evolution late nite labs course hero fill in the table below based on which ecomorphs

by Jaqueline Jenkins 7 min read

What was the first separate species to emerge?

Hispaniola: In this phylogeny the first separate species to emerge was the one dedicated to the middle ground of the Trunk/Crown. From that new species appeared specially adapted to the outer edges of the trees. Then, closely related to the Trunk Ground ectomorphs which are far down the tree came the Crown Giants. This is interesting as it implies that the selection process skipped from ground to canopy.

Where did the Anolis originate?

Jamaica: The Anolis's started on the ground/edges of the trees. A new species emerged specifically adapted to the trunk and on the ground, then came along the Crown Giants, also from the base of the Trunk-Crown ancestor implying that it was from the outer branch base that the Crown Giants emerged. Finally came along the middle ground between the Trunk/Ground and the Crown Giants with the emergence of the Trunk Crowns. .

Which continent has very different ecological niches than the islands we are studying?

2. The South American mainland has very different ecological niches than the islands we are studying. The mainland anoles have very different morphologies than island Anoles. Does this information support the theory of evolutionary convergence of anole ecomorphs?

Is environmental similarity a must for convergent evolutionary traits?

It would suggest the environmental similarity is a must for convergent evolutionary traits.

Is the dewlap a sexual selection?

Limited sexual selection as the dewlap is not huge but the body color is very bright and does differ significantly enough from the females to imply some limited sexual attraction change.