oftentimes it’s the small day-to-day things like a looming deadline, presentation, or a decision meeting that can be a source of stress and anxiety.

How does anxiety affect your decision making?

While making a decision, anxiety can impair your judgment making you ignore valid opinions, jump to conclusions and make faulty assumptions. When working on an important task, anxiety can distract you, preventing you from focusing on the task at hand and leave you feeling tired without accomplishing much. In some situations, anxiety can even freeze you, preventing you from taking action or making important decisions. You may overthink your situation and let those thoughts paralyze you.

How to deal with anxiety?

The first step to deal with anxiety is to acknowledge that you are feeling it. Sit with your discomfort and name it out loud. Say “I am feeling anxious.”

Why is the last question important?

The last question is the most important one because it instantly switches your mind from problem mode to solutioning mode.

What to do when you are anxious about your worst case scenario?

Are you anxious about your worst-case scenarios? Take a realistic look at what’s probable and more likely to happen. Don’t exaggerate your worst fears.

How to demonstrate confidence in leadership?

As a leader, demonstrate confident humility – humility to acknowledge the state of things as they are and confidence in your ability to set things right. You don’t want to burden your people with details about your insecurities. At the same time, you don’t want to mislead them by painting a rosy picture either.

What is responsible leadership and why is it important in today’s society?

Put simply, responsible leadership is about making sustainable business decisions which take into account the interests of all stakeholders, including: shareholders , employees , clients , suppliers , the community, the environment and future generations .

What are the challenges of responsible leadership?

The challenges of responsible leadership. Responsible leadership isn’t as simple as caring about everyone – there are lots of challenges you could face as a leader. Employees, suppliers, shareholders and policymakers all demand different things, as each group has unique concerns and needs.

Why do companies need to be socially responsible?

If companies want to maintain and grow their consumer base, they will need to lead the way in corporation social responsibility, and they can only achieve this if they have employees who understand responsible leadership and have the right skills and knowledge.

What are the characteristics of a responsible leader?

Here are some of the soft skills and personality traits possessed by successful responsible leaders: 1 Honesty 2 Integrity 3 Long-term perspective 4 Open-minded 5 Empathy 6 Respectful of others 7 Serves others

What is the ethical consciousness of millennials?

We are currently experiencing an incredibly ethically-conscious generation. Millennials (those reaching adulthood in the early 21st century) regard ethics and values higher than a generous salary. According to research carried out by Global Tolerance, 62% of millennials want to work for an organisation that makes a positive impact ...

Mukesh Gupta

As leaders, there are four primary tasks that we are expected to do and do them well, for the overall success of our team and the vision we are trying to realise.


As leaders it is our responsibility to observe what is happening inside the organisation, within our team, with the people who we are leading.

Reflect & Decide

Once we have made our observations, as leaders it is our responsibility to then reflect on what all of this means for us, our teams and the organisation that we are leading. We need to make sense of all that we observe.


Once we have made our decision about the PoV or the strategy and decided the next steps, it is super critical that we are able to communicate this with our teams with extreme clarity.


Once the strategy is decided and communicated, it is time for putting it into action. This part of our work requires us to identify and set up goals (leading and lagging) that will take us closer to our goals. This stage also requires us to put in place management systems that work like a compass and tells us when we need to course correct.

In conclusion

When talking about this, we might talk about each one of these as a distinct phase with clearly defined activities to be executed. However, in reality, all the four phases are always playing out at the same time. So, as leaders, it is our responsibility to find time on our calendars to do all the activities that each one of these phases require.

How many core responsibilities do leaders have?

At least ten core responsibilities of leaders play a significant role in how effectively they lead their teams and organizations. How they do it will vary based on the industry, products or services provided, financial positioning, business environment and culture, and their values and personality. But these factors must all be leveraged as part of their position. How well they fulfil these responsibilities to meet the needs of their organization will help to make them a great leader.

How can leaders improve their performance?

With proper coaching, development, and consulting, over time , leaders can improve in each of these roles. Individual strengths and styles will result in leaders performing better in some roles than in others. But continued attention to each responsibility will support stronger business results.

What is the purpose of culture in an organization?

The important point is to be purposeful in creating a culture that supports the vision, strategy, and business objectives important for success. Cultures can reflect a range of behaviors from independence to interdependence in how people interact, and from flexibility to stability in how people respond to change.

What is a business strategy?

Develop a business strategy – These are the plans, goals and actions that clarify how a business will operate successfully in the marketplace. It guides decisions, addresses weaknesses and threats, and leverages strengths and opportunities. It should be revisited and updated regularly to address shifts in the competitive environment.