ethics implies deciding on a course of action when clear decision rules are available. true false

by Willow Wisozk PhD 10 min read

What is ethical decision-making?

3) Decide on a course of action. 4) Implement. There are several ways that a manager can use this framework to make decisions – intuition, analysis, democratic process, etc. However, they all contain the same elements of problem identification and then evaluating alternatives before deciding on a course of action.

What is the right answer to the ethical dilemma?

may communicate different messages about the most ethical course of action (Carson, 2013). In these situations where the code is not clear and consistent about the ethical course of action, a decision-making model is necessary. For the purposes of this ethical decision-making model, an ethical dilemma is defined as a situation where ethical codes

What is the ethics model in ethics?

7. The final step in the ethical decision making process is: a. Identify the stakeholders and consider the situation from their point of view. b. Ask yourself how the action makes you feel about yourself. c. Make decisions. d. Monitor outcomes. 8. Ethics implies deciding on a course of action when clear decision rules are available. (True or ...

What is the third step in the decision making process?

Ethics also implies deciding on a course of action when no clear decision rule is available. Dilemmas occur when the choices are incompatible and when one course of action seems to better serve your self-interest but appears to violate a moral principle. One way to tackle ethical dilemmas is to follow an ethical decision-making process, like the one described below.

What are the principles of management?

The principles of management are drawn from a number of academic fields, principally, the fields of: -actions designed to protect and improve society. - actions designed to protect and improve the corporation's own interests.

What is the difference between leadership and management?

Leadership involves the use of power and authority, while Management involves the use of non-coercive influence. false. Global trends affect both the style and the substance of management. true. As the economy moved from manufacturing to services, the need for engaging workers' minds and hearts became more important.

What is corporate social responsibility?

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) involves. -actions designed to protect and improve society. - actions designed to protect and improve the corporation's own interests. - actions to improve the inactive relationship between the corporation and it's business environment. The 4 functions of Management are:

What is empowerment in management?

Empowerment is the process of asking an individual to think, behave, take action, and control work and decision making in an organization. There are two major functions that all successful managers perform. The principles of management are drawn from a number of academic fields, principally, the fields of:

What is the purpose of the chapter on ethical decision making?

The purpose of this chapter is to: 1) Outline the decision making process. 2) Explain the nature of ethical decision making. 3) Provide ethical frameworks used in making decision making.

What is the first challenge in decision making?

Identify the Problem. The first challenge in decision making is working to understand what the problem is . Ineffective managers focus on the symptoms without identifying the underlying issues. A child with a runny nose does not have a runny nose problem, she has an infectious disease causing a running nose.

Why do we need ethical frameworks?

Ethical Frameworks. Because the law is insufficient, and the nature of ethical dilemmas is one of navigating ambiguity, we need to establish frameworks that will help us make decisions. The following ethical frameworks are intended to do that. Moral relativism offers a local solution to making ethical decisions.

Why is the law insufficient?

The short answer is that the law is an insufficient means to regulate our ethical decision making. There are two primary reasons for this. First, the law gives us bare minimums in terms of safety, human dignity, and respect of rights. However, most ethical dilemmas are navigated well above these elements.

What does Socrates say about a sand heap?

Socrates tells us that at one point the sand heap is a heap, and at some point the heap becomes something less than a heap. There exists a gray area within the change, a point that determines whether or not it’s a heap, but that point is unclear.

Why do we jump right into the middle of the gray area?

We naturally jump right into the middle of the gray area because we know the extremes and the fringes of the gray area are not worth pursuing. It is in the gray area that we must navigate, using ethical decision making to figure out the best solution. We can achieve good decision making using ethical frameworks.

What is problem identification?

The problem identification is simply a matter of understanding that personal preferences and personal obligations will conflict as he tries to schedule shifts. This problem does not require the manager to generate a wide list of alternatives. It might include negotiation, allowing workers to swap shifts, or simply making a schedule and forcing employees to deal with it. However, there are bigger problems that require a manager to generate a long and comprehensive list of alternatives. When problems have intense consequences, or the context is an unknown one to the organization, a wide list of alternatives is necessary. The future is unknown, and the problem is unlike one you’ve ever seen. This is the time to brainstorm, get creative, and generate alternatives.

What is the role of ethics in decision making?

Integrating Ethics into Managerial Decision Making. Ethics implies making a choice between decision-making rules. For instance, when choosing between two suppliers, do you choose the cheapest (decision rule 1) or the highest quality (decision rule 2).

What is the purpose of the Code of Ethics?

The purpose of the rules is to “define a code of ethics as a codification of standards that is reasonably necessary to deter wrongdoing and to promote honest and ethical conduct,” including the ethical handling of actual or apparent conflicts of interest, compliance with laws, and accountability to adhere to the code.

Why is ethics important in management?

Ethical behavior among managers is even more important in organizations because leaders set the moral tone of the organization and serve as role models. Ethical leaders build trust in organizations.

How to make it clear to employees that you expect them to conduct business in an ethical manner?

As a manager, you can make it clear to employees that you expect them to conduct business in an ethical manner by offering seminars on ethics, having an ethics hotline via which employees can anonymously raise issues, and having an ombudsman office or ethics committee to investigate issues.

Why is ethical behavior important?

Ethical behavior earns the trust of customers and suppliers as well. It earns the public’s good will. Ethical managers and ethical businesses tend to be more trusted and better treated. They suffer less resentment, inefficiency, litigation, and government interference.

What is product pricing policy?

Product pricing policies (variable pricing, discounts) Communication (with stockholders, announcements of plant closings, etc.) It’s easy to think that people who behave unethically are simply bad apples or have a character flaw. But in fact, it’s often the situation or circumstances that create the ethical pressures.

What does it mean when a company says it cares about the safety of employees but then does not buy enough protective

If the company says it cares about the safety of employees but then does not buy enough protective gear for them, it is not behaving in line with its code. Likewise, if managers exhibit unsafe behavior or look the other way when employees act unsafely, their behavior is not aligned with their stated code.